James chapter 2:5
Listen, my dear brothers and sisters: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him?
It all makes sense to me now, what the world views as important is nothing in the eyes of God.
There are people who have everything in life and quite a lot more. The are 'rich' and 'famous' and 'powerful' and well known. They give the impression of having it all, and they seem to be happy and healthy.
Everyone wants what they have, but does anyone realize what they have had to do to get everything they have, and what the consequences of these actions have been on their lives?
Don't get me wrong. I have desired to have more things and do to what the rich and famous can do, but as I mature in my christian walk, I have come to realize that I can still have a very happy life without all the things that rich people have and take for granted.
My life is good, not because I have everything that I will ever need in life, but because I have Jesus in
my heart, and His love makes me feel treasured, appreciated, and wanted, and that is all I have wanted every since I was a little girl, and anything else that my Father in heaven gives me is a great gift and a treasured delight.
So, when you see the rich and the famous, consider if they have Jesus Christ as their personal Savior, because if they do not, the truth is that they are not rich at all, they are actually very poor and on the road that leads to no where and to their ultimate destruction.
Money and power last only as long as you are alive in this life, and in many instances doesn't even last through a person's entire life. How many have regretted on their deathbed that they wasted their lives trying to become the most powerful person on the earth and having no evidence of that power while breathing their last breaths?
Strength, power, and authority comes only from the one who created you, Jesus Christ!! Without the presence of Jesus Christ in your heart, you will not survive all the problems and issues that occur in this world and you will never know the eternal peace and joy in the Lord's presence forever and ever.
Rich by the bible's standards is not measured by money and resources but by the peace and love in your heart given by the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit.
You are rich when you have peace, harmony, and order in your life. You are poor if you have everything you can achieve in life, but there is no peace, joy, or love in your heart. You may feel as if God is far from you, and that chaos and disorder reigns in your life.
If you believe in Jesus Christ and if He is your personal Lord and Savior, be at peace, because He cares you for and will never leave you or forsake you. You will receive everything that you need to survive in this world and much more. You are His little one, His child, and you have a great inheritance in the future as a citizen of the Kingdom Of God. Be at peace because Your Savior loves you and He will give you everything that you need .....
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Friday, September 13, 2019
The God OF Second Chances
Judges Chapter 6 vs 11-14
And there came an angel of the LORD, and sat under an oak which was in Ophrah, that pertained unto Joash the Abiezrite: and his son Gideon threshed wheat by the winepress, to hide it from the Midianites.
And the angel of the LORD appeared unto him, and said unto him, The LORD is with thee, thou mighty man of valour.
And Gideon said unto him, Oh my Lord, if the LORD be with us, why then is all this befallen us? and where be all his miracles which our fathers told us of, saying, Did not the LORD bring us up from Egypt? but now the LORD hath forsaken us, and delivered us into the hands of the Midianites.
And the LORD looked upon him, and said, Go in this thy might, and thou shalt save Israel from the hand of the Midianites: have not I sent thee?...
Where will He send you?
He is the God of second chances, when everyone else may have given up on you, when others persecute or ignore you, when all hope is lost, that is when He comes into your life and shows you who you really are; He revives you, gives you hope, joy, and peace, and He gives you the strength to do what He has commanded you to do!
I know what it is like to miss the mark and then be given a second chance to do things right. That is what God gives to everyone of His children when they accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. We have lost the ability to be compassionate and understanding of each others faults. We can only feel true remorse and compassion when Jesus Christ comes into our hearts.
He is the one who has commanded that His people go out and show the love of Christ to everyone in the world and to their communities, their jobs, and their families; families and communities stay peaceful and productive when God's children are not afraid to show love, compassion, and kindness to the people in their lives.
Do you have a burden in your heart, a place where God has put something special for you to do? Open your heart to the possibilities of doing great things on His behalf, don't allow the naysayers to prevent you from doing what you know the Lord wants you to do.
Gideon felt the least able to do the work that the Lord had in store for him. He was hesitant at first and asked the Lord for proof of his victory. He never said no to God, he just wasn't sure that he could do what God was asking him to do.
You see, He felt deficient in his heart; he hadn't always accomplished everything he was supposed to do in his life. He had made mistakes. So when the God of the universe came calling at his door and asked him to something that even the mightiest men in his community seemed incapable of doing, he was slow to believe he could do it and he wanted God to reassure him that he could do it. Once the Lord gave him what he asked for, he became confident that he could bring the victory for his people and his community.
What if you received a plan from God that seems impossible? Well you are in the Grace of God, and that means that everything that He has asked you to do it can be accomplished because you are not the one who will accomplish it. He is the one who will accomplish it through you! You just have to be willing to allow Him to do what you would be unable to do by yourself.
