Friday, January 10, 2020

How To Have The Peace Of God

Philippians 4:7 

And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

We all have trials and tribulations throughout our lives, but the purpose for allowing these issues into our lives is two fold:  To develop the strength to live according to God's word and to learn to appreciate the providence of God. He will deliver you as you become willing to allow Him to live inside of you and as you live your life with Him in control of your circumstances.

The peace of God resides in those whose hearts are turned to Him, who love and appreciate Him and everything that He does for them. He cannot fail those who are willing to allow Him to transform their hearts and minds.

When you are in a tough situation, you may allow your fears and worries to dominate within your  mind, but that is when you need to press deeper into the heart of God. Prayer, worship time, singing praises to the Lord Jesus, having quiet time with Him so that you can hear His whispers of love in your heart, that is where your salvation lies.

He will comfort you and provide a way out of no way., delivered freely by His hand of Grace, nourished by His word. Don't ever underestimate the power and the majesty of Our Lord Jesus Christ and His willingness to deliver us from all evil, strife, and  the foolish actions of the enemy.

Keep strong and be patient while He fights your battles for you. Don't ever give up, because He will never give up on you!

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