Monday, February 28, 2022

I Shouted to The Lord And He Gave Me His Answer

Psalm 3:4-5

 I shouted aloud to the LORD.   He answered me from his holy mountain.  

 I lay down and slept.   I awoke because the LORD kept me alive.  He kept me safe.

We live in very stressful times, and there is no one more able to calm our nerves and to give us peace than our Lord, Jesus Christ. He wants to hear from you, when you are happy, when you are sad, when you have an urgent need, even when you are angry with Him because you do not know why your life is not working out the way that you planned it...

The first thing that you should know, is that the Lord knows exactly where you are in life and He has a plan to give you everything that you need and more. We are the ones who should follow the leading of the Holy Spirit in our hearts, and He is the one that will make a way out of no way, to give us the victory in our lives.

Waiting can be hard sometimes, but it is wiser than acting without a plan. We always make mistakes when we don't see things as the Lord sees them; that is why He gave us His word, and why we need to read the bible as often as we can.  If you learn the word and then you apply what you have learned with faith in your heart, you can live with the problems that come up in life and the Lord will give you what you need to survive...

When you need the Lord, call out for Him. Pray for deliverance. Praise Him and worship in His presence. Tell him all of your troubles and then believe that He will give you the victory...

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Under the Authority Of The Lord's Son

Psalm 2:11-12

Become the servants of the LORD. Remember that he is very powerful.

Kiss his son or God will be angry.  He may be so angry that you will die.  Only the people that come to the LORD are really happy. He will make them safe.

In the past, the King was absolute ruler of the land, and his son would always inherit the throne from his father. No one ever questioned if the son was eligible to become the King of the land. The son always inherited the power and authority of his father.

In God's eyes, Jesus is the rightful ruler of this world. He died on the cross to atone for all of our sins and to give eternal life to all of us, so that we who were spiritually dead could receive fellowship and citizenship into the Kingdom of God. There is nothing that the Lord would not do for His children. He wants us in His Kingdom because of His Grace, Mercy and Love towards His little ones, His children...

That is why it is important to acknowledge Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior. His sacrifice made it possible for us to come into the presence of His Holy and Righteous Father, the God of our universe. He wants the world to know that no one can be saved from eternal death and destruction except by Jesus Christ, The Lamb of God, who took away the sins of the world.

If you reject the Son, you are rejecting the Father as well. No one wants to go to hell, and certainly Father God never intended anyone to go there except the devil and his demons, but He is a righteous God, and He will not allow any sin or corruption to exist in His presence. He had a plan to eradicate every sin and evil thought from the face of the earth and beyond. Balance can only be achieved in Love, peace, and righteous in Jesus Christ forever and ever...

Trust in Jesus Name - Give The Name Praise and Honor-Accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior - You Will Never be Disappointed!

Prayer of Salvation:

Dear God, I want to be a part of your family.You said in your word that if I acknowledge that you raised Jesus from the dead, and that I accept Him as my Lord and Savior I would be saved  So God, I now say that I believe You raised Jesus from the dead and that He is alive and well. I accept Him now as my personal Lord and Savior. I accept my salvation from sin right now.

I am now saved, Jesus is my Lord Jesus is my savior. Thank you Father God for forgiving me, saving me and giving me eternal life with you. Amen!

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

When There Is No Peace, Bring God Into The Equation

 Proverbs Chapter 29:9

If a wise person goes to court with a fool,  the fool rages and scoffs, and there is no peace.

Be careful what you say to people who are angry and proud. Your words may seem beneficial to other people, but to those who 'know better than you', you may seem like someone who is trying to hurt them or control them. Only give advice if it is asked for, and be prepared to feel a certain amount of rejection when you do. Most people who believe that they already know everything will not accept anything that you say or do. They may be testing your resolve to be the person that you are and to get more ammunition to fire at you when you are at your most vulnerable state.