That is what being a child of God is like: He knew that you could not save yourself from your sin, so He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die for you on the cross. He loves you that much and He will never stop loving you!
He needs the work of the Kingdom to be done on the earth, but instead of sending angels or other beings into the earth to accomplish His will, He is willing to use us as His servants, His ambassadors to give hope and peace to those who are living in the darkness of this world and whose hearts are deep into despair.
He knows that we can speak to them in ways that others cannot. We know what it is like to be heartbroken. We can show the world what it is like to be loved and cherished and to have the God of this universe on our side and in our hearts.
Humble yourself to the Lord, come into His presence and allow Him to do extraordinary things in your life that the people around you will not be able to ignore. That is the treasure and the honor of being His child and the love of His heart.......
Salvation Prayer
Dear Lord Jesus, Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins please forgive me come into my life I receive you as my Lord and Savior Now help me to live for you the rest of my life in the name of Jesus I pray.
And there came an angel of the LORD, and sat under an oak which was in Ophrah, that pertained unto Joash the Abiezrite: and his son Gideon threshed wheat by the winepress, to hide it from the Midianites.
And the angel of the LORD appeared unto him, and said unto him, The LORD is with thee, thou mighty man of valour.
And Gideon said unto him, Oh my Lord, if the LORD be with us, why then is all this befallen us? and where be all his miracles which our fathers told us of, saying, Did not the LORD bring us up from Egypt? but now the LORD hath forsaken us, and delivered us into the hands of the Midianites.
And the LORD looked upon him, and said, Go in this thy might, and thou shalt save Israel from the hand of the Midianites: have not I sent thee?...
Where will He send you?
He is the God of second chances, when everyone else may have given up on you, when others persecute or ignore you, when all hope is lost, that is when He comes into your life and shows you who you really are; He revives you, gives you hope, joy, and peace, and He gives you the strength to do what He has commanded you to do!
I know what it is like to miss the mark and then be given a second chance to do things right. That is what God gives to everyone of His children when they accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. We have lost the ability to be compassionate and understanding of each others faults. We can only feel true remorse and compassion when Jesus Christ comes into our hearts.
He is the one who has commanded that His people go out and show the love of Christ to everyone in the world and to their communities, their jobs, and their families; families and communities stay peaceful and productive when God's children are not afraid to show love, compassion, and kindness to the people in their lives.
Do you have a burden in your heart, a place where God has put something special for you to do? Open your heart to the possibilities of doing great things on His behalf, don't allow the naysayers to prevent you from doing what you know the Lord wants you to do.
Gideon felt the least able to do the work that the Lord had in store for him. He was hesitant at first and asked the Lord for proof of his victory. He never said no to God, he just wasn't sure that he could do what God was asking him to do.
You see, He felt deficient in his heart; he hadn't always accomplished everything he was supposed to do in his life. He had made mistakes. So when the God of the universe came calling at his door and asked him to something that even the mightiest men in his community seemed incapable of doing, he was slow to believe he could do it and he wanted God to reassure him that he could do it. Once the Lord gave him what he asked for, he became confident that he could bring the victory for his people and his community.
What if you received a plan from God that seems impossible? Well you are in the Grace of God, and that means that everything that He has asked you to do it can be accomplished because you are not the one who will accomplish it. He is the one who will accomplish it through you! You just have to be willing to allow Him to do what you would be unable to do by yourself.
That is what being a child of God is like: He knew that you could not save yourself from your sin, so He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die for you on the cross. He loves you that much and He will never stop loving you!
He needs the work of the Kingdom to be done on the earth, but instead of sending angels or other beings into the earth to accomplish His will, He is willing to use us as His servants, His ambassadors to give hope and peace to those who are living in the darkness of this world and whose hearts are deep into despair.
He knows that we can speak to them in ways that others cannot. We know what it is like to be heartbroken. We can show the world what it is like to be loved and cherished and to have the God of this universe on our side and in our hearts.
Humble yourself to the Lord, come into His presence and allow Him to do extraordinary things in your life that the people around you will not be able to ignore. That is the treasure and the honor of being His child and the love of His heart.......
Salvation Prayer
Dear Lord Jesus, Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins please forgive me come into my life I receive you as my Lord and Savior Now help me to live for you the rest of my life in the name of Jesus I pray.
Thursday, September 12, 2019
He Knows You
Jeremiah 1:5
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
before you were born I set you apart;
I appointed you as a prophet to the nations...”
