Wednesday, March 11, 2020

The Healing God

 Jeremiah 33:6

"Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security." 

The World is seeking peace in the face of growing problems and issues; there is no better time to show them the love of God and His righteousness........

The coronavirus is not a judgement on the world, but a sign of the times....these are the last days of the world being run by the prince of darkness....the Prince of Peace is preparing to come into the world  to defeat His enemies and to save the people of God.....

We need to come to God when we are faced with problems that cannot be solved by our own efforts. When things like this come into the world and presents challenges that we have never faced before, we find that our eyes are opened to the fragile balance of life on planet earth....

We need to pray for deliverance, and to pray that the Lord will open the eyes of the people who are walking in confusion and in the darkness of their hearts. We need to keep still and let the Lord do His work in our lives and in the world.

This is not the end, but it is definitely the beginning to the end, and we need to prepare ourselves for His coming, and to let the world know that He loves them and that He wants to save them  for Himself.

Please Lord, let us be ready to receive you into our hearts and into our lives, prepare us for Your coming, and let us know how much You love us. Don't ever give up on us because we don't know who we are or what we need until you show us how much you care.

Praise be to God, who always shows His love for us by never leaving us or forsaking us!.... Let us be worthy of Your love by helping us to believe in You and helping us to never give up and to never give in........

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