Jeremiah 14:1
Then the LORD said to me, “The prophets are prophesying lies in my name. I have not sent them or appointed them or spoken to them. They are prophesying to you false visions, divinations, idolatries and the delusions of their own minds.
In the garden of eden, there was peace, everywhere in the world the balance was kept by God and It was good, and the Lord said that it was good. After the fall of Adam and Eve, the balance was lost. There was no peace for the people who wanted to rule the world and the universe, there was only peace for the ones who continued to follow God in their hearts.
After the flood, there was still much turmoil, and only one group of people in the whole world declared themselves to be the people of God. Everyone around them tried to destroy them, but as long as they believed in the Lord of Hosts, they survived and the people who tried to destroy them were instead destroyed; the memory of them became so dim that many of the lost peoples were never remembered again.
Only the Israelites followed the Word of God, but that was not enough in God’s eyes. He had enough love for everyone, but in order to restore the balance in the world and in the universe, He would have to make the greatest gesture of love and sacrifice that the world has ever known. He would have to allow His Son Jesus to redeem all of us with His own blood. He would die a brutal death on a cross, but His sacrifice would cleanse the sins from every heart and change the minds of everyone who called upon His Name. It would give them peace again, a peace that no man could ever have without asking the Lord Jesus to come into their hearts.
And now, it is time for the Lord Jesus to appear again, to redeem what is rightfully His. The world that He created with the words of His mouth, and His people that He created from the dust of the earth. He will show His defeat of satan and his demons, and He will renew and replenish the earth. He will prepare a place where His people will live and reign forevermore - it is time to restore the balance in the world with the love, power and glory that flows from the heart of Jesus Christ.
The devil knows that his time is short, and this is why the world is full of pretenders. There have always been pretenders in the world from the very beginning, and the Lord allowed them to exist with his people, side by side, until the time of judgment that is set for the ones who refuse to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
The pretenders are no longer satisfied to work underground or in the shadows. Many of them are not aware of who their master really is, they only know that they do not want to be ruled by God’s words in their lives.
Some go to church every Sunday looking clean and pristine in their Sunday clothes, yet you would not believe that they are followers of Jesus Christ from monday to saturday. They have effectively blocked the power of God in their lives and in the lives of those who follow them blindly.
God seeks the people who are willing to stand on His word and to live His will for their lives and leave the consequences of their actions to the Lord. The Lord will protect and provide for the ones who love His Son Jesus, and who are willing to live their testimonies in plain sight of the world.
God is speaking out to the people who can hear His voice, “No More Pretenders, Give your life to Jesus Christ and live righteous lives for His sake. Do not be afraid of the pretenders, for they will see swift judgment come against them as they try to seize the power of my throne.”
The Lord is waiting for you. The pretenders will fall, and judgment will come after for those who believe in nothing but themselves. We are His children, He is seeking you for His kingdom - you will never be disappointed if you do - pray for guidance and for your heart to repent, give your heart to the Lord Jesus right now…
Prayer of salvation
Dear Lord Jesus, I come to you humbly, knowing that my sins are destroying my life and my testimony. Please forgive me and come into my heart right now....AMEN
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