He knew me, before I was born He knew me. As a child, I didn't really know who He was, I just had an overwhelming feeling of wanting to be with Him. I imagined going to be with Him, I was asking Him if I could leave this plane of existence and come to Him. He never answered me directly, but I often felt His presence in different ways, and this was before I understood who Jesus was and what He wanted from me. My official declaration of faith came much later when I was a young adult.
I didn't fully realize that He knew me even in my mother's womb, even before I was placed in her womb. The reality of those words is real to me right now. When the world tells you that you are not important, or when you feel that no one really understands you, please understand that there is one person who will always understand you and who will always love you, for He was the one who gave you your life in the first place.....
God has a plan for your life. People are asking, does this life have any meaning, is there a purpose from my life? Yes these is a purpose. There is a general purpose, and there is a specific purpose, a plan that God has prepared just for you.
God's general purpose was to create you and me to be His children, to love us, to fellowship with us, to have a big family. We have the ability to choose His purpose or our own purpose for life. Living for Him brings joy, peace, and everlasting love in His presence, and choosing to go our own way brings pain, suffering, and everlasting separation from His presence forever and ever.....
We get to choose what we want for this life and for our next life in eternity, but because we are unable to make the right decision for ourselves, Jesus Christ came into the world to give us the power and the ability to choose the right path for our lives. His sacrifice on the cross makes all impossible things possible.....
We are weak, but the power of His love for us and the redeeming power of His sacrifice, His blood makes us complete spiritually when we accept Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior. He comes to live within us and to abide in our hearts, and then we can live the life that was chosen for us before we were born.
So, God's general plan was to create us and then save us from ourselves. We cannot do it alone because we do not have the power to defeat our sinful nature, but the Lord made a way for us when there was no other way for us to be redeemed for His Glory.
Once we accept God's general plan for our lives, then the Lord gives us a new nature, and a new plan for our lives. He directs our paths and we must willingly walk into the plans that He has for us. We seek His guidance and His favor as He transforms our hearts and minds. He tells us what He made us for and what He would like us to do with our lives on this earth.
God's general plans for humanity are voluntary, in other words we get to choose whether we want to become a citizen of the Kingdom of God, but once we become adopted into his heavenly family, He shows us the plans that He has had for us since the beginning of our lives. He expects us to hear His voice in our hearts and to obey the promptings of the Holy Spirit. Whatever He has for our lives will give us hope and joy, and the feeling of being apart of a much greater future; for every task we do for Him, He will get the Glory when we allow Him to live through us.
If you are not sure what God's plans are for your live, simply come to His throne of Grace and ask Him to show you what He wants you to do for Him. When you receive your answer, do not turn away from it in disbelief or fear, just know that whatever He has for you it can be accomplished, because He will give you the power to do it. Just relax and praise Him for His mercy and for His good works in your life so that you may accomplish something wonderful. Never let the world tell you that you have no value; what the world offers has no value. You are God's beloved and He will never leave you or forsake you.
Take all of our problems, worries, and issues to the Lord, and He will give comfort, peace, and joy!'
Salvation Prayer
Dear Lord Jesus, Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins please forgive me come into my life I receive you as my Lord and Savior Now help me to live for you the rest of my life in the name of Jesus I pray.
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
before you were born I set you apart;
I appointed you as a prophet to the nations...”
He knew me, before I was born He knew me. As a child, I didn't really know who He was, I just had an overwhelming feeling of wanting to be with Him. I imagined going to be with Him, I was asking Him if I could leave this plane of existence and come to Him. He never answered me directly, but I often felt His presence in different ways, and this was before I understood who Jesus was and what He wanted from me. My official declaration of faith came much later when I was a young adult.
I didn't fully realize that He knew me even in my mother's womb, even before I was placed in her womb. The reality of those words is real to me right now. When the world tells you that you are not important, or when you feel that no one really understands you, please understand that there is one person who will always understand you and who will always love you, for He was the one who gave you your life in the first place.....
God has a plan for your life. People are asking, does this life have any meaning, is there a purpose from my life? Yes these is a purpose. There is a general purpose, and there is a specific purpose, a plan that God has prepared just for you.
God's general purpose was to create you and me to be His children, to love us, to fellowship with us, to have a big family. We have the ability to choose His purpose or our own purpose for life. Living for Him brings joy, peace, and everlasting love in His presence, and choosing to go our own way brings pain, suffering, and everlasting separation from His presence forever and ever.....
We get to choose what we want for this life and for our next life in eternity, but because we are unable to make the right decision for ourselves, Jesus Christ came into the world to give us the power and the ability to choose the right path for our lives. His sacrifice on the cross makes all impossible things possible.....
