Wednesday, October 19, 2022

What Makes The People Of God Very Happy

 Psalm 119:2

The people that keep to his instructions are very happy.
  They look for him with all their heart.

Genuine conversion is the desire to know God on a more intimate level. You must seek more than just the typical Christian lifestyle, such as going to church once a week, the typical prayer requests and reading the bible occasionally.

A spiritually mature christian takes the time to be alone with the Lord, in prayer and worship,  reading the bible on a consistent and daily basis, researching His word and learning more about the bible. Deeper study is required to understand who God is and what you mean to Him.

Becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ means that you are constantly learning and growing from your experiences as a child of God. If you are not learning, then you are not in a place where God's word can penetrate into your heart. We must pursue intimacy with the Lord, and we must have a desire to live in His presence...

The more that we know about God, the more that we will desire to know more about Him. As we come to know God better and better, our views about life and about ourselves will change and conform to His will for our lives.

Spiritually maturity comes from:

1. reading the word of God consistently

2. asking the Holy Spirit to help you understand His word and to give you revelation knowledge about the kingdom of God

3. being willing to be changed by the word of God and allow the Holy Spirit to change your mind and your heart

4. deepening your faith and trust in the Lord by obeying His word and His Godly standards for your life

5. opening our hearts to His love, and as we are willing to live our lives for Him the desire to worship in His presence will increase.

6. learning what true love is, and as He loves us we will be willing to love others in the same way - we will even learn to love our enemies with the love of the Lord. Our ordinary human desires will not be able to overcome our heavenly, righteous desires to live for Him. 

So, if we allow the Holy Spirit to give us the power to live as a true follower of Jesus Christ, we will learn how to love ourselves and the people we meet in our lives every single day....

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