Tuesday, November 15, 2022

To Whom Much Is Given, Much Is Expected in Jesus Christ


Psalm 146: 3-4

 Do not trust in human leaders. Nobody that is only human can save you. When they die, they return to the ground. On that day, their plans come to an end.

Why does everything seem upside down in the world today? It is because too many people in the world are relying on the human leaders in the world to solve all the problems in the world. The problem with this viewpoint is that humanity has had PLENTY OF TIME to solve the issues of the human heart and it is yet to be resolved.

As the People of the Living God, we have to continue to trust only in His mercy and His love. We must pray about the leadership in our countries, that the will of God will be done despite what our human leaders truly desire to happen in our communities...

We are expected to keep God's word in our hearts and the live according to His standards; the world will not accept His ruler ship until they accept Jesus Christ into their hearts, and that is something that may never happen for those who believe that humanity can save itself.

   The bible says that we cannot place our trust in human leadership, so we must be ready to live for God no matter what happens in our lives today. We must not blindly believe everything that we hear in the media and the mainstream.  Seek God's will for your life and never give up believing in God's mercy and His grace. Allow Him to show you the truth about what is truly happening in the world today, and then make yourself ready to prove His word by interceding with prayers of thanksgiving and supplication. 

  You must make a stand to live only for the One who died for you and who loves you with all of His heart, mind and soul, our Lord and savior, Jesus Christ...


Wednesday, November 2, 2022

What Do The Signs On Jesus Body Mean?

Hebrews chapter 5:7-10

 During the days of Jesus’ life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with fervent cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission.  Son though he was, he learned obedience from what he suffered and, once made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him  and was designated by God to be high priest in the order of Melchizedek.

What could we learn from Jesus that He Himself had to learn? Obedience to the will of God in every circumstance. Jesus was the living embodiment of the Word of God, so He could not disobey the very thing that justified His existence, but He did learn obedience through suffering and pain. This was not suffering and pain that He caused by His actions. He suffered because of His righteous actions. He was the only man who walked on the earth who had never sinned. 

So, at the cross, He was given the precious signs of His suffering and His righteousness: The thorns that pierced His head, the bloody stripes on His back from the Roman soldiers, the nails that were pounded into His flesh, the spear wound in the side of His body, the sins of the world, past, present, and future that He bore in His soul, and the scorn and hatred of the unbelievers that He had come to save...

These signs are the evidence and proof of who Jesus is and what He experienced as the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. They will always be a part of Him and He is a different person because of this experience. He knows what true suffering is, and He was willing to take the blame for every man, woman and child so that they would not have to suffer forever for their sins. That is why it is so sad for Him, and for those of us who believe in Jesus to think about those who will experience eternal judgment for their sins because they will refuse His sweet gift of salvation.

Those who reject the Gospel of Jesus Christ will receive eternal suffering as the price that they must pay for their sins. We as believers of Jesus Christ will have the signs of our Lord Jesus upon us, and the sufferings we experience in our lives will be the signs of who we have become in Christ Jesus. The Blood of the Lamb covers all our sins and transgressions, and restores our hearts and minds. These trials will not hinder us in life if we continue to live for The Lord and not give up or lose hope. The signs in our soul will show our maturity and spiritual growth as we choose to live by God's word.

While we may suffer, there is hope because He will get the glory as we lay down our lives for Him as He laid down His life for us.  There will be victory and joy in our hearts as we allow Him to live through us, and as He wins our battles against our enemies. He will never leave us nor forsake us, so we know that He already has a plan for our lives, we just need to be willing to go along with His purposes for our lives.

Without the trials and tribulations of life we would never be able to understand what is good or bad, or what is love and hate. We would never realize how much we need a savior because of our imperfect and corrupt human nature. 

Faith That Is Not Tested Is Not Faith At All...

If you want to know what true love is, ask the savior to come into your heart and make you whole:

Lord Jesus, I confess my sins and ask for your forgiveness. Please come into my heart as my Lord and Savior. Take complete control of my life and help me to walk in Your footsteps daily by the power of the Holy Spirit. Thank you Lord for saving me and for answering my prayer.  


Tuesday, November 1, 2022

The Real Truth In Our Hearts

 Psalm 19:9

The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever: The judgments of the Lord are true; they are righteous altogether.

What is truth? So many people believe that they know the truth about everything in the world. If you encounter someone who says this about themselves, take it as a sign of caution, because we are not God. We cannot know everything that there is to know. We Are Here To Learn About God, Love, And Who We Are In Jesus Christ!

So, when someone tells you that they have the secrets to life, and this knowledge does not originate from the Word of God, do not believe the things that they say. They could say some good things, they may even have a few good words that seem wise, but if they do not declare themselves a follower of Jesus Christ, and if they have never read the bible, step away from them and the situation you find yourself in. Be courteous, and be kind, but Do Not Let That Person Feed You Their Truth Right Into Your Soul...

