Tuesday, December 10, 2019

How To Have A Clean Heart

psalm 51:7

Purify me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.

We all make mistakes, we all miss the mark and we try to make excuses for our actions, but in our hearts we know that we did was wrong, and that is when the grace and mercy of God steps in to cleanse us from all  our unrighteous acts. He is the one that purifies our hearts.

But what if we are not aware that we have sinned, what happens to those thoughts and actions that we never acknowledge are wrong even to ourselves? We need to examine our hearts and our actions to see if they line up with the Word of God, but sometimes our pride, our fear, our natural mind cannot see what the Lord sees plainly within us. That is why we must come into His presence and humbly confess that we don't always know what is the right thing to say or to do, but we know that He can change what is wrong within us and to give us a new heart and a new mind.

We must allow God to work within the circumstances of our lives to purify what we have and who we are: our character, our thoughts, our emotions, and our daily motives. Feeling joy and happiness every single moment of the day would be wonderful, but we live in a broken world, and so fear, hate, anger, lust, pride, arrogance, ego, and suffering will always be apart of the landscape of our lives, whether we choose to be positive or not, because we have to deal with unbelievers and the people who always want more than what they deserve or need. That is when we press deeper into Jesus and His love for us, that is why we celebrate His name and we worship in His presence because He is the Key to a well lived life and a peaceful life full of contentment.

The Lord will purify your heart and make it clean, but you must choose to allow Him to do so. No one can be happy or content without speaking His name in their hearts, or without allowing the Holy Spirit to comfort them and to change them into a living and breathing citizen of the Kingdom of God.

To have a clean heart in this life means to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, to allow Him to inhabit your heart. He can give you a new heart that feels love and compassion for others, and you will want to do good deeds and to live for God and for other people and not just for yourself.


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