Hebrews chapter 5:7-10
During the days of Jesus’ life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with fervent cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission. Son though he was, he learned obedience from what he suffered and, once made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him and was designated by God to be high priest in the order of Melchizedek.
What could we learn from Jesus that He Himself had to learn? Obedience to the will of God in every circumstance. Jesus was the living embodiment of the Word of God, so He could not disobey the very thing that justified His existence, but He did learn obedience through suffering and pain. This was not suffering and pain that He caused by His actions. He suffered because of His righteous actions. He was the only man who walked on the earth who had never sinned.
So, at the cross, He was given the precious signs of His suffering and His righteousness: The thorns that pierced His head, the bloody stripes on His back from the Roman soldiers, the nails that were pounded into His flesh, the spear wound in the side of His body, the sins of the world, past, present, and future that He bore in His soul, and the scorn and hatred of the unbelievers that He had come to save...
These signs are the evidence and proof of who Jesus is and what He experienced as the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. They will always be a part of Him and He is a different person because of this experience. He knows what true suffering is, and He was willing to take the blame for every man, woman and child so that they would not have to suffer forever for their sins. That is why it is so sad for Him, and for those of us who believe in Jesus to think about those who will experience eternal judgment for their sins because they will refuse His sweet gift of salvation.
Those who reject the Gospel of Jesus Christ will receive eternal suffering as the price that they must pay for their sins. We as believers of Jesus Christ will have the signs of our Lord Jesus upon us, and the sufferings we experience in our lives will be the signs of who we have become in Christ Jesus. The Blood of the Lamb covers all our sins and transgressions, and restores our hearts and minds. These trials will not hinder us in life if we continue to live for The Lord and not give up or lose hope. The signs in our soul will show our maturity and spiritual growth as we choose to live by God's word.
While we may suffer, there is hope because He will get the glory as we lay down our lives for Him as He laid down His life for us. There will be victory and joy in our hearts as we allow Him to live through us, and as He wins our battles against our enemies. He will never leave us nor forsake us, so we know that He already has a plan for our lives, we just need to be willing to go along with His purposes for our lives.
Without the trials and tribulations of life we would never be able to understand what is good or bad, or what is love and hate. We would never realize how much we need a savior because of our imperfect and corrupt human nature.
Faith That Is Not Tested Is Not Faith At All...
If you want to know what true love is, ask the savior to come into your heart and make you whole:
Lord Jesus, I confess my sins and ask for your forgiveness. Please come into my heart as my Lord and Savior. Take complete control of my life and help me to walk in Your footsteps daily by the power of the Holy Spirit. Thank you Lord for saving me and for answering my prayer.
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