This is serious - we cannot live for ourselves, or for vain knowledge and expect to enter the Kingdom of God. You either live for Jesus Christ and His word, or you live to satisfy your view of life and the cosmos. The two will never be the same.

Life saving truth comes when you realize that you need a savior because you cannot save yourself. Once you accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, you will be able to see things from God's perspective, and your life will finally have a purpose. His will for your life will give you hope. 

And how will the truth change your life?  It Is Not About The Truth That You Hear, It Is About The Truth That You Know...

Just start to live your life for Jesus, and you will begin to know the real truth that will transform your heart and mind.

 You cannot understand why people choose to become a christian until you begin to see things through the eyes of Jesus.  He will heal of your soul wounds, He will heal your body. He will give you everything to live a peaceful and successful life. Once you were poor, but now you are rich in heart and mind and resources. 

The truth of living for Jesus Christ is simple - Give Him your life and your problems and He will deliver your from your enemies and give you the victory in your life....

Prayer of Salvation - If you need someone to love your with all of His heart, to guide you to victory in every circumstance, then repeat this prayer of salvation:

Lord Jesus, I confess my sins and ask for your forgiveness. Please come into my heart as my Lord and Savior. Take complete control of my life and help me to walk in Your footsteps daily by the power of the Holy Spirit. Thank you Lord for saving me and for answering my prayer.  


What Does Worship Mean To You?


Deuteronomy 10:21

He is the one you praise; he is your God, who performed for you those great and awesome wonders you saw with your own eyes.

God is looking for the people who will given Him praise from their hearts. Worship is a necessary act for a christian because it is a vital link to the one that they love, Jesus Christ.

Worship from the heart gives meaning to everything that we as the people of God suffer everyday. If we did not have the Lord in our lives, who could we place our faith upon?  There are many people who do extraordinary things, that have great talent and resources, but they cannot save you from yourself - there is only one person who lived to die for our sins, The Lamb Of God who takes away the sins of the world.

God wants people to understand the depths of passion and love in the heart of Jesus. No ordinary or extraordinary man would be able to do the same, only the one who was sinless and perfect in every way could have accomplished so much with their death, and only he could have defeated our enemies, satan and his demons, when God the father brought Him back to life in victory and in joyful satisfaction.

So, What should worship mean to those who call themselves followers of Jesus Christ?  Worshiping God means telling God that you love Him. When we praise Him, we are telling Him how much we appreciate what Jesus Christ has done in our lives. Whether it is public or private worship, when we praise God, God is focused upon the love and appreciation He perceives in our hearts.

The Lord knows the true worshipers from the fake ones, so we don't have to be concerned by people that play church. No one can take away the love of God in our hearts, and God knows who is really His and who are the devil's children. We need to be focused upon worshiping the Lord with all of our hearts, and then saying prayers for the pretenders, because we know that the pretenders will never be able to cash in on their 'works' for God without a true repentance from their hearts.

Friday, October 28, 2022

Have You Heard From The Lord?

 John 10:27

My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.

How do you know that you have heard from the Lord? What if you hear something in your spirit but you are not sure that it is the Lord? Sometimes our thoughts make us believe that we have something that the Lord never wanted for our lives. Sometimes it is a word straight from the pit of hell trying to mislead us and divert our lives from the will of God. How can you determine the truth?

God is very clear about what He wants for His children, but we are not always clear about what He has communicated to us. We can become doubtful because what we hear spiritually is not what we asked for,  or the answer to our requests is not what we anticipated it would be. We may need confirmation, and the Lord is willing to confirm His will for our lives, but when we receive that confirmation, will we decide to obey Him or go our own way?

The people of God need to know that God is always speaking to us even when we don't realize that is what He is doing. We have to be in the word of God everyday in order to determine who's voice we are hearing in our heart. Prayer and worship should be included in that time of reading and study. No one can miss God's call to them when they are constantly ushering in His presence into their lives.

Obedience and patience is also the key to perceiving the word of God for your life and circumstance. We must wait for Him to give us the answers to our prayers. Trusting and loving the Lord is vital to have a close relationship with Him.

Healing Ourselves In the Lord

Philippians Chapter 4:13

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Do you need healing in your body, mind and soul? Worship Him - sing praises to His Holy Name - love and adore Him. Spend time with the Lord alone in your 'prayer closet'. Usher in the presence of the Lord into your room and into your daily life.

In His presence pain and suffering must end - diseases must shrivel up and die - hate and fear will disappear in a flash as if it never existed.  Love is the key and the answer to defeating death, that is eternal spiritual death -  the Lord will not and cannot allow spiritual death into His presence. Have you noticed that spiritually dead people cannot understand what you see and feel in God's presence unless they decide to repent of their sins and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and savior?

Remember that God is love and so you cannot truly hate yourself or anyone else when He is in your heart, because negative feelings and sin cannot bear the power and the weight of His everlasting love for you - they will flee in the face of the light and the power of our savior, Jesus Christ.

