Saturday, January 27, 2024

The Law of God Vs The Law of Man Part 2

 Exodus chapter 1 18-19

Then the king sent for them again. ‘Why have you done this? Why have you let the boys live?’ he asked them. ‘*Hebrew women are not like *Egyptian women’, they answered *Pharaoh. ‘*Hebrew women are strong. And their babies are born quickly, before we can arrive.’

Humanity believes that it has the right to abort human babies because there are laws to support some women’s desire to end the life of their babies. In God’s eyes, all life has value. He created the world and every living thing that lives upon it. He believes in love because He is love, and love is a creative force of nature. We were never made to destroy life, but to create it.

The secular worldview is selfish and dim, and that is why some people cannot see beyond the needs of the woman to have compassion upon the life of an unwanted child. If those lost children could speak to their mothers, they would speak words of love and compassion, they would forgive their mothers, because in heaven, there are no selfish, confused or unforgiving souls. The Lord will not allow the world to waste any of His loved ones, for every baby and every child of God is very precious to Him and they are always in His heart…

The law of man allows the termination of a life, but God says that every life that is wasted on earth will never be wasted in heaven. All of our tears, our joys, our pains and sorrows, everything that we experience will never be wasted as long as we allow Jesus Christ into our lives. When we accept Jesus Chrsit as our Lord and Savior, He becomes the guide to everlasting life and forgiveness. We become ambassadors for the Kingdom of God, and He forgives us for all of our sins. No greater gift is there for a fallen and broken human being than  to be accepted and loved by the One who created them, with the love, power and majesty of our Lord Jesus Christ!

God's word says that we need to live, to laugh, and to love while showing the world who we are in Jesus Christ. We must advocate for the little ones who cannot advocate for themselves. Love is the only real power in the universe. Hate can only destroy, but God’s love can transform a dead heart and a selfish soul, and never underestimate the power of God’s love in your life.

Live For God - Give All that You Have To God - Cherish Your Life And the Lives Of Those Who Cannot Speak for Themselves - Give God All Of The Glory When He Defeats All Of Your Enemies- Hallelujah!

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