Monday, March 14, 2022

God Is Moved By Your Love

 1 John 4:8

Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. 

God Responds To Love Pray With Love In Your Heart Give Your Love To God And Express Your Love To Others By Praying For Them On Their Behalf And Be Filled With Joy - Joy Is Not The Absence Of Problems, Joy Is The Presence Of God With You At All Times

Do you want your prayers to be answered? Pray to God with love in your heart. Pray with God's love in your heart, and miracles will abound...

We need to pray. This is one of the most important tasks for a christian. You can pray with your understanding, and you can pray in the Spirit. The Lord will guide you. You cannot begin to change your environment if you refuse to act in love in your daily life...

If you cannot pray with natural human love, ask the Lord to fill you with His Holy Spirit, and then your actions will be guided by God's amazing love in your heart. You will not be the same once He invades your heart and mind.

First, He will fill you overflowing with His love. That love will heal you. You will come into His presence with peace and joy in your heart. Do you want to know what true love is? Allow the Lord to minister to your weakneseses and sins. Jesus will cleanse your heart with His Blood. He will give you the ability to live for Him only. He will give you the power to overcome your weaknesses, and all the people in your life will not believe the changes that they will see in your life.

Do you want to see changes in the environment in which you live?  Decide to Bless your enemies and pray for their deliverance. Ask the Lord to Bless them they way that you want God to Bless you and your family. Give the gift of being generous with your wishes for others so that the Lord can Bless you 1000 times over. When you give to others God will be overly generous to you.

First, you must make the decision to love everyone, including your enemies, then the Lord will give you His Spirit and His love, and then you will be able to have pity and compassion for others, even those who have hurt you and cheated you, because you will love them with His love and not your own. You can see the empty lives that your enemies are living, and you will understand that they are walking blindly into the heart of destruction. Once you understand that they are being judged even now, even while they live lives that others envy, you will be willing to pray for their salvation.

Give God your heart, and learn how to love with God's love, because God responds to those who pray sincerely in love...

Prayer of Salvation:

Dear God, I want to know how to love like you do. I realize just how empty and broken I am in my heart. I no longer want to live just for me, I want to live for you. Please Jesus, come into my heart. I make you my Lord and Savior right now and forever more. Please forgive all of my sins, and I want to show my love for you by living my life daily in your presence and praying for the ones that You love, the people of the world...AMEN

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