Tuesday, November 15, 2022

To Whom Much Is Given, Much Is Expected in Jesus Christ


Psalm 146: 3-4

 Do not trust in human leaders. Nobody that is only human can save you. When they die, they return to the ground. On that day, their plans come to an end.

Why does everything seem upside down in the world today? It is because too many people in the world are relying on the human leaders in the world to solve all the problems in the world. The problem with this viewpoint is that humanity has had PLENTY OF TIME to solve the issues of the human heart and it is yet to be resolved.

As the People of the Living God, we have to continue to trust only in His mercy and His love. We must pray about the leadership in our countries, that the will of God will be done despite what our human leaders truly desire to happen in our communities...

We are expected to keep God's word in our hearts and the live according to His standards; the world will not accept His ruler ship until they accept Jesus Christ into their hearts, and that is something that may never happen for those who believe that humanity can save itself.

   The bible says that we cannot place our trust in human leadership, so we must be ready to live for God no matter what happens in our lives today. We must not blindly believe everything that we hear in the media and the mainstream.  Seek God's will for your life and never give up believing in God's mercy and His grace. Allow Him to show you the truth about what is truly happening in the world today, and then make yourself ready to prove His word by interceding with prayers of thanksgiving and supplication. 

  You must make a stand to live only for the One who died for you and who loves you with all of His heart, mind and soul, our Lord and savior, Jesus Christ...


Wednesday, November 2, 2022

What Do The Signs On Jesus Body Mean?

Hebrews chapter 5:7-10

 During the days of Jesus’ life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with fervent cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission.  Son though he was, he learned obedience from what he suffered and, once made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him  and was designated by God to be high priest in the order of Melchizedek.

What could we learn from Jesus that He Himself had to learn? Obedience to the will of God in every circumstance. Jesus was the living embodiment of the Word of God, so He could not disobey the very thing that justified His existence, but He did learn obedience through suffering and pain. This was not suffering and pain that He caused by His actions. He suffered because of His righteous actions. He was the only man who walked on the earth who had never sinned. 

So, at the cross, He was given the precious signs of His suffering and His righteousness: The thorns that pierced His head, the bloody stripes on His back from the Roman soldiers, the nails that were pounded into His flesh, the spear wound in the side of His body, the sins of the world, past, present, and future that He bore in His soul, and the scorn and hatred of the unbelievers that He had come to save...

These signs are the evidence and proof of who Jesus is and what He experienced as the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. They will always be a part of Him and He is a different person because of this experience. He knows what true suffering is, and He was willing to take the blame for every man, woman and child so that they would not have to suffer forever for their sins. That is why it is so sad for Him, and for those of us who believe in Jesus to think about those who will experience eternal judgment for their sins because they will refuse His sweet gift of salvation.

Those who reject the Gospel of Jesus Christ will receive eternal suffering as the price that they must pay for their sins. We as believers of Jesus Christ will have the signs of our Lord Jesus upon us, and the sufferings we experience in our lives will be the signs of who we have become in Christ Jesus. The Blood of the Lamb covers all our sins and transgressions, and restores our hearts and minds. These trials will not hinder us in life if we continue to live for The Lord and not give up or lose hope. The signs in our soul will show our maturity and spiritual growth as we choose to live by God's word.

While we may suffer, there is hope because He will get the glory as we lay down our lives for Him as He laid down His life for us.  There will be victory and joy in our hearts as we allow Him to live through us, and as He wins our battles against our enemies. He will never leave us nor forsake us, so we know that He already has a plan for our lives, we just need to be willing to go along with His purposes for our lives.

Without the trials and tribulations of life we would never be able to understand what is good or bad, or what is love and hate. We would never realize how much we need a savior because of our imperfect and corrupt human nature. 

Faith That Is Not Tested Is Not Faith At All...