If you have to oppose them because they are doing something wrong, speak words of peace and have courage in the Lord. Let the Lord work through you to get them at their heart. Perhaps they will respond positively, but don't be surprised if they reject your words. They are rejecting the Spirit of God knocking upon their hearts. They may never respond to God's  Grace and Love, but God will make sure that they will have a chance to change their behavior if He asks you to confront them.

Even evil people cannot stand againsty the Love, Power and Majesty of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ...

Monday, February 21, 2022

Do You Know What God Thinks About Mockers and Gossipers?

 Proverbs chapter 29:8

Mockers stir up a city, but the wise turn away anger.

We fight with our words. We insult other people to hurt them. God does not like gossipers or backbiters. People who cannot keep their mouths shut and who are not discreet can expect the same treatment from other people who know their secrets.

You say one thing, and I say something back to you, and then it becomes an argument. No one knows why they said what they said and the backbiting continues. PLEASE STOP IT. God Will Not Bless Your Mess!

What does God want from His people?  Wisdom and discretion. Do not speak against a problem or a person unless you have something positive or helpful to say. If you do not have anything positive or helpful to say, then stay silent. If you have an issue with someone, take it to God and ask Him to intervene on your behalf and do what the Holy Spirit in your heart prompts you to do. 

Forgive and bless the other person and then move on. If the other person continues the insults and backbiting towards you, walk away and allow God's  justice to be applied to that situation.

It may not happen right away, buy God's timing is perfect and it will have a huge impact on the life of the person who is trying to hurt you.

If more people were willilng to engage other people with respect and compassion from their hearts, this world and this society would be so much better; people would not be focused upon hurting each other for even the smallest offenses. People would be willing to listen to other people's thoughts and views, and there would be more cooperation between the nations and the peoples...

Friday, February 18, 2022

What Happens When You Believe You Have The Right To Change God's Word?

Deuteronomy 4

 Do not add to what I command you and do not subtract from it, but keep the commands of the Lord your God that I give you.

Proverbs 30:5-6

Every word of God proves true; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him. Do not add to his words, lest he rebuke you and you be found a liar.

 Revelation 22:19

I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book,

This is not an idle threat:  people who presume to change the word of God to suit their needs will find themselves outside of the Kindom of God!

What happens to people who choose to disregard God's word, who try to interpret the word to promote their own worldviews, people who actually change the word of God and incite blasphemy against the name of Jesus Christ?

WOE to them who do not know the power and the majesty of THAT NAME - JESUS - feel sorry for those who cannot imagine what His love could do for their lives, and be at peace because the name of Jesus is a powerful influence and help in your time of need...

This video shows the foolshness of the chinese communist party in their attempt to rewrite the bible for their own needs:

Please pray for the people of China, because they will suffer for the actions of their government; pray that they will come to see Jesus for who He really is and that they will be saved for eternal life. They have already lived in the shadow of oppression, what they need is peace in their heart and the Lord Jesus Christ as their savior, because changing the words of the bible is something that the Lord cannot ignore, He is jealous for His word and many in the places of power will pay the price for what they have done....

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

What Does God Do When He Sees Evil Men Strive Against Him?

Psalm 2:1-5

Why are nations planning together? Why are people having such stupid ideas? Why are their kings saying, "We will not obey the LORD"? Why are their leaders saying, "We will not do what his Messiah says"?He that is sitting above the skies will laugh. The Lord will say that they are stupid. Then he will say angry words to them. He will make them very frightened because he is so angry.

It is one thing to believe that there is no God if there is no evidence to prove it, but it is another thing to ignore the signs of the times, to scorn the name of God and to reject His word out in public, when you know deep down inside that there must be SOME truth in His word, considering how miraculous it has been for christians to survive in a world that hates them, and how the word of God resounds in the hearts of men even when they do not realize how much their own morals standards relies upon its existence.

Do you know what the world would be like without God's grace and the power of the Holy Spirit in the world to save it? It is fast coming to the time when men will wake up with no love in their heart at all for anyone or anything; hope will be a distant memory and men will be in a constant state of shock and terror. No one will help each other, everyone will stab each other in the back just to get a piece of dried up moldy bread, and no one will be able to say the name of Jesus, because if they do, they will be swiftly executed.

