Monday, August 12, 2024

What Does God Say About The White House?

 2 Peter chapter 1:21

 For prophecy never had its origin in the human will, but prophets, though human, spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.

God is taking out the people in the White House right now, and He is putting Trump into the Presidential office.

This is what I heard a few days ago when I was having a dream, and then I woke up in the morning. The Lord speaks to my spirit sometimes in that waking hour, when you come out of a dream, and you are slowly waking up.

This word is not a prophecy to the Lord Jesus Christ, to Him this is a fact, something that has already happened in the timeline. We must be obedient to His word and do His will for our lives.

Prayer is needed at this time regarding this issue - pray to the Lord to give you wisdom and understanding about the state of our country before you vote. God wants us to work with Him in these last days. He does not need a rebellion in His own camp while He is fighting the devil and his camp in our world.

Ask the Lord to show you what He wants you to do. Do not make this decision based upon your own needs and opinions - if we cannot live our lives for God, then no one else will do so!

Our destiny is to be partners with The Lord Jesus Christ and the Godhead. They have already determined what our place will be in the Kingdom of God, and we need to live for them and to serve them. If we are unwilling to follow in the steps of Jesus Christ, then we are of no value to His work in the world.

Do you trust the Lord Jesus? Do you believe that He has the right to bring down people and earthly kingdoms, and then restore His dominion into this world? He has used all sorts of people to bring about His will on the Earth in the past.

He has used thieves, fishermen, shepherds, loners and the lowly in spirit, women and children, liars and cheaters, wild men who had never before believed in His name, lowly servants and kings on mighty thrones - no one is exempt from the Lord’s Wisdom, Grace, and Mercy.

He cares for His people, and that is why He will use any person or any situation to bring about His will for this nation and the world. We are the ones who need to believe in Jesus's sovereign will for our lives, and also take care of and support everyone who needs our help in Jesus Christ.

He knows what is best for the church of God, and for the rest of the world…

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