Psalm 34:17
Thursday, March 24, 2022
A Kiss In The Middle Of My Mess
Tuesday, March 22, 2022
The Word of God Brings Wisdom and Grace Into Your Everyday Lives
Proverbs chapter 29:15
A rod and a reprimand impart wisdom, but a child left undisciplined disgraces its mother.
Discipline is necessary for mental, emotional, and spiritual development. If a child does not have a routine, they will be unable to function properly in society. It is also sometimes necessary to punish bad behavior in a child because he or she will not listen to their parents.
I do not believe in constant beatings or unnecessay violence against any child, but sometimes a child needs a reality check to stop them from doing sinful acts. A child needs to know when he or she are doing right things or wrong things.
Love and encourage your children when they do the right things, talk to them and punish them when they do the wrong things while letting them know that you love them, and that you expect the best from them. Physical disciplinary action should only be used if your child ignores your words or if they continue to do the same wrong things and they know that it is wrong.
God does the same with His own children. He teaches us how to live by His word, which gives us an understanding of His standards of righteousness. We must read and apply His word to our lives. We must have a routine of prayer, worship and meditation to mature spiritually so that we can live our lives righteously in Jesus Christ.
When we stray from the truth and willfully practice sin, He allows us to suffer the consequences of our actions - in other words He takes some of His divine protection and grace from our lives so that we can feel what it is like to live without His daily provisions. If we steal, we may have to go to jail. If we lie, our lies may be exposed to our shame. If we willfully rebel against The Holy Spirit, He will go silent and allow us to live our lives without Him, but that does not mean that He leaves us without the solution of repentance and grace so that one day we may have the will to do what is right in His eyes again...
Live by God's standards so that you never have to say forever and ever in a dark place, "I wish I had listened to the voice of The Holy Spirit when He was in my life"...
Prayer of Repentance and Salvation:
Dear God, I want to live for you and not for myself. I am very sorry for all of my past sins. I acknowledge that I was wrong and now I want to make things right. Please Jesus, come into my life and into my heart. I make you my personal Lord and Savior, and from this moment on, I give my life and my heart to you. Thank you for forgiving me and for saving me, and thank you for loving me, in Jesus Name I pray, AMEN
Wednesday, March 16, 2022
When The Rulers Become Corrupt, Everyone Suffers
Proverbs chapter 29: 12-14
If a ruler listens to lies, all his officials become wicked. The poor and the oppressor have this in common: The Lord gives sight to the eyes of both. If a king judges the poor with fairness, his throne will be established forever.
These are basic principles, but in every season and age as long as man has lived upon the earth, the cycle is the same. People decide to live in harmony with each other and to live by good or Godly standards. They succeed for a while, and the rulers of the land begin to change the policies in the land that helped make their country a successful one, and what enters into the land are lies, evil practices and corruption.
The corruption gets so bad that the people start protesting and they begin to rebel against the leaders that were put into office. Revolution begins or the rebels leave the country to start a new life someplace else where they can live united in peace where there are good or Godly standards...
We cannot live as the people of God live in Heaven because there is too much corruption and sin in the world. The Lord sent His Son Jesus into the world to atone for all of our sins; without the Blood of the Lamb, we could not be redeemed to live in His presence forever. Many people want to believe that we can solve our problems without God in our lives.
Humanity has had thousands of years to correct the sin issue, and the people of God believe that it is impossible to do so. We live in a modern society that tries to teach techniques to help people cope with their everyday lives. This is a temporary solution at best and certainly not the best one for living a successful life.
So, when you see our leaders lying, cheating, manipulating others for their own political agendas, please understand that this is a symptom of humanity trying desperately to solve its own problems and failing miserably, but real change could happen in our generation.
If you are God's child you will be protected, even unto death. Some will be needed to stand for good no matter what the consequences may be, and some may be needed to endure until real and lasting change arrives, but just remember to keep the Lord in your heart and to stand for His standards and not for the standards of the world...
Tuesday, March 15, 2022
Wisdom Reigns In The End
Proverbs 29:10-11
The bloodthirsty hate a person of integrity and seek to kill the upright. Fools give full vent to their rage, but the wise bring calm in the end
Evil hates good, and evil people will try to do anything to destroy a good man's life. Good people makes them uncomfortable. An evil person will use anyone to get more out of life, and they will not care about anyone else but themselves.
Ask the Lord to help you deal with people who are constantly trying to stab you in the back. Make sure that you are doing what is right in God's eyes, and He will make sure you will survive and thrive in the most difficult of situations.
Do not lash out in anger, but allow the Holy Spirit to work through you to make the situation a pleasant one, or as pleasant as it can be working with someone who may enjoy hurting other people to make themselves look more important. The Lord will gift you with peace in your heart and a joyful song to sing in His presence...
Monday, March 14, 2022
God Is Moved By Your Love
1 John 4:8
Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.
God Responds To Love Pray With Love In Your Heart Give Your Love To God And Express Your Love To Others By Praying For Them On Their Behalf And Be Filled With Joy - Joy Is Not The Absence Of Problems, Joy Is The Presence Of God With You At All Times
Do you want your prayers to be answered? Pray to God with love in your heart. Pray with God's love in your heart, and miracles will abound...
We need to pray. This is one of the most important tasks for a christian. You can pray with your understanding, and you can pray in the Spirit. The Lord will guide you. You cannot begin to change your environment if you refuse to act in love in your daily life...
If you cannot pray with natural human love, ask the Lord to fill you with His Holy Spirit, and then your actions will be guided by God's amazing love in your heart. You will not be the same once He invades your heart and mind.
