Monday, February 28, 2022

I Shouted to The Lord And He Gave Me His Answer

Psalm 3:4-5

 I shouted aloud to the LORD.   He answered me from his holy mountain.  

 I lay down and slept.   I awoke because the LORD kept me alive.  He kept me safe.

We live in very stressful times, and there is no one more able to calm our nerves and to give us peace than our Lord, Jesus Christ. He wants to hear from you, when you are happy, when you are sad, when you have an urgent need, even when you are angry with Him because you do not know why your life is not working out the way that you planned it...

The first thing that you should know, is that the Lord knows exactly where you are in life and He has a plan to give you everything that you need and more. We are the ones who should follow the leading of the Holy Spirit in our hearts, and He is the one that will make a way out of no way, to give us the victory in our lives.

Waiting can be hard sometimes, but it is wiser than acting without a plan. We always make mistakes when we don't see things as the Lord sees them; that is why He gave us His word, and why we need to read the bible as often as we can.  If you learn the word and then you apply what you have learned with faith in your heart, you can live with the problems that come up in life and the Lord will give you what you need to survive...

When you need the Lord, call out for Him. Pray for deliverance. Praise Him and worship in His presence. Tell him all of your troubles and then believe that He will give you the victory...

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