We are weak, but the power of His love for us and the redeeming power of His sacrifice, His blood makes us complete spiritually when we accept Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior. He comes to live within us and to abide in our hearts, and then we can live the life that was chosen for us before we were born.
So, God's general plan was to create us and then save us from ourselves. We cannot do it alone because we do not have the power to defeat our sinful nature, but the Lord made a way for us when there was no other way for us to be redeemed for His Glory.
Once we accept God's general plan for our lives, then the Lord gives us a new nature, and a new plan for our lives. He directs our paths and we must willingly walk into the plans that He has for us. We seek His guidance and His favor as He transforms our hearts and minds. He tells us what He made us for and what He would like us to do with our lives on this earth.
God's general plans for humanity are voluntary, in other words we get to choose whether we want to become a citizen of the Kingdom of God, but once we become adopted into his heavenly family, He shows us the plans that He has had for us since the beginning of our lives. He expects us to hear His voice in our hearts and to obey the promptings of the Holy Spirit. Whatever He has for our lives will give us hope and joy, and the feeling of being apart of a much greater future; for every task we do for Him, He will get the Glory when we allow Him to live through us.
If you are not sure what God's plans are for your live, simply come to His throne of Grace and ask Him to show you what He wants you to do for Him. When you receive your answer, do not turn away from it in disbelief or fear, just know that whatever He has for you it can be accomplished, because He will give you the power to do it. Just relax and praise Him for His mercy and for His good works in your life so that you may accomplish something wonderful. Never let the world tell you that you have no value; what the world offers has no value. You are God's beloved and He will never leave you or forsake you.
Take all of our problems, worries, and issues to the Lord, and He will give comfort, peace, and joy!'
Salvation Prayer
Dear Lord Jesus, Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins please forgive me come into my life I receive you as my Lord and Savior Now help me to live for you the rest of my life in the name of Jesus I pray.
Thursday, September 5, 2019
Encourage Yourself In The Lord
Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the LORD your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:6
When you look for peace and security, remember that it is the Lord who gives good gifts to His children, and who encourages you to encourage yourself in Him.
The fact is that the world is getting worse, and the people who live in this world are seeking pleasures, wealth, fame, power and authority, but they have closed themselves from the one who could give them everything, the God of this universe who created them.
To be encouraged means to live in peace and harmony with the one who made you, to enjoy your life and have favor and grace that transcends your problems and your fears.
Don't give into your worries and fears; trust The One who created you and give Him all of your troubles and fears, and he will exchange them for peace, joy, and everlasting happiness.
What does it mean to be happy in this world? Usually it means being wealthy and having everyone and everything you ever wanted or desired, but many have learned that being rich and famous does not truly equate with happiness. Happiness is knowing that the God who created you loves you, forgives you, wants to know you and live inside of you. You are His most desired treasure and He will keep you in His heart.
When you are loved perfectly, when you are a treasure in His heart, when you feel love beyond all understanding, the treasures of this life seem worthless, they will not have the same value in your heart as His love for you.......
So. encourage yourself in the Lord, when you feel lonely, discouraged or less than. You are more valuable than anything else in this universe to the Lord, He made you for this purpose, to love Him with all your heart and mind, and to live in His presence forever and ever, so that He might give you everything that you need, yes even the treasures of the earth and beyond. When you are His, you are saved for His mercy sake, and because of His love for you!
When you look for peace and security, remember that it is the Lord who gives good gifts to His children, and who encourages you to encourage yourself in Him.
The fact is that the world is getting worse, and the people who live in this world are seeking pleasures, wealth, fame, power and authority, but they have closed themselves from the one who could give them everything, the God of this universe who created them.
To be encouraged means to live in peace and harmony with the one who made you, to enjoy your life and have favor and grace that transcends your problems and your fears.
Don't give into your worries and fears; trust The One who created you and give Him all of your troubles and fears, and he will exchange them for peace, joy, and everlasting happiness.
What does it mean to be happy in this world? Usually it means being wealthy and having everyone and everything you ever wanted or desired, but many have learned that being rich and famous does not truly equate with happiness. Happiness is knowing that the God who created you loves you, forgives you, wants to know you and live inside of you. You are His most desired treasure and He will keep you in His heart.
When you are loved perfectly, when you are a treasure in His heart, when you feel love beyond all understanding, the treasures of this life seem worthless, they will not have the same value in your heart as His love for you.......
So. encourage yourself in the Lord, when you feel lonely, discouraged or less than. You are more valuable than anything else in this universe to the Lord, He made you for this purpose, to love Him with all your heart and mind, and to live in His presence forever and ever, so that He might give you everything that you need, yes even the treasures of the earth and beyond. When you are His, you are saved for His mercy sake, and because of His love for you!
