Tuesday, November 1, 2022

What Does Worship Mean To You?


Deuteronomy 10:21

He is the one you praise; he is your God, who performed for you those great and awesome wonders you saw with your own eyes.

God is looking for the people who will given Him praise from their hearts. Worship is a necessary act for a christian because it is a vital link to the one that they love, Jesus Christ.

Worship from the heart gives meaning to everything that we as the people of God suffer everyday. If we did not have the Lord in our lives, who could we place our faith upon?  There are many people who do extraordinary things, that have great talent and resources, but they cannot save you from yourself - there is only one person who lived to die for our sins, The Lamb Of God who takes away the sins of the world.

God wants people to understand the depths of passion and love in the heart of Jesus. No ordinary or extraordinary man would be able to do the same, only the one who was sinless and perfect in every way could have accomplished so much with their death, and only he could have defeated our enemies, satan and his demons, when God the father brought Him back to life in victory and in joyful satisfaction.

So, What should worship mean to those who call themselves followers of Jesus Christ?  Worshiping God means telling God that you love Him. When we praise Him, we are telling Him how much we appreciate what Jesus Christ has done in our lives. Whether it is public or private worship, when we praise God, God is focused upon the love and appreciation He perceives in our hearts.

The Lord knows the true worshipers from the fake ones, so we don't have to be concerned by people that play church. No one can take away the love of God in our hearts, and God knows who is really His and who are the devil's children. We need to be focused upon worshiping the Lord with all of our hearts, and then saying prayers for the pretenders, because we know that the pretenders will never be able to cash in on their 'works' for God without a true repentance from their hearts.

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