Matthew chapter 3:2
Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
There is no greater kingdom than the Kingdom of God. There is no true place of peace except in the arms of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Chirst.
What powers the Kingdom of God? LOVE, that is it. Love is so powerful, that the devil and his demons run in terror from its presence. You may be confronted by evil spirits, or by people influenced by evil spirits, but if you stand in the Name of Jesus, those evil spirits will have to obey the power of His Name. This name has all the power and authority of the Godhead: The Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Why does God power the entire universe with His love? It is because God is love; love originates from the heart of God. That is who He is, and He will never act out of an abundance of hate. Hate does not exist in the presence of the Lord.
The devil and the Lord Jesus are polar opposites. If you want to live in the light, seek the God who created you. If you want to live only for yourself, then you will dwell in the darkness, and satan and his demons will have the right to mess with your life and to destroy you. Hate never engenders life, it will always bring death, and the death that I am referring to is spiritual death. Spirtual death leads to a place of suffering and darkness, forever separated from the God who created you. You need to face the fact that unchecked sin is a road to destruction.
The Kingdom of God manifests in the earth realm as a state of mind and a changed heart. The Holy Spirit comes to live inside every person who accepts Jesus Christ into their hearts. The process of becoming more like Jesus Christ is to allow the word of God and His love to change your mind and your character.
Those who believe in the Lord learn to live righteously in this life and to purify their hearts and minds with the word of God. They are protected by His Love and His Grace, while the devil and his demons tries to destroy our world with hate, pride, and fear.
What can you do to help the world if you become a citizen of the Kingdom of God? First, place your life, all your hopes and dreams at the feet of Jesus Christ. Live for the Lord and not for yourself. Secondly, learn what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ by studying the word of God. The word brings life to those who love the Lord. And Thirdly, obey the promptings of the Holy Spirit and seek the will of the Lord for your life. Because of His love for you, you will be able to live your life for Him. Whatever you have been called to do, it will be enough, because the Lord Jesus has equipped you to do that calling.
When the people of God live their lives for Jesus Christ, everyone else will see the love of the Lord expressed through the actions of the church. The unbelievers will then have no doubt about God’s love for them. Live for the Lord, and be at peace in his presence…
Prayer of Salvation
If you would like to be a citizen of the Kingdom of God, pray this prayer of salvation:
Dear Lord Jesus, I want to know what real love is. I surrender my life to you, I give you all that I am. Please, come into my heart. I repent of all of my sins... AMEN
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