Friday, December 13, 2019

How to Have A Clean Mind

Matthew Chapter 6:14-15

 For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.  But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.

Forgiveness is essential to living a peaceful life full of contentment. When you harbor ill feelings toward other people, this usually leads to unhappiness, anxieties, sadness, depression, and bitterness. While you are living in that frame of mind, you cannot feel the presence of the Lord in your heart or see Him doing things for your good in your life.

Once you come to Him with your problems and issues, the healing can begin. We all need to repent of our bad behaviors and our negative thinking. Negativity cancels out the good thoughts you may have or the good deeds the Lord may wish to give to you. If you are focused on what was, what other people did to you, why you are in the situation that you are in life when you see others doing what you believe is a better life, you are focusing on the problem and not on the solution, which is the faith restoring, cleansing, healing power of Jesus Christ through the work of the Holy Spirit in your heart and mind.

Once we surrender to that healing touch, our hearts and minds are cleansed from the foolish thoughts we may have about ourselves and others. We cannot see clearly about these issues without the Word of God in our hearts, and the Holy Spirits' influence on our minds.

Giving God the Glory is the first step. Surrendering our hearts and minds is the second step. Allowing the Holy Spirit to change our perspective on life is the third and final step to achieving a clear heart and a clean mind.

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