Friday, October 28, 2022

Have You Heard From The Lord?

 John 10:27

My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.

How do you know that you have heard from the Lord? What if you hear something in your spirit but you are not sure that it is the Lord? Sometimes our thoughts make us believe that we have something that the Lord never wanted for our lives. Sometimes it is a word straight from the pit of hell trying to mislead us and divert our lives from the will of God. How can you determine the truth?

God is very clear about what He wants for His children, but we are not always clear about what He has communicated to us. We can become doubtful because what we hear spiritually is not what we asked for,  or the answer to our requests is not what we anticipated it would be. We may need confirmation, and the Lord is willing to confirm His will for our lives, but when we receive that confirmation, will we decide to obey Him or go our own way?

The people of God need to know that God is always speaking to us even when we don't realize that is what He is doing. We have to be in the word of God everyday in order to determine who's voice we are hearing in our heart. Prayer and worship should be included in that time of reading and study. No one can miss God's call to them when they are constantly ushering in His presence into their lives.

Obedience and patience is also the key to perceiving the word of God for your life and circumstance. We must wait for Him to give us the answers to our prayers. Trusting and loving the Lord is vital to have a close relationship with Him.

Healing Ourselves In the Lord

Philippians Chapter 4:13

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Do you need healing in your body, mind and soul? Worship Him - sing praises to His Holy Name - love and adore Him. Spend time with the Lord alone in your 'prayer closet'. Usher in the presence of the Lord into your room and into your daily life.

In His presence pain and suffering must end - diseases must shrivel up and die - hate and fear will disappear in a flash as if it never existed.  Love is the key and the answer to defeating death, that is eternal spiritual death -  the Lord will not and cannot allow spiritual death into His presence. Have you noticed that spiritually dead people cannot understand what you see and feel in God's presence unless they decide to repent of their sins and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and savior?

Remember that God is love and so you cannot truly hate yourself or anyone else when He is in your heart, because negative feelings and sin cannot bear the power and the weight of His everlasting love for you - they will flee in the face of the light and the power of our savior, Jesus Christ.

Love Him with all our your heart and you will be loved by Him Forever...

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

How To Deal With The Enemy

 Psalm 119:136

Streams of water come from my eyes because people do not obey your teaching.

People are suffering right now, as you read these words there are people crying everywhere because other men or women have afflicted them with suffering. We cry because of the pain that other people subject us to, and some cry because they cannot understand why it is so hard for human beings to be kind and compassionate to each other.

When someone does something wrong towards you for any reason, seek God for His mercy. Release the problem to Him, allow the Lord to give you the strength to bear it, allow Him to resolve the issue. Think of it as a way for the Lord to teach you patience and to strengthen your faith.

You will learn to lean upon Him instead of trying to do it in your own strength. Do not seek revenge for yourself, let the Lord Jesus solve the issue for you. Your circumstances may not have been in God's plan for your life, but the Lord may choose to use it as a way of growing you spiritually.

Be at peace and never allow the enemy to take away the joy in your heart. Forgive the person who hurt you right away and release that pain unto The Lamb of God, Jesus Christ, for He cares for you  He is the Good Shepard, who cares for all of His little lambs. They are in His heart and mind so He will heal them of all their pains and sorrows when they come to Him prayer. He will defeat your enemies as they try to destroy you, they themselves will be destroyed.

Pray, and then trust and obey His word and His will for your life....

Monday, October 24, 2022

Your Word Is A Lamp To My Feet

 Psalm 119:105

Your word is a lamp to my foot and a light to my path.

God's word shines upon your heart when you are willing to see it for what it truly is - a love story for the people of God. He loves everyone, even if they don't believe in Him, even if they decide to reject Him and His word. God never changes, so when He loves you, you can believe that He will love you forever...

The word brings clarity and peace into your situation. Our worries, our fears, and our frustrations will cloud our judgment. We have to live for Him before we can see the truth about our circumstances. Pride is destructive because it gives a person a distorted view of themselves. Your fears can stop you from being the person that God intended you to be.

First, you have to know who God is and why He created you, then you need to accept His gift of salvation through His son, Jesus Christ, who died on the cross to cover all our sins, an innocent man who is also apart of God's Trinity - The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit.