The truth is, many people live in various places where terror and hopelessness is an every day routine, and certainly you will find christians are being hunted down and killed everyday in those places. The time is now to consider what will happen to the whole world when there will be no more God in the earth to protect them and no more hope. IT WILL HAPPEN. Judgment must be executed upon the devil and his demons and upon every rebellious and proud non believer who refuses the promptings of the Holy Spirit knocking upon their hearts mercifully for their own good, because living for God means everlasting peace and joy, and living for yourself means everlasting death and destruction...

What does God say when He sees the evil men of the world strive against Him, to conquer Him and His people? He laughs and calls them fools, because He knows the end to this epic battle between good and evil. Balance does not come from living in a place where love and hate reside together forever and ever; real balance comes when evil is defeated for good, and His children can live peacefully in His kingdom,with love in their hearts, no fear, no oppression, no worries about if they are valued in the eyes of Jesus Christ, their redeemer.

The absence of chaos brings order, and the absence of hate, anger, bitterness, fear and rejection brings the balance of love into the lives of those who have always known uncertainty, but now they can rely on the love of Jesus Christ, and the hope of a better tomorrow, a future where no one will lack anything that they need and everyone will be counted as valuable in the eyes of the Lord and each other.

Would you like that peace and security in your life right now? Say this prayer of salvation right now:

Lord Jesus, come into my heart and into my life right now. I make you my Lord and Savior forevermore. Please forgive me for not seeing you for who you really are, the one that loves me, the one that suffered and died on the cross so that I will never have to pay for my own sins. Thank you Jesus for living inside of me and giving me a brand new life with purpose, living for you...AMEN

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

What Makes Men Truly Happy

 psalm 1:1

 The man is very happy that does not:

 ·  walk as godless people suggest

 ·  stand in the way near sinners

 ·  sit with them that scorn (God)

Happiness for a man of God comes from knowing the One who created him. He enjoys the word of God; It makes him whole. He is pleased to read the word of God all the time. It dominates his thoughts, and the word helps him so that he is supplied with his every need. There is no other doctrine on earth that can claim to change a person's inner conviction of living for himself towards living for the living God and that person be at peace with his decision and live a life filled with joy.

It is the joy of the Lord and His love for all believers that gives a christian strength to live in a dark and hopeless world. Our hope is in Jesus Christ and in His love for all mankind. We grow stronger with every encounter with God's Holy Spirit. We live in every season knowing that Jesus will never leave us nor forsake us. Peace comes in knowing that we are valuable in His eyes and that He can do all things for us for His mercy's sake.

Godless people live for themselves. They are blind to the spirit of rebellion in their hearts that makes them believe that they know better than the God who created them. They ignore His word. They want to believe that there is no God, even though there is overwhelming evidence that our world was set up by someone greater than ourselves. This earth is suited for life, and the human race  was designed to live upon its surface. No one on our level of existence could have designed anything better. Choose life, live for Jesus Christ and you will never be disappointed. If you choose to worship yourself, you have chosen the path to chaos and despair, for love and hope cannot exist in the darkness away from the light in the eyes of Jesus Christ - the darkness only knows death and destruction...

Prayer of Salvation

Lord Jesus, I no longer want to live just for myself, I want to know you as you are. Please take my heart and my life and make me a new person, a person who wants to love you and to live for you only. I am sorry for what I have done with my life, and I accept you as my personal lord and savior. Please come into my heart right now, In Jesus Name.

Friday, February 11, 2022

The Righteous Shall Care About The Poor

 The Book Of Proverbs: God's wisdom For Righteous Living

Proverbs 29:7

The righteous care about justice for the poor, but the wicked have no such concern.


No one is saying that poor people should always live on the state or fed govt payroll forever, unless they are not able to work, but we still need a comprehensive social program to help fill in the huge gaps that need to be filled in times of trouble.

