Sunday, January 19, 2020

How To Deal With Fear And Failure

2 Timothy 1:7 
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
Fear and failure are connected, because fear is one of the main reasons that we fail. We can fail in our lives, in our relationships, and  often people fail to accept  Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior because of fear and their fearful thoughts.
Some people don't want to change, so they fear learning more about God and His word because they know deep down inside that what they are doing in their lives isn't right. Some are too comfortable in their lives, their cultures and religions to consider changing their lives by following Jesus, so ultimately they reject the word out of the fear of being different than their neighbors, their families, and their friends.
Failure or fear of failure is a subject that no one wants to talk about, and yet is always in the back of our minds. We never want to be exposed as being weak and imperfect, but everything that we do in this life is imperfect. The purpose of this life is not to appear to be perfect in everything that we do, but to understand who we are in Jesus Christ.
The Lord is not surprised when we make a mistake. He knows our strengths and weaknesses, and usually we have more weaknesses than strengths, but that is where the Lord applies His grace and love, and the Blood of His Son, Jesus Christ.
We need to focus on God and not on our fears and weaknesses. The Lord can do great things in the lives of His people as long as we allow Him to live through our hearts and minds. We need His love, His strength, His power and authority to survive and thrive in this world.
It is our belief in God and in Jesus Christ that gives us the strength to face the challenges of life. We can fail because we lose our faith in God, or because we start to  believe in the wrong things that make us stray from the word of God. Sometimes we can forget what the Lord has done for us in the past because the problems we have in the present seem so large. We need to look at our problems the way the Lord would see them, and no problem in heaven and earth is big enough to defeat Him, and so we need to remember that He is always there for his children. He is willing and able to fight our battles for us, and in everything that we do in His name, we will have  the victory.
Learning to live for the Lord takes time and effort. We need to know iHis word and be willing to be led by the promptings of the Holy Spirit. Fear, doubt, worry, and anxiety doesn't always lead to failure. We must try to see ourselves as Jesus sees us. He knows that we have the victory because He died on the cross so that we could be called the Children of God.
Remember, He has already fought the battle for you in the spirit, so ask for a manifestation of His power and Glory into your life; speak the victory into your life!

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