Love Him with all our your heart and you will be loved by Him Forever...

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

How To Deal With The Enemy

 Psalm 119:136

Streams of water come from my eyes because people do not obey your teaching.

People are suffering right now, as you read these words there are people crying everywhere because other men or women have afflicted them with suffering. We cry because of the pain that other people subject us to, and some cry because they cannot understand why it is so hard for human beings to be kind and compassionate to each other.

When someone does something wrong towards you for any reason, seek God for His mercy. Release the problem to Him, allow the Lord to give you the strength to bear it, allow Him to resolve the issue. Think of it as a way for the Lord to teach you patience and to strengthen your faith.

You will learn to lean upon Him instead of trying to do it in your own strength. Do not seek revenge for yourself, let the Lord Jesus solve the issue for you. Your circumstances may not have been in God's plan for your life, but the Lord may choose to use it as a way of growing you spiritually.

Be at peace and never allow the enemy to take away the joy in your heart. Forgive the person who hurt you right away and release that pain unto The Lamb of God, Jesus Christ, for He cares for you  He is the Good Shepard, who cares for all of His little lambs. They are in His heart and mind so He will heal them of all their pains and sorrows when they come to Him prayer. He will defeat your enemies as they try to destroy you, they themselves will be destroyed.

Pray, and then trust and obey His word and His will for your life....

Monday, October 24, 2022

Your Word Is A Lamp To My Feet

 Psalm 119:105

Your word is a lamp to my foot and a light to my path.

God's word shines upon your heart when you are willing to see it for what it truly is - a love story for the people of God. He loves everyone, even if they don't believe in Him, even if they decide to reject Him and His word. God never changes, so when He loves you, you can believe that He will love you forever...

The word brings clarity and peace into your situation. Our worries, our fears, and our frustrations will cloud our judgment. We have to live for Him before we can see the truth about our circumstances. Pride is destructive because it gives a person a distorted view of themselves. Your fears can stop you from being the person that God intended you to be.

First, you have to know who God is and why He created you, then you need to accept His gift of salvation through His son, Jesus Christ, who died on the cross to cover all our sins, an innocent man who is also apart of God's Trinity - The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit.

Once you become a citizen of the Kingdom of God, the Holy Spirit begins to dwell in your heart, and He never leaves God's beloved, ever. You will have peace and joy in your heart, and once you begin to read and study the world of God, then you will understand the true meaning of life and what God has always wanted for His children...

The light comes on in your heart and mind once you begin to live for Him. Your priority is to love the Lord and the Savior who created you and saved you from a fate worse than death. It is a horrible existence to live outside the love and influence of our Lord, Jesus Christ. No one should ever be cast out forever in the place of darkness and everlasting pain. 

You can believe that the Lord makes every effort to bring every one of His little ones into the light; we must be willing to give Him all of us as He was willing to give all of Himself to save us all on the cross....

   Do want to know the love of God forever and ever?  Please repeat this prayer:  

   Lord Jesus, I confess my sins and ask for your forgiveness. Please come into my heart as my Lord and Savior. Take complete control of my life and help me to walk in Your footsteps daily by the power of the Holy Spirit. Thank you Lord for saving me and for answering my prayer  AMEN 

   You will never regret being adopted into the family of God or being the object of His Love...

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Help Me Lord To Keep My Integrity

 Psalm 119:61

 People who do not know God are all round me.
  They tie me up but still I do not forget your teaching.

When others are trying to make your life a living hell, how should you react to their actions? What should you do in response?  Nothing At All, Except To Praise The Lord!

We do not fight our own battles, the unbelievers have to do that. It is the reason that all of those movies with slick and powerful men with guns and moves are so popular. Avenging yourself is the only way the world can justify their battles, but the Lord does not need us to fight His battles or our own...He is our avenger.

So, when other people try to steal from you, say bad things about you behind your back, or physically try to hurt you, your response is not to fight back in the way the world expects you to respond - Get On Your Knees And Begin To Pray, Lift Your Hands in Prayer and Worship. Declare His Word against the powers of the enemy, the devil who prompts these people to wage war against you. The devil is a defeated foe and his servant demons will have no power over you if you surrender your problems and issues to the Lord and let the Lord defeat them on your behalf.

Humans with a lot money and power believe they will never suffer defeat. They don't realize that they already are defeated because the depend upon their money and power to protect them, but no one has more power than the poorest little child on the face of the earth who has the Holy Spirit in their heart...

Remember to focus upon God's word in the time of trouble and allow His spirit to move your actions from hopelessness and despair into victory and joy - Hallelujah, Jesus Christ is Lord!

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

What Makes The People Of God Very Happy

 Psalm 119:2

The people that keep to his instructions are very happy.
  They look for him with all their heart.

