Monday, May 8, 2023

God Is In Control!

 Ephesians 1:19

and what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe. These are in accordance with the working of the strength of His might...

I heard the Lord say that everything is in His hands. When  I got up this morning, I saw an image in my mind of God hands grasping two supersonic missles. He grasped them firmly in His hands and He did not let go - and the thought that came to me was that this respresented a huge threat to the world, but the Lord is in control, and nothing in this world happens until He allows them to happen.

Our trust must be in the Lord and not what we see or hear from the media or the politicians. They believe that they have the final say in this battle between good and evil, but this battle is an ancient one, and the Lord Jesus has already won this war.

His enemies are desperate because they know that He is coming back to rule and to reign over the earth. People who live in fear will always make the wrong choices for their lives. We cannot continue to live in fear, we need to be willing to trust Him with our lives. Fear blinds the heart to the love and providence of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. When we allow fear to dictate all of our actions, we actually set ourselves up for failure. If we choose to believe in Jesus, we can never fail because the goal of our lives is not to be perfect or to get money, power or fame, our purpose is to follow in the steps of Jesus Christ and to learn to be just like Him. 

The Lord is saying don't be afraid of what is coming; we need to keep our eyes upon Him, and focus upon His love for us. He will never leave us or forsake us. We need to be serious about our faith and pursue a deeper relationshp with Jesus. He is the author and the finisher of our faith...

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