Friday, October 28, 2022

Healing Ourselves In the Lord

Philippians Chapter 4:13

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Do you need healing in your body, mind and soul? Worship Him - sing praises to His Holy Name - love and adore Him. Spend time with the Lord alone in your 'prayer closet'. Usher in the presence of the Lord into your room and into your daily life.

In His presence pain and suffering must end - diseases must shrivel up and die - hate and fear will disappear in a flash as if it never existed.  Love is the key and the answer to defeating death, that is eternal spiritual death -  the Lord will not and cannot allow spiritual death into His presence. Have you noticed that spiritually dead people cannot understand what you see and feel in God's presence unless they decide to repent of their sins and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and savior?

Remember that God is love and so you cannot truly hate yourself or anyone else when He is in your heart, because negative feelings and sin cannot bear the power and the weight of His everlasting love for you - they will flee in the face of the light and the power of our savior, Jesus Christ.

Love Him with all our your heart and you will be loved by Him Forever...

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