Genuine conversion is the desire to know God on a more intimate level. You must seek more than just the typical Christian lifestyle, such as going to church once a week, the typical prayer requests and reading the bible occasionally.

A spiritually mature christian takes the time to be alone with the Lord, in prayer and worship,  reading the bible on a consistent and daily basis, researching His word and learning more about the bible. Deeper study is required to understand who God is and what you mean to Him.

Becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ means that you are constantly learning and growing from your experiences as a child of God. If you are not learning, then you are not in a place where God's word can penetrate into your heart. We must pursue intimacy with the Lord, and we must have a desire to live in His presence...

The more that we know about God, the more that we will desire to know more about Him. As we come to know God better and better, our views about life and about ourselves will change and conform to His will for our lives.

Spiritually maturity comes from:

1. reading the word of God consistently

2. asking the Holy Spirit to help you understand His word and to give you revelation knowledge about the kingdom of God

3. being willing to be changed by the word of God and allow the Holy Spirit to change your mind and your heart

4. deepening your faith and trust in the Lord by obeying His word and His Godly standards for your life

5. opening our hearts to His love, and as we are willing to live our lives for Him the desire to worship in His presence will increase.

6. learning what true love is, and as He loves us we will be willing to love others in the same way - we will even learn to love our enemies with the love of the Lord. Our ordinary human desires will not be able to overcome our heavenly, righteous desires to live for Him. 

So, if we allow the Holy Spirit to give us the power to live as a true follower of Jesus Christ, we will learn how to love ourselves and the people we meet in our lives every single day....

Friday, September 9, 2022

When One Falls Another Rises

  Isaiah Chapter 6:1

In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord, high and exalted, seated on a throne; and the train of his robe filled the temple.

Desire Is The Key!

Why is this verse so important regarding what is happening in our times today?  A king of long ago had died, and the prophet Isaiah was given a vision of the Lord Almighty in His celestial temple. What an awe inspiring sight that must have been, and Isaiah felt his inadequacy in the presence of a Holy and Magnificent God, the God of His heart…

The time had come to give Isaiah his new task,  to speak to the land of Israel on behalf of His God, but the Lord waited until King Uzziah died before giving Isaiah this vision and these new words of prophecy...Why?

We must always be aware of the times that we live in. Today is not as bad as what will come in the future, but we have to be aware that God is watching over us and that He needs our attention. If you become too distracted, you  could miss the calling of God in your life.

A queen has lost her battle with life, and a new king will arise to take her place. This new ruler has the potential to bring peace in the world.  This new ruler also has the potential to bring about death and destruction in the world because of the desires within his heart…

It was said in the media that a rainbow appeared over Buckingham Palace after the queen died. This is not a coincidence, It is definitely a message from God, but not the one that many will hope that it means.

Just recently I heard from other ministries that the sign of the rainbow in the sky does not actually mean a positive thing,  it is actually  connected to judgement.  God put a bow in the sky after the flood to give a testimony about His commitment to mankind and to give them a remembrance of the previous judgment, the flood that destroyed everything living on the face of the earth except those he rescued and protected in Noah;s ark.

He will never destroy the earth again with a flood, but the scriptures show that in the end times the earth will be destroyed by cataclysmic events, heat and fire. What is about to come on planet earth is worse than even the ancient people of the flood experienced.

God gives His children more than enough time to repent from their sins. In their individual lives, He tries to show them the error of their ways, but many people are not really interested in changing their ways. The desires of their hearts are revealed by their actions. Your desires affect every part of your life. Everyone knows when they have made a mistake. Some will admit the problem and try to change their ways, while others are too busy enjoying what they are doing to think about the consequences of their actions.

Sin is always our enemy, and when you sleep with the enemy, you will rise with the judgement against you….

The queen reigned for 70 years, and while there were serious problems in every part of the world, her influence was felt worldwide. This was a time when people actually respected morals and competent leaders. What is coming now will be a test of the desires of people’s hearts.

What do people want now? Do they want to follow judeo/christian values, or will they decide to live for the pleasures that life has to offer? 

What people desire in their hearts is what makes them who they are. I often wondered why the gay/bisexual/transgender community adopted the rainbow as a symbol of their cause, and now I realize that they really did not understand the meaning of the rainbow in the sky.  It is a symbol of judgments, current and upcoming.

By adopting this symbol, they are unwittingly broadcasting to the world  that a judgment is coming regarding their desire to live their lives contrary to the word of God.

My God is a gentleman, and He will not force anyone to live for Him, He wants a relationship with every human being, and He is willing to capture their hearts at any age, even until their last breath and last moment of existence,, but He will not tolerate sin in His presence. Only by a true desire to live for God can we be considered one of His own.

Your desire to live your life as you see fit may seem right to you, but really down deep in your heart, you may be feeling fear, anxiety, and confusion because a part of you is always aware that there is something more to life,  and that something is missing within you. You have a place in your heart that is an empty place where God should be.

