Tuesday, October 25, 2022

How To Deal With The Enemy

 Psalm 119:136

Streams of water come from my eyes because people do not obey your teaching.

People are suffering right now, as you read these words there are people crying everywhere because other men or women have afflicted them with suffering. We cry because of the pain that other people subject us to, and some cry because they cannot understand why it is so hard for human beings to be kind and compassionate to each other.

When someone does something wrong towards you for any reason, seek God for His mercy. Release the problem to Him, allow the Lord to give you the strength to bear it, allow Him to resolve the issue. Think of it as a way for the Lord to teach you patience and to strengthen your faith.

You will learn to lean upon Him instead of trying to do it in your own strength. Do not seek revenge for yourself, let the Lord Jesus solve the issue for you. Your circumstances may not have been in God's plan for your life, but the Lord may choose to use it as a way of growing you spiritually.

Be at peace and never allow the enemy to take away the joy in your heart. Forgive the person who hurt you right away and release that pain unto The Lamb of God, Jesus Christ, for He cares for you  He is the Good Shepard, who cares for all of His little lambs. They are in His heart and mind so He will heal them of all their pains and sorrows when they come to Him prayer. He will defeat your enemies as they try to destroy you, they themselves will be destroyed.

Pray, and then trust and obey His word and His will for your life....

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