James chapter 2:5
Listen, my dear brothers and sisters: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him?
It all makes sense to me now, what the world views as important is nothing in the eyes of God.
There are people who have everything in life and quite a lot more. The are 'rich' and 'famous' and 'powerful' and well known. They give the impression of having it all, and they seem to be happy and healthy.
Everyone wants what they have, but does anyone realize what they have had to do to get everything they have, and what the consequences of these actions have been on their lives?
Don't get me wrong. I have desired to have more things and do to what the rich and famous can do, but as I mature in my christian walk, I have come to realize that I can still have a very happy life without all the things that rich people have and take for granted.
My life is good, not because I have everything that I will ever need in life, but because I have Jesus in
my heart, and His love makes me feel treasured, appreciated, and wanted, and that is all I have wanted every since I was a little girl, and anything else that my Father in heaven gives me is a great gift and a treasured delight.
So, when you see the rich and the famous, consider if they have Jesus Christ as their personal Savior, because if they do not, the truth is that they are not rich at all, they are actually very poor and on the road that leads to no where and to their ultimate destruction.
Money and power last only as long as you are alive in this life, and in many instances doesn't even last through a person's entire life. How many have regretted on their deathbed that they wasted their lives trying to become the most powerful person on the earth and having no evidence of that power while breathing their last breaths?
Strength, power, and authority comes only from the one who created you, Jesus Christ!! Without the presence of Jesus Christ in your heart, you will not survive all the problems and issues that occur in this world and you will never know the eternal peace and joy in the Lord's presence forever and ever.
Rich by the bible's standards is not measured by money and resources but by the peace and love in your heart given by the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit.
You are rich when you have peace, harmony, and order in your life. You are poor if you have everything you can achieve in life, but there is no peace, joy, or love in your heart. You may feel as if God is far from you, and that chaos and disorder reigns in your life.
If you believe in Jesus Christ and if He is your personal Lord and Savior, be at peace, because He cares you for and will never leave you or forsake you. You will receive everything that you need to survive in this world and much more. You are His little one, His child, and you have a great inheritance in the future as a citizen of the Kingdom Of God. Be at peace because Your Savior loves you and He will give you everything that you need .....
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