If you want to know what true love is, ask the savior to come into your heart and make you whole:

Lord Jesus, I confess my sins and ask for your forgiveness. Please come into my heart as my Lord and Savior. Take complete control of my life and help me to walk in Your footsteps daily by the power of the Holy Spirit. Thank you Lord for saving me and for answering my prayer.  


Tuesday, November 1, 2022

The Real Truth In Our Hearts

 Psalm 19:9

The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever: The judgments of the Lord are true; they are righteous altogether.

What is truth? So many people believe that they know the truth about everything in the world. If you encounter someone who says this about themselves, take it as a sign of caution, because we are not God. We cannot know everything that there is to know. We Are Here To Learn About God, Love, And Who We Are In Jesus Christ!

So, when someone tells you that they have the secrets to life, and this knowledge does not originate from the Word of God, do not believe the things that they say. They could say some good things, they may even have a few good words that seem wise, but if they do not declare themselves a follower of Jesus Christ, and if they have never read the bible, step away from them and the situation you find yourself in. Be courteous, and be kind, but Do Not Let That Person Feed You Their Truth Right Into Your Soul...

This is serious - we cannot live for ourselves, or for vain knowledge and expect to enter the Kingdom of God. You either live for Jesus Christ and His word, or you live to satisfy your view of life and the cosmos. The two will never be the same.

Life saving truth comes when you realize that you need a savior because you cannot save yourself. Once you accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, you will be able to see things from God's perspective, and your life will finally have a purpose. His will for your life will give you hope. 

And how will the truth change your life?  It Is Not About The Truth That You Hear, It Is About The Truth That You Know...

Just start to live your life for Jesus, and you will begin to know the real truth that will transform your heart and mind.

 You cannot understand why people choose to become a christian until you begin to see things through the eyes of Jesus.  He will heal of your soul wounds, He will heal your body. He will give you everything to live a peaceful and successful life. Once you were poor, but now you are rich in heart and mind and resources. 

The truth of living for Jesus Christ is simple - Give Him your life and your problems and He will deliver your from your enemies and give you the victory in your life....

Prayer of Salvation - If you need someone to love your with all of His heart, to guide you to victory in every circumstance, then repeat this prayer of salvation:

Lord Jesus, I confess my sins and ask for your forgiveness. Please come into my heart as my Lord and Savior. Take complete control of my life and help me to walk in Your footsteps daily by the power of the Holy Spirit. Thank you Lord for saving me and for answering my prayer.  


What Does Worship Mean To You?


Deuteronomy 10:21

He is the one you praise; he is your God, who performed for you those great and awesome wonders you saw with your own eyes.

God is looking for the people who will given Him praise from their hearts. Worship is a necessary act for a christian because it is a vital link to the one that they love, Jesus Christ.

Worship from the heart gives meaning to everything that we as the people of God suffer everyday. If we did not have the Lord in our lives, who could we place our faith upon?  There are many people who do extraordinary things, that have great talent and resources, but they cannot save you from yourself - there is only one person who lived to die for our sins, The Lamb Of God who takes away the sins of the world.

God wants people to understand the depths of passion and love in the heart of Jesus. No ordinary or extraordinary man would be able to do the same, only the one who was sinless and perfect in every way could have accomplished so much with their death, and only he could have defeated our enemies, satan and his demons, when God the father brought Him back to life in victory and in joyful satisfaction.

So, What should worship mean to those who call themselves followers of Jesus Christ?  Worshiping God means telling God that you love Him. When we praise Him, we are telling Him how much we appreciate what Jesus Christ has done in our lives. Whether it is public or private worship, when we praise God, God is focused upon the love and appreciation He perceives in our hearts.

The Lord knows the true worshipers from the fake ones, so we don't have to be concerned by people that play church. No one can take away the love of God in our hearts, and God knows who is really His and who are the devil's children. We need to be focused upon worshiping the Lord with all of our hearts, and then saying prayers for the pretenders, because we know that the pretenders will never be able to cash in on their 'works' for God without a true repentance from their hearts.