First, He will fill you overflowing with His love. That love will heal you. You will come into His presence with peace and joy in your heart. Do you want to know what true love is? Allow the Lord to minister to your weakneseses and sins. Jesus will cleanse your heart with His Blood. He will give you the ability to live for Him only. He will give you the power to overcome your weaknesses, and all the people in your life will not believe the changes that they will see in your life.
Do you want to see changes in the environment in which you live? Decide to Bless your enemies and pray for their deliverance. Ask the Lord to Bless them they way that you want God to Bless you and your family. Give the gift of being generous with your wishes for others so that the Lord can Bless you 1000 times over. When you give to others God will be overly generous to you.
First, you must make the decision to love everyone, including your enemies, then the Lord will give you His Spirit and His love, and then you will be able to have pity and compassion for others, even those who have hurt you and cheated you, because you will love them with His love and not your own. You can see the empty lives that your enemies are living, and you will understand that they are walking blindly into the heart of destruction. Once you understand that they are being judged even now, even while they live lives that others envy, you will be willing to pray for their salvation.
Give God your heart, and learn how to love with God's love, because God responds to those who pray sincerely in love...
Prayer of Salvation:
Dear God, I want to know how to love like you do. I realize just how empty and broken I am in my heart. I no longer want to live just for me, I want to live for you. Please Jesus, come into my heart. I make you my Lord and Savior right now and forever more. Please forgive all of my sins, and I want to show my love for you by living my life daily in your presence and praying for the ones that You love, the people of the world...AMEN
Friday, March 4, 2022
Where Is The Greatest Source Of Peace In The World?
Psalm 4:8
I will lie down in peace. Soon I will sleep. This is because only you, LORD, keep me safe.
Where does our rest lie? Who keeps us safe when we go to sleep at night? Who gives us hope when we think 'nothing or no one can help us'? Is it not the Lion of the tribe of Judah? Is it not the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the people of God?
Why are you so frightened right now? Why do you listen to the lies of the enemy? Why do we allow the spirit of fear to influence our thoughts and leave us in a state of hopelessness? Do You Know The Lord Of Hosts For Yourself?
Why did God inspire the prophets to write the bible? Because the Lord knew that we needed a reference of hope, peace, and righteous living. We cannot know what true righteousness is until we learn what it means to live a righteous life, and we cannot know what true love is until we experience that love for ourselvles. The word of God and the true experience of peace and love gives us the strength to live and thrive in this world...
When you go to sleep, there should be no fear that you will not wake again. You have been going to sleep for many years, and you know the experience of waking up in the morning, hopefully refreshed from the labors of the day before, so it must be with the people of God. Read the word every day to refresh your soul. Pray for deliverance and favor from the One who loves you and died on the cross to reclaim you as His own.
Wait on the Lord for your deliverance. Praise His Holy name, whether it is a good day or a bad one. Meditate on His word and treat it as if it was your daily bread. Love the Lord with all of your heart and then tell Him how much you appreciate what He is doing on your behalf, trust Him as much as you would trust a close friend, because He is your greatest friend!
Thursday, March 3, 2022
Get Angry, But Do Not Sin In That Anger
Psalm 4:4
Get angry - but do nothing wrong. Go to bed. Argue with yourself - but say nothing (aloud).
Anger is only productive if it is channeled correctly; as the people of God we need to know that we are not to avenge ourselves. We have Jesus to take up the fight on our behalf. We need to trust that He will take care of all our needs.
Pain and suffering can make you angry and vengeful. God will use that situation to show Himself to you as the solution to all of your problems. When you are a believer in Jesus Christ, all of your problems become His problems, and He is willing and ready to help you, no matter what is happening in your life.
You do not have to pretend with God. If you are angry, tell him why, tell him what is in your heart. He already knows what you are feeling, but you need to tell Him so that you can deal with the issue in your heart. You cannot begin to believe in a solution if you are always denying that there is a problem that needs to be fixed. Pour out your heart to Him, and then ask Him to help you. If you need a miracle or the right solution to a problem, ask Him.
If you need healing in your heart, mind or body, ask Him to heal you. If you are angry with someone, ask Him to help you to forgive them and surrender that problem to Jesus Christ, and He will fight your battles for you, and you will receive The Victory....
Wednesday, March 2, 2022
Do You Want To Be Righteous? Live For The Lord!
Psalm 4:1
Answer me when I shout for help, O God. You are the God that makes me righteous. Give me help in my troubles. Show me that you are kind. Listen to me when I pray.
God is the one that makes us righteous. We cannot make ourselves righteous; His word is righteous. He is the one that loves us with all of His heart. His son Jesus died on the cross to atone for our sins. He shows His love for the world by allowing us to make our own decisions. Do you we choose eternal life (becoming saved in Jesus Christ), or do we choose to live for ourselves (which brings eternal death in hell because we believe that our own actions will save us)?
Ask the Lord what is the right thing to do. Be sincere in your journey to find the real truth about God and the state of this world. Do you believe that you have everything that you need in life? Is there an empty place in your heart? Have you felt restless because of what you see that is going on in the world right now? That is your spirit that is restless because it is rejecting the darkness of this world. Don't ignore the promptings of the Holy Spirit knocking upon your heart...
Do you want to know the kindness of God for yourself? Make a decision to live for Him. Allow yourself to be led into the arms of Jesus Christ. He is waiting for you to come to Him. He wants to heal your heart and bring peace and joy into your life. Real peace and real joy cannot be faked, you will know it is real when you have it.
Prayer of Salvation:
Dear Jesus, please save me right now. I am sorry for all of my past sins. I give you my heart and my life and right now I will begin to live my life for you. Thank you Jesus for saving me and for filling my heart with joy and peace, forever and ever, AMEN