Saturday, January 27, 2024

The Law of God Vs The Law of Man Part 2

 Exodus chapter 1 18-19

Then the king sent for them again. ‘Why have you done this? Why have you let the boys live?’ he asked them. ‘*Hebrew women are not like *Egyptian women’, they answered *Pharaoh. ‘*Hebrew women are strong. And their babies are born quickly, before we can arrive.’

Humanity believes that it has the right to abort human babies because there are laws to support some women’s desire to end the life of their babies. In God’s eyes, all life has value. He created the world and every living thing that lives upon it. He believes in love because He is love, and love is a creative force of nature. We were never made to destroy life, but to create it.

The secular worldview is selfish and dim, and that is why some people cannot see beyond the needs of the woman to have compassion upon the life of an unwanted child. If those lost children could speak to their mothers, they would speak words of love and compassion, they would forgive their mothers, because in heaven, there are no selfish, confused or unforgiving souls. The Lord will not allow the world to waste any of His loved ones, for every baby and every child of God is very precious to Him and they are always in His heart…

The law of man allows the termination of a life, but God says that every life that is wasted on earth will never be wasted in heaven. All of our tears, our joys, our pains and sorrows, everything that we experience will never be wasted as long as we allow Jesus Christ into our lives. When we accept Jesus Chrsit as our Lord and Savior, He becomes the guide to everlasting life and forgiveness. We become ambassadors for the Kingdom of God, and He forgives us for all of our sins. No greater gift is there for a fallen and broken human being than  to be accepted and loved by the One who created them, with the love, power and majesty of our Lord Jesus Christ!

God's word says that we need to live, to laugh, and to love while showing the world who we are in Jesus Christ. We must advocate for the little ones who cannot advocate for themselves. Love is the only real power in the universe. Hate can only destroy, but God’s love can transform a dead heart and a selfish soul, and never underestimate the power of God’s love in your life.

Live For God - Give All that You Have To God - Cherish Your Life And the Lives Of Those Who Cannot Speak for Themselves - Give God All Of The Glory When He Defeats All Of Your Enemies- Hallelujah!

Monday, January 22, 2024

The Law of God Vs The Law of Man Part 1

 Exodus chapter 1 15-17, 20-21

There were *Hebrew women who helped other women to have their babies. These women’s names were Shiphrah and Puah. Then the king spoke to them. ‘You help other *Hebrew women when they have their babies’, he said to them. ‘You must watch them carefully when they have babies. If the baby is a boy, kill him. If the baby is a girl, let her live.’  But Shiphrah and Puah were afraid to make God angry. So they did not do what Egypt’s king had told them. They let the boys live.

 So God did good things for Shiphrah and Puah. The number of *Israelites increased more and more.  Shiphrah and Puah were afraid to make God angry. And because of that, he gave to them families of their own too.

Just because man’s law says that you can do a certain thing does not mean it is beneficial or righteous in the eyes of God.  In the book of exodus, we see that the Israelites were slaves to the Egyptians, and the Egyptians wanted to control the number of their slaves by killing the baby boys being born to the Hebrew women. 

Pharoah decreed death and destruction in the lives of his Hebrew slaves, but the ones responsible for helping the Hebrew women when they were in labor refused to do this because they were more afraid of God. In other words, they believed in God’s word and refused to destroy the lives of the baby boys, even though they knew this would put them in danger of the one who had all the power over their lives;  in reality it was God who had the power over all of their lives.

God allows man to make his rules and regulations, but He requires His people to look to Him for guidance in their everyday lives. God protected the midwives and even gave them families because they considered God’s words as the final authority in their lives.

We need to believe the word of God and then live it out in our own lives. We may have to take a stand that everyone else in the room refuses to do. We must consider the cost of not obeying the Lord when we are prompted by the Holy Spirit to do God’s will.

Could you lose your job, your good reputation, your street cred with the crowd?  Yes, it is possible, but the Lord will not leave you to face this battle alone, He will give you the strength and the resources to succeed, and He will never leave you without His support.

You will be rewarded for your efforts, and other people will be able to see how the Lord is working in your life. God gets the glory and you will get the victory. Do you want to see what God can do for you in your life? Just stand up for Him and watch the Lord fight your battles. The darkness will never be able to conquer anyone who believes in our Savior, Jesus Christ…

Monday, January 15, 2024

Forgiveness Is The Medication For Your Soul


Matthew 6:14

For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly father will also forgive you.

What do you do to cure yourself when you are physically ill?

When you are sick, you will be told by your doctor to take your medication so that you can feel better.  What if you don’t feel better?  You need to keep taking your medication until you do feel better...

Forgiveness cleanses the palate of your soul, helps to heal the deepest emotions, and it activates the Holy Spirit to redeem you from your misery if you allow Him to heal you…

Forgiveness is not about the person who hurt you, it is about redeeming yourself from your pain, suffering, fear, confusion and denial.

The greatest weapon of the devil is to put you into a situation of your own choosing. When you refuse to forgive and forget, you put yourself in a position to be tortured by your past and to live in bitterness and regret forever.

Some people enjoy their bitterness, it allows them to have a constant gripe about the world and the people who live in it. They will feel vindicated when the object of their bitterness receives their due punishment, but they will never feel completely whole for the rest of their lives. That snake of bitterness bit them a long time ago, but the bitter poison is still working in their hearts everyday.

Do you want to be free from this self-inflicted prison? Give all of your cares, your pains and