Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Where God has you is where He will lead you to safety

 Psalm 23: 4,5 - God Loves You

v4  I will not be afraid when I walk through the valley of the shadow of death. This is because you (LORD) are with me.  Your rod and staff make me feel brave. 

v5  You prepare a table in front of me when my enemies are present. You put oil on my head. My cup is so full that it overflows.

The Lord woke me up after a pleasant enough dream. It was a dream where I was promoted at a job that I was working at, but many of the other people working in that department would probably be fired because even though they were doing the work that was required of them, they did not have the proper training to keep their job. In other words, they should not have been hired because they did not have the required training needed to keep the job.

It was not their fault, the people who owned the company hired all these people who were not qualified so that they could get the work contract from their customer. This customer found out about this deception, and that is why everyone who was not qualified would lose their job. I was told by my supervisor that I had nothing to worry about because I had already taken the training and would keep my job. In fact, I was told that I would be promoted to a better position with a better salary.

As I woke up from this dream, the Lord told me that I must post this article to let people know that there will be a financial crisis in the near future. I was not told when it would happen, I was not given any dates, but It felt like an issue that would come up in the near future.

Many people have prophesied that a financial crisis is looming ahead, and this has been stated by believers as well as non-believers. God always tells His people what is about to happen before it does happen. It is up to us to listen for His word about the circumstances of our lives, because even though the Lord gave me a message that this will happen it does not mean that I will be affected by it in the same way as someone else would be affected.

We need to seek God’s will for our lives and to ask Him what we need to do to survive any crisis that may come in the future, and then when we get the answer we need to obey the promptings of the Holy Spirit as He guides us in the best and in the worst times of our lives.

Have you been qualified to survive the coming crisis in our world? If not, your first step is to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior; you need to pursue a real relationship with Jesus Christ.

You should read the word of God, and pray and worship in His presence. You must be willing to be guided by His love, and allow the Holy Spirit that lives within you to transform your heart and mind.

The Lord will love us, guide us, and provide for us in the coming days - we just need to trust Him with our lives. He will never leave us or forsake us.

Prayer of Salvation

Would you like to ask Jesus Christ into your heart right now?  Say this Prayer sincerely from your heart:

Lord Jesus,  come into my heart right now. I want to have a relationship with you, I want to know why you made me and I want to know your will for my life. I surrender all that I am to you. Thank you so much for your free gift of salvation and I will give your name the honor and glory forever and ever, AMEN

Now you can say, Thank God I Am Saved!

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