Judgment starts at the head of the line and continues on down to the last person. We must seek God wherever we can find Him. We must put Him first in our lives. Our desires can deceive us into believing that we are living for God. A church lifestyle can deceive us into believing that our desire for God is sincere. We can go to church, give an hour or so of our time every Sunday, and still be as far from God as any unbeliever.

When we play at church, the whole world knows the truth. They see you on a Sunday praising God, and then they see on a Thursday, acting up, and doing the same things that everyone else is doing. They may never call you out on your hypocrisy, but your actions may make them believe that Christianity is just another game that some people play to make themselves seem righteous…

Are you righteous? Do you know why you are righteous? It is not because of your works, it is what the Lord Jesus did on the cross to save you from your sins. When Father God sees us, He sees The Blood of His Son Jesus that has been applied to our lives and to our hearts. Jesus is the only One that is Righteous, and we have benefited from His work  as the Son of God, and as the perfect sacrifice for everyone’s sin in the whole world. Now it is our task to tell the world about His sweet love for us and His determination to save as many lives as He can as the world quickly slides deeper into sin and into the depths of hell….

Saturday, August 27, 2022

The New Wealth Transfer For The People Of God

 Philippians 4:19

And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.

What we need right now is help from heaven. The way things are going, no one knows how we will survive even the next year, but the Lord has been watching everything that His people are doing and He has a plan to deliver them from the chaos and the confusion of this world.

Right now there are many prophecies of a sudden and great wealth transfer to the people of God in the form of a crypto coin called Shiba Inu:

If you do not know anything about cryptocurrency, then you should do your research to learn more about it because many prophets are saying that it is the currency of the future, specifically that many people and businesses around the world will continue to accept and adopt this form of payment for goods and services. You have probably heard of bitcoin and some of the first crypto coins to be invented and used in the last 12 years, but shiba inu is a new coin that has only been in existence for the last two years. It has grown steadily in that time and has a lot of community and corporate support.

What I can tell you is that I have never seen so much chatter and support for a coin from a spiritual standpoint. It seems that the Lord Himself is trying to let everyone know that He is reserving an end time transfer of wealth for His people to help them survive the coming years of chaos, confusion and shortages. Inflation is out of control and it may take a few years before we see any relief if at all....

I believe the Lord is urging His people to take advantage of this bounty while it is available. He is the ruler of the earth and our universe and He knows exactly what we need and when to provide for His people.  These prophetic voices are urging people to buy shiba inu and to hold it and to wait for the great price increase that is coming very soon.  It is being predicted that this transfer of wealth will take place within the next 30 days - so please pray about what the Lord will have you to do in this situation and then obey the promptings of the Holy Spirit

There is talk about a price increase on the coins algorand, ripple, ethereum, stellar, and there is talk about bitcoin prices rising very high in the near future, but don't take my word for it, ask the Lord who prompted me to post this article. Please watch these videos and see if any of these prophecies seem good or pleasant to you  - we are the people of God and He needs us to be in a position of power and influence to show the love of Jesus Christ and to speak His words of reconciliation.  We need to have the resources to do His will in the world. He is showing you the way to peace and prosperity, so He urges you to take His gift of provision...

Friday, June 17, 2022

Safe In His Hands

 “I know that all that happens to me is working for my good if I love God and I am fitting into His plans.”

— Romans 8:28 (TLB), personalized

We have the priviledge of being His children because we choose to live for Jesus Christ. The Lord gives us the strength to live for Him. We live under a constant cloud of grace. It might not seem so to other people or even to ourselves; our lives may seem difficult to those who cannot see the transforming power manifesting in our hearts.

We live for the glories of having the Creator of the Universe living within our bodies; we become a temple for the Holy Spirit. We have peace, love, joy, and wisdom as our support tools for everyday living, and that is why we can still enjoy our lives even in the most impossible of situations. The others around us wonder how we are able to cope with all of the craziness and confusion in the world.

Our focus should be on what God wants to do in our circumstances when our troubles seem impossible to overcome; that is when we put our trust in Jesus, the author and finisher our our faith. Our issues will not defeat us, because we have the promptings of the Holy Spirit urging us to wait patiently for our deliverance - I hear the Holy Spirit saying to our hearts, 'stand and see what the Lord will do in this place you find yourself in, you will have complete victory, and God will get all of the glory'...

Therefore, as children of God our bad times will not destroy us but will uplift us, as we experience the overwhelming love and presence of Jesus Christ in our hearts, and as we experience the power of the living God in our lives. We cannot understand who He is if we have never had a victory in our lives because of His Grace and Mercy. 

