Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Wisdom Reigns In The End

 Proverbs 29:10-11

The bloodthirsty hate a person of integrity and seek to kill the upright. Fools give full vent to their rage, but the wise bring calm in the end

Evil hates good, and evil people will try to do anything to destroy a good man's life. Good people makes them uncomfortable. An evil person will use anyone to get more out of life, and they will not care about anyone else but themselves.

Ask the Lord to help you deal with people who are constantly trying to stab you in the back. Make sure that you are doing what is right in God's eyes, and He will make sure you will survive and thrive in the most difficult of situations.

Do not lash out in anger, but allow the Holy Spirit to work through you to make the situation a pleasant one, or as pleasant as it can be working with someone who may enjoy hurting other people to make themselves look more important. The Lord will gift you with peace in your heart and a joyful song to sing in His presence...

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