Thursday, October 20, 2022

Help Me Lord To Keep My Integrity

 Psalm 119:61

 People who do not know God are all round me.
  They tie me up but still I do not forget your teaching.

When others are trying to make your life a living hell, how should you react to their actions? What should you do in response?  Nothing At All, Except To Praise The Lord!

We do not fight our own battles, the unbelievers have to do that. It is the reason that all of those movies with slick and powerful men with guns and moves are so popular. Avenging yourself is the only way the world can justify their battles, but the Lord does not need us to fight His battles or our own...He is our avenger.

So, when other people try to steal from you, say bad things about you behind your back, or physically try to hurt you, your response is not to fight back in the way the world expects you to respond - Get On Your Knees And Begin To Pray, Lift Your Hands in Prayer and Worship. Declare His Word against the powers of the enemy, the devil who prompts these people to wage war against you. The devil is a defeated foe and his servant demons will have no power over you if you surrender your problems and issues to the Lord and let the Lord defeat them on your behalf.

Humans with a lot money and power believe they will never suffer defeat. They don't realize that they already are defeated because the depend upon their money and power to protect them, but no one has more power than the poorest little child on the face of the earth who has the Holy Spirit in their heart...

Remember to focus upon God's word in the time of trouble and allow His spirit to move your actions from hopelessness and despair into victory and joy - Hallelujah, Jesus Christ is Lord!

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