This is the basis of our relationship with the Lord - it has nothing to do with religion or religious practices. At the end of the day, when we find ourselves in a bad situations with no help in sight, what should we do next? We pray for deliverance, we stand on the word of God and proclaim His promises that are ours because of our relationship with Him. Unbelievers cannot claim these promises, and no amount of religious traditions or practices can activate His word in your life. Do you know what can activate it? Repeat this Prayer:

Dear Lord Jesus, I am so sorry for my sins, please come into my heart right now, I want to live for you, please come into my life and so that I will know the peace of God and be safe in your hands...

Hallelujah!! You have just entered the Kingdom of God - The Holy Spirit is within you now, ask the Lord to guide into this new relationship in your life, and love Him with all of your heart, with all of your mind, and with all of your soul...

Saturday, May 28, 2022

The Benefits Of Cooperation

Genesis 11:1-9

Now the whole world had one language and a common speech.  As people moved eastward, they found a plain in Shinar and settled there. They said to each other, “Come, let’s make bricks and bake them thoroughly.” They used brick instead of stone, and tar for mortar. Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves; otherwise we will be scattered over the face of the whole earth.”

But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower the people were building.  The Lord said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.” So the Lord scattered them from there over all the earth, and they stopped building the city.  That is why it was called Babel, because there the Lord confused the language of the whole world. From there the Lord scattered them over the face of the whole earth.

Do you know why the earth works better when people learn how to cooperate? Sharing the burden of life gives people relief, peace and hope in a fallen world where individuals routinely lose hope every single day. When you are willing to work with the people in your life, there is a sense of encouragement and accomplishment when the task gets done quickly and efficiently, and then you know for sure that the task could not have been done without the help of your friends.

In the scriiptures, God looked upon the tower of babel with displeasure. He sees all the humans of the earth in one heart and one goal to build a tower all the way up to heaven. The people of the time didnt know that it was not a wise thing to build a tower high into the atmosphere, and they may have ignored the truth about God because they wanted to make a name for themselves in the universe. They wanted to worship themselves or anything else but the creator who made them.

God's solution was to confuse them by making them speak different languages so that they could not understand each other, and so that they would spread out and fill the earth as God had intended them to do. He put this barrier into their everyday lives so that they would have to work harder to communicate and cooperate. He knew that they had to stop focusing upon themselves and begin to focus on the true meaning of life, which can only be found in the love and presence of a righteous God.

Why is cooperation the best solution for mankind's problems? When we choose to live together in peace and harmony, we can develop solutions that will help the world. People on one side of the world are better off because of the works and efforts of other people on the other side of the world. We can share ideas and resources, we can be kind and considerate to each other, and we can believe in each others' dreams. 

But what happens to people when we fail to cooperate?  Well, it seems that most people do want to cooperature and share with each other, but there are always some that want everything for themselves. They want to dominate and control everyone else because they believe their way is better and they will do anything to get their way, even if it means destroying everyone or anyone that gets in their way...

Global trade and cooperation is a great concept, but it will only work when the people involved agree to do the right things in every circumstance. When you have greedy and evil people as political leaders, their agenda will always be about what they want for themselves and how much they can take from everyone else. It will never be about what is best for the people that they have sworn to govern and protect, and that is why the world is what it is today. We are at the mercy of these dictators; they have almost complete control of our lives, and the quality of life has gone down significandictattly.

This is why the Lord scattered our ancestors to the four corners of this world. You cannot have a few people ruling over everyone else because of the corruption and sinful nature of human beings. Until Jesus Christ comes back to rule the world righteously on behalf of our Father God, we cannot and should not trust in a one world government; that type of governing body will always vote to preserve itself at the expense of everyone else. There is no wisdom in a ruler who does not have the Holy Spirit in their hearts.

We all have an issue with sin; the human race does not belong in heaven in our fallen human state and that is why God had to put an end to the tower of babel. Can you imagine spreading the lies, and the hate, and the sinful behavior throughout the universe? We can't even come together on this world to support each other - and that is why we need a savior who can atone for our sins, and He came in the form of God's son, Jesus Christ. We cannot excuse our own behavior to ourselves without leaning into a great deception, which flows from the pit of hell where satan and his demons plot to destoy humankind everyday.

This deception has brought us to the end of our civilization: communism is destroying the hearts and minds of millions, dictators  bullying everyone else in the world with their weapons and overbearing sense of superiority. We are on the brink of starvation because one ruler decides to take over a neighboring nation. Disease is rampant everywhere because of our own selfish actions - there is a judgment that naturally or supernaturally comes into our lives where sin is allowed to flow freely in our hearts.

We cannot escape our fate because we have been given the awesome responsibility to choose love or hate, life or death. Many people believe the purpose of their lives is to be a success by any means necessary. Love is patient, kind, considerate and compassionate, it flows from a consideration of other people's  needs. Love's sole goal is to express itself in what can be done for others and not for itself.

God is love, and that is why God wants us to be just like him. Our only solution is to decide to live for the one who died for us, Jesus Christ. Once we start living for Him and once we believe in living by God's standards, the rest of life is so much easier. We don't mind giving our hearts and mind to Him. We enjoy helping others, and we can cooperate with each other because we will see each other as God sees us, as valuable and precious human beings to be loved.