Once you become a citizen of the Kingdom of God, the Holy Spirit begins to dwell in your heart, and He never leaves God's beloved, ever. You will have peace and joy in your heart, and once you begin to read and study the world of God, then you will understand the true meaning of life and what God has always wanted for His children...

The light comes on in your heart and mind once you begin to live for Him. Your priority is to love the Lord and the Savior who created you and saved you from a fate worse than death. It is a horrible existence to live outside the love and influence of our Lord, Jesus Christ. No one should ever be cast out forever in the place of darkness and everlasting pain. 

You can believe that the Lord makes every effort to bring every one of His little ones into the light; we must be willing to give Him all of us as He was willing to give all of Himself to save us all on the cross....

   Do want to know the love of God forever and ever?  Please repeat this prayer:  

   Lord Jesus, I confess my sins and ask for your forgiveness. Please come into my heart as my Lord and Savior. Take complete control of my life and help me to walk in Your footsteps daily by the power of the Holy Spirit. Thank you Lord for saving me and for answering my prayer  AMEN 

   You will never regret being adopted into the family of God or being the object of His Love...

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Help Me Lord To Keep My Integrity

 Psalm 119:61

 People who do not know God are all round me.
  They tie me up but still I do not forget your teaching.

When others are trying to make your life a living hell, how should you react to their actions? What should you do in response?  Nothing At All, Except To Praise The Lord!

We do not fight our own battles, the unbelievers have to do that. It is the reason that all of those movies with slick and powerful men with guns and moves are so popular. Avenging yourself is the only way the world can justify their battles, but the Lord does not need us to fight His battles or our own...He is our avenger.

So, when other people try to steal from you, say bad things about you behind your back, or physically try to hurt you, your response is not to fight back in the way the world expects you to respond - Get On Your Knees And Begin To Pray, Lift Your Hands in Prayer and Worship. Declare His Word against the powers of the enemy, the devil who prompts these people to wage war against you. The devil is a defeated foe and his servant demons will have no power over you if you surrender your problems and issues to the Lord and let the Lord defeat them on your behalf.

Humans with a lot money and power believe they will never suffer defeat. They don't realize that they already are defeated because the depend upon their money and power to protect them, but no one has more power than the poorest little child on the face of the earth who has the Holy Spirit in their heart...

Remember to focus upon God's word in the time of trouble and allow His spirit to move your actions from hopelessness and despair into victory and joy - Hallelujah, Jesus Christ is Lord!

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

What Makes The People Of God Very Happy

 Psalm 119:2

The people that keep to his instructions are very happy.
  They look for him with all their heart.

Genuine conversion is the desire to know God on a more intimate level. You must seek more than just the typical Christian lifestyle, such as going to church once a week, the typical prayer requests and reading the bible occasionally.

A spiritually mature christian takes the time to be alone with the Lord, in prayer and worship,  reading the bible on a consistent and daily basis, researching His word and learning more about the bible. Deeper study is required to understand who God is and what you mean to Him.

Becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ means that you are constantly learning and growing from your experiences as a child of God. If you are not learning, then you are not in a place where God's word can penetrate into your heart. We must pursue intimacy with the Lord, and we must have a desire to live in His presence...

The more that we know about God, the more that we will desire to know more about Him. As we come to know God better and better, our views about life and about ourselves will change and conform to His will for our lives.

Spiritually maturity comes from:

1. reading the word of God consistently

2. asking the Holy Spirit to help you understand His word and to give you revelation knowledge about the kingdom of God

3. being willing to be changed by the word of God and allow the Holy Spirit to change your mind and your heart

4. deepening your faith and trust in the Lord by obeying His word and His Godly standards for your life

5. opening our hearts to His love, and as we are willing to live our lives for Him the desire to worship in His presence will increase.

6. learning what true love is, and as He loves us we will be willing to love others in the same way - we will even learn to love our enemies with the love of the Lord. Our ordinary human desires will not be able to overcome our heavenly, righteous desires to live for Him. 

So, if we allow the Holy Spirit to give us the power to live as a true follower of Jesus Christ, we will learn how to love ourselves and the people we meet in our lives every single day....