Tuesday, September 3, 2019
The Power Of The Word Of God
Isaiah chapter 51 vs 7-8
...Listen to me, you people who know about right judgements. Continue to keep my law safely in your hearts. Then you will not be afraid of the fierce words of those who hate you. Then you will not allow their evil plots to frighten you; because insects will eat them, as if they were mere bits of wool. But my triumph (total success) will last for always. And my power to save will continue until the end of the ages...
Keep God's word in your heart and you will be able to stand against the people who hate you and spitefully use you, and those who try to do bad things against you. You will have peace and joy in your heart, and God is able to save you from every trial, suffering, and circumstance.
What should you do when a problem comes into your life? Seek comfort in the word of God and come into His presence with love, understanding, and a willing to live for Him and to be guided by the Holy Spirit in your heart. Surrender your thoughts, your worries, your pain and suffering, your doubts and cares to Him, and He will take what you have, what we all have to give which is love and trust, and He will make a way out of no way. He will defeat your enemy before you, give you the strength, the power and authority to go through what you are going through right now and be victorious in the end.
Ask the Lord, what do you want me to do in this crisis? How do you want your name to be glorified in the situation? If you sense that He wants you to just be still and at peace, then lean into His Grace and Mercy and let Him fight the battle for you.
If he doesn't give you an answer right away, that does not mean He did not hear you. He is working on the solution right now, but you can't see it because of the big problem, the big obstacle in the way. When you can't see the answer, that is when you must lean deeper into His word, go higher in your praise and worship, give Him everything that you have in your heart.
The answer may not be what you were anticipating, but know that the Lord knows what is best for you. He sees your heart and He knows what you need. We cannot see the big picture of our lives, but God already knows what He wants from your life and He has a plan. Our job is to keep focused on Him, to love Him, to be guided by Him in our hearts, and to trust Him, regardless of what our situation looks like in the natural.
This is real bravery: to believe in victory when the outcome is cloudy and uncertain, to love Him even when we are not sure what He truly wants from us or that we deserve His love, to care about what He wants from our lives and put Him first in every situation, to trust Him even when we have a strong desire to fix the problem ourself, to walk with peace, joy, and victory in our hearts even when the world does not see us, believe in us, or care about us.
Victory comes in knowing His son Jesus Christ and allowing Him first place in our hearts and minds and giving all of ourselves to Him.
...Listen to me, you people who know about right judgements. Continue to keep my law safely in your hearts. Then you will not be afraid of the fierce words of those who hate you. Then you will not allow their evil plots to frighten you; because insects will eat them, as if they were mere bits of wool. But my triumph (total success) will last for always. And my power to save will continue until the end of the ages...
Keep God's word in your heart and you will be able to stand against the people who hate you and spitefully use you, and those who try to do bad things against you. You will have peace and joy in your heart, and God is able to save you from every trial, suffering, and circumstance.
What should you do when a problem comes into your life? Seek comfort in the word of God and come into His presence with love, understanding, and a willing to live for Him and to be guided by the Holy Spirit in your heart. Surrender your thoughts, your worries, your pain and suffering, your doubts and cares to Him, and He will take what you have, what we all have to give which is love and trust, and He will make a way out of no way. He will defeat your enemy before you, give you the strength, the power and authority to go through what you are going through right now and be victorious in the end.
Ask the Lord, what do you want me to do in this crisis? How do you want your name to be glorified in the situation? If you sense that He wants you to just be still and at peace, then lean into His Grace and Mercy and let Him fight the battle for you.
If he doesn't give you an answer right away, that does not mean He did not hear you. He is working on the solution right now, but you can't see it because of the big problem, the big obstacle in the way. When you can't see the answer, that is when you must lean deeper into His word, go higher in your praise and worship, give Him everything that you have in your heart.
The answer may not be what you were anticipating, but know that the Lord knows what is best for you. He sees your heart and He knows what you need. We cannot see the big picture of our lives, but God already knows what He wants from your life and He has a plan. Our job is to keep focused on Him, to love Him, to be guided by Him in our hearts, and to trust Him, regardless of what our situation looks like in the natural.
This is real bravery: to believe in victory when the outcome is cloudy and uncertain, to love Him even when we are not sure what He truly wants from us or that we deserve His love, to care about what He wants from our lives and put Him first in every situation, to trust Him even when we have a strong desire to fix the problem ourself, to walk with peace, joy, and victory in our hearts even when the world does not see us, believe in us, or care about us.
Victory comes in knowing His son Jesus Christ and allowing Him first place in our hearts and minds and giving all of ourselves to Him.
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