Sharing becomes a priority and not an obligation that must be fulfilled because a contract that was signed or an agreement was made. If you live long enough on planet earth, you will begin to realize that every human contract can be broken and that people can decide to change any agreement to benefit themselves against the needs of other people. When Jesus Christ lives in your heart, you can be sure that He will never leave you or forsake you and His love for you will never change. Once you feel that kind of love in your heart, you will learn how to be flexible and cooperation will be your first nature...

If you want to live for something greater than youself, if you want to know what true love is, please repeat this prayer of salvation:

Lord Jesus, I confess my sins and ask for your forgiveness. Please come into my heart as my Lord and Savior. Take complete control of my life and help me to walk in Your footsteps daily by the power of the Holy Spirit. Thank you Lord for saving me and for answering my prayer.

Friday, May 27, 2022

Surrendering Our Hearts To Him

 May I never be arrogant,  or look down on another, for each of us is an ORIGINAL. I must forsake all jealousy that dimishes the value of others.  Galations 5:26 personalized

We care for each other, and that by the word of God and the Holy Spirit in our hearts, but we are not immune to jealousy and envy against the people who do not believe in Jesus Christ.

Their lives look so simple and easy. They have money, they execute influence and power. They are popular and seen in the media everywhere and they can often inspire hunger from our souls. This type of hunger can make us sin if we allow it to dominate our thoughts and our hearts.

What can be said about the people who will never put their trust in Jesus Christ?  We must look upon them with compassion, because we know what their end will be. We can pray for them, so that they will have a chance to meet the Lord one day and accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior, and then we should thank the Lord for His mercy and provision in our own lives.

Never judge anyone else by what they have or their so called 'perfect' life. There is no such thing as a perfect life on this level of existence. They may be smiling on the outside and whaling on the inside. Only the Lord knows what is truly in their hearts, and that is why He is the only one who really knows who they are,,,

What should we do when we feel a need that has yet to be fulfilled? Ask the Lord for guidance and wait for His answer. We need to focus upon Him and not on our needs. By surrendering our needs and our hearts to Him, He will get the glory out of our issues and bad situations. If we let Him lead, He will guide us to safe waters and peaceful pastures where we will be filled and where we will rest in sweet satisfation.

We may not have everything that the rich and powerful pursue with all of their hearts, but if we rely upon the One who saved us and the One who claims us as children of the Kindgom of God, He will deliver us from our enemies, heal our bodies, and give us the means to acquire wealth for our sakes and for the sake of our families and the people in our communities who could use our help.

Rely Upon Him, And He Will Deliver You From Jealousy, Envy, and Hunger...

Friday, April 15, 2022

The Greatest Judge Of Your Life Will Never Be You

1 Corinthians Chapter 4:1-5

This, then, is how you ought to regard us: as servants of Christ and as those entrusted with the mysteries God has revealed. Now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful. I care very little if I am judged by you or by any human court; indeed, I do not even judge myself. My conscience is clear, but that does not make me innocent. It is the Lord who judges me. Therefore judge nothing before the appointed time; wait until the Lord comes. He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of the heart. At that time each will receive their praise from God.

Who is the greatest judge of your life? Have you judged yourself, and if so, why did you judge your own actions? In God's word, we see that we have an obligation to follow in the steps of Jesus and to pursue a righteous life. We cannot live righteously without the help of the Holy Spirit directing our thoughts and actions in a loving and fatherly way. It is not our fault that we were born into a fallen world, but we do have the responsibility to live for Jesus and to believe in His word.

Now, the apostle Paul never judged himself, he simply obeyed the Word of the Lord and lived His life righteously. Living righteously does not mean that he was perfect or innocent, it means that He chose to live His life for Jesus Christ, the One who died for him on a wooden cross and who sacrificed Himself for our sins.

We will never be perfect as we live this life right now - we hope for a better future where we will live in God's presence forever, in love, peace and joy with of our loved ones and the family of God. He requires us to desire more than what the world can give, we need to pursue love, peace and joy with all of our hearts and minds in Jesus Christ.

We are not to judge ourselves. How could we possibly judge ourselves when we actually do not understand many of the motives of our hearts? We do things that we know are not right or that will probably cause us pain in the future and we do it anyway. We are fallen human beings with the spark of the Living God in our spirits. We cannot possibly understand the world, the universe, or even our own motivations without applying the Word of God to our circumstances, and we will not be able to understand the word of God without the help of the Holy Spirit.

There is only one person who can judge our life and our actions, and that is our Lord Jesus Christ. He understands everything that we have done and all of our motivations. He will show us why we do the things that we do, and He will give us the ability to rise above our faults and weaknesses. 