Life is not fair, and evil is in the very fabric of every society and country. We have to have fair laws and resources that help poor people lift themselves out of the crippling proverty that is found everywhere in our world.

Some people are poor because the system that they live in does not allow them to lift themselves out of the trap in which they were born into. Some people are poor because they do not have the resources or training that could help them to advance, and some people are poor because they lost the battle in life and this meant that they lost everything that they had...

We need to be concerned by the problems of poor people, because if we do not help the people that need our help the most, why should God help us when we are in need? 

God wants us to help other people, regardless of why they are in the situation that they find themselves in, even if they can never pay us back for what we can do for them. God will bless everyone who is willing to give to other people from their hearts....

Thursday, February 3, 2022

What Fools Do to Justify Themselves

 Psalm 14:1-3

1   A man without shame says in his heart, "There is no God".   Everybody is bad. They are all evil.  Nobody is doing anything good. 

2   The LORD is looking down from heaven on the sons of man.  He is looking to see if there is anyone that understands.  He is looking to see if anyone is looking for God.

3   But everybody has turned away (from God).  They have all become evil.  Nobody does anything that is good.

A fool has no shame in his heart, therefore he will do anything to please himself without thinking of the consequences of his actions. He believes that he is always right. What does God see when he looks upon the world of man? Death, destruction, chaos, hate and evil, because this is the natural state of men's hearts when they do not reside in the light of truth, love, and righteousness in Jesus Christ...

When we live for God, we believe in Him and we accept His Son, Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and savior. We are not perfect, but we are righteous in God's eyes because we believe that Jesus Christ died for our sins, and that now we are forgiven of our past sins, current sins, and the errors we may make in the future. No one can satisfy the need to be made whole as the love of Jesus Christ that resides in our hearts...

Why does the foolish man say that there is no God? He doesn't believe in God because he has made himself the god of his life. He lives to please himself. He is capable of doing good deeds, but good deeds will never erase the fear, greed, lust, anger, hate, bitterness and pain in his heart. This is the constant state of man's heart till the day that he dies. The bad news is that if you choose to live for yourself and not for God in this life, you will not live for God in the next life.

in fact, you will be separated from Him forever, and the fear, greed, lust, anger, hate and bitterness will reside within you forever and ever in the darkness of your own rejection of God's love. You do not want to reside anyplace where there is no God, no love, and no peace; ask anyone who has lived under the iron of oppression for most of their lives, and they will tell you that there is no peace in a hopeless situation...

Live for the Lord Jesus Christ. Accept HIs kind and loving gift of salvation. Live for a real purpose that will give you satisfaction. Live in the light of HIs Majesty and Glory. Let His love abide in your heart. Learn how to love with the love of the Lord, His sacrificial love. and you will be concerned for other people's welfare not just your own. Peace, love and joy will reside in your heart forever. You will live with God and Jesus Christ in the light of their love forever and ever - and no one will able to take that peace from you if you continue to reside within His heart....

Live For The Lord Jesus Christ - repeat this prayer of salvation:

Dear Lord Jesus, come into my heart right now , I accept your generous gift of forgiveness of my sins, you died in my place so that i would never have to pay the heavy debt of what i have done. I receive you as my personal Lord and Savior and i give you my life right now in Jesus Name I pray, Amen

Great is the happiness in your heart right now - you will never be disappointed by His love for you

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Give Praise To God!

The Book Of Proverbs: God's wisdom For Righteous Living

Proverbs 29:16

When the wicked thrive, so does sin, but the righteous will see their downfall.

We need to understand that there is a season for everything. We have good times, and we have bad times, but in every season, we must praise The Lord and thank him for His Grace and Mercy.

When there are times of trouble, our praise should be lifted up to the one who can save us and give us peace in our hearts, because these things are never permanent. We go through a storm and then there is a time when the storm ends. Our choice should be to trust in the Lord, and that He will give us the strength to weather any storm that comes our way...