Thursday, March 24, 2022

A Kiss In The Middle Of My Mess

 Psalm 34:17

When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles.

The kiss means the grace of God when you are experiencing the problems of life.
He is always there when we need Him. He encourages His children even though we may have messed up our lives. His tender words helps us forgive ourselves when we miss the mark. We are not compelled to sin, we have the power to do better, but we can allow ourselves to be deceived by our own fleshly desires.

His tender words to our heart, and His gentle touch in our spirit lets us know
that He understands why we do the things that we do, and that He WILL NOT CONDEMN US - He has already paid the price for our sins. We just need to ask Him to forgive us, and He applies His Blood to our sins and washes them away.

He does not want to judge us - if we have accepted Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior, He does not see us as His enemies, He sees us as His children and His friends, and He will move mountains and strongholds to save us...

So, you may be in a mess right now, you may be suffering from your own mistakes. You may feel lost and alone, but you are not alone. Just reach out to Jesus; He is already there waiting for you to call out to Him. You may feel discouraged and you may feel that you do not have the strength to ask Him for His help. When you feel that gentle touch in your heart, the small still voice in the back of our mind that whispers, 'I will always love you', do not ignore it. Follow that feeling and that voice to get on your knees and release all the pain and the suffering to Him.

He Loves You - He Knows What You Are Going Through - So Let Jesus Help You - You will Never Be Disappointed With His Love...

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