Thursday, December 5, 2019

A New Generation Of Believers

The time has come for all believers to realize that we need Him more now than ever before. There was a time when things seemed okay, at least you may have felt that things were going well. You had a job, a family and friends, and you went to church on Sunday; this seemed to be the way of life for a christian.

In the last few years, things on planet Earth have gone from good to worse, and things are not getting better. There are so many signs in the world  that show that we are living in the end times.

So, what does God want us to do?  We have to be mindful of our own fears and weaknesses and admit to ourselves that we cannot do this living life thing alone and that we need God's help. He is looking for a new generation of believers, the last generation of believers before the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

So, the next series of posts will be about how to accomplish that goal, to become a believer in Jesus Christ and to show the world how to live according to the Lord's standards for our lives.  So the questions that need to be answered are:

How To Have A Clean Heart
How To Have A Clear Mind
How To Surrender Your Will To Him
How To Have A Patient Spirit
How To Trust God And His Promises
How To Have The Peace Of God
How To Pray Tirelessly
How To Stand Firm In The Lord And Never Give Up
How To Deal With Fear And Failure
How To Surrender Your Fear

These are the principles that I will be examining this month that we celebrate the Birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ

Merry Christmas and Glory To God!

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