Understand you who are in Jesus Christ. Love yourself as the Lord has shown His love to you. Forgive yourself for not being 'perfect'. The devil will give you an updated blow by blow report on what you have done wrong in your life. You have already been judged by those who do not know you or care about you, but God does not have a quarrel or a greivance with anyone who has accepted His Son, Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. In fact, He is admiring you for choosing to follow His Son, Jesus, and He loves that you live the Word of God daily in all of your thoughts and actions. 

He knows that you are not perfect. He knows that you may feel anger or fear, lust or greed, jealously and doubt from time to time. It would be imposssible not to feel some pain or anguish as you live for the Lord. The best thing that you can do is to give all that pain and suffering to Jesus Christ so that He can heal your heart and give you peace and joy in exchange for your ashes...

The worst thing that you can do is to judge yourself or to accept the advice of other people unless they have the Spirit of God in their own hearts. People who live for Jesus will never criticize you to make themselves seem more important in the world's eyes. People who love Jesus will help you and they will not tear you down publicly. This is why you need to seek God's advice on what you should do in your life and on what you have already done. He can give you an unbiased and loving assessment of your true motives in every situation.

Trust the Lord and avoid judging yourself or other people, and you will be able see clearly God's motive for loving you and His motive for giving His Kingdom to His dear Son, Jesus Christ...

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

The Church Belongs To God

 1 Corinthians chapter 3:3-4/20-23

You are still worldly. For since there is jealousy and quarreling among you, are you not worldly?  Are you not acting like mere humans?  For when one says, “I follow Paul,” and another, “I follow Apollos,” are you not mere human beings?

and again, “The Lord knows that the thoughts of the wise are futile.” So then, no more boasting about human leaders! All things are yours,  whether Paul or Apollos or Cephas or the world or life or death or the present or the future—all are yours, and you are of Christ, and Christ is of God.

Sometimes we tend to forget who owns the Church of God. Believers go to church and then participate in a church service in a building that was set aside for special services, but the building is not the Body of Christ - We are the Body of Christ.

Who was it who sacrified Himself on the Cross so that our sins would be atoned for by His own Blood? He cared about us so much that He allowed Himself to be born and to be seen as a mere man, a humble servant for His Father in Heaven.  He loved us enough to suffer the shame of sin and death so that one day we would be able to live eternally with Him.

We enjoy listening to great sermons, we enjoy singing worship songs, and we love to spend time in our places of worship, but the Chruch of God is not confined to any building. The Church of God is everywhere. Wherever you can find two or more people that are worshiping or praying together, that is the Church of God

Your pastor does not own you - no pastor, evangelist, minister or speaker can claim to have saved you. It was the Holy Spirit that knocked upon the door of your heart and offered you the sweet gift of salvation that you accepted once you confessed the Lord Jesus christ as your personal Lord and Savior. The Church of God belongs to Jesus Christ!

No church or denomination can claim any believer. Your pastor, ministers and priests are the servants of the Lord, and the most important task they have is to give you to Jesus so that He can change your life. They should point you to the way of salvation and to the word of God. You have the responsibility to accept God's gift of salvation and to love Jesus Christ with all of your heart and mind. You are responsible to allow the Holy Spirit to change you and to read the Word of God. His love will help you to love yourself and to love the people in your life.

Do not worship the leaders of your church. You should love them and be kind to them because they have a difficult job as God's servants. They will keep giving until that have nothing left to give, so pray for them and help them if they need your assistance. The people of God need to grow spiritually by prayer and worship, but also we must trust the Lord to show us what we can do for Him and He will give us the confidence and the strength to stand for His standards and His word.

Thursday, March 24, 2022

A Kiss In The Middle Of My Mess

 Psalm 34:17

When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles.

The kiss means the grace of God when you are experiencing the problems of life.
He is always there when we need Him. He encourages His children even though we may have messed up our lives. His tender words helps us forgive ourselves when we miss the mark. We are not compelled to sin, we have the power to do better, but we can allow ourselves to be deceived by our own fleshly desires.

His tender words to our heart, and His gentle touch in our spirit lets us know
that He understands why we do the things that we do, and that He WILL NOT CONDEMN US - He has already paid the price for our sins. We just need to ask Him to forgive us, and He applies His Blood to our sins and washes them away.

He does not want to judge us - if we have accepted Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior, He does not see us as His enemies, He sees us as His children and His friends, and He will move mountains and strongholds to save us...

So, you may be in a mess right now, you may be suffering from your own mistakes. You may feel lost and alone, but you are not alone. Just reach out to Jesus; He is already there waiting for you to call out to Him. You may feel discouraged and you may feel that you do not have the strength to ask Him for His help. When you feel that gentle touch in your heart, the small still voice in the back of our mind that whispers, 'I will always love you', do not ignore it. Follow that feeling and that voice to get on your knees and release all the pain and the suffering to Him.

He Loves You - He Knows What You Are Going Through - So Let Jesus Help You - You will Never Be Disappointed With His Love...