Proverbs chapter 29:15
A rod and a reprimand impart wisdom, but a child left undisciplined disgraces its mother.
Discipline is necessary for mental, emotional, and spiritual development. If a child does not have a routine, they will be unable to function properly in society. It is also sometimes necessary to punish bad behavior in a child because he or she will not listen to their parents.
I do not believe in constant beatings or unnecessay violence against any child, but sometimes a child needs a reality check to stop them from doing sinful acts. A child needs to know when he or she are doing right things or wrong things.
Love and encourage your children when they do the right things, talk to them and punish them when they do the wrong things while letting them know that you love them, and that you expect the best from them. Physical disciplinary action should only be used if your child ignores your words or if they continue to do the same wrong things and they know that it is wrong.
God does the same with His own children. He teaches us how to live by His word, which gives us an understanding of His standards of righteousness. We must read and apply His word to our lives. We must have a routine of prayer, worship and meditation to mature spiritually so that we can live our lives righteously in Jesus Christ.
When we stray from the truth and willfully practice sin, He allows us to suffer the consequences of our actions - in other words He takes some of His divine protection and grace from our lives so that we can feel what it is like to live without His daily provisions. If we steal, we may have to go to jail. If we lie, our lies may be exposed to our shame. If we willfully rebel against The Holy Spirit, He will go silent and allow us to live our lives without Him, but that does not mean that He leaves us without the solution of repentance and grace so that one day we may have the will to do what is right in His eyes again...
Live by God's standards so that you never have to say forever and ever in a dark place, "I wish I had listened to the voice of The Holy Spirit when He was in my life"...
Prayer of Repentance and Salvation:
Dear God, I want to live for you and not for myself. I am very sorry for all of my past sins. I acknowledge that I was wrong and now I want to make things right. Please Jesus, come into my life and into my heart. I make you my personal Lord and Savior, and from this moment on, I give my life and my heart to you. Thank you for forgiving me and for saving me, and thank you for loving me, in Jesus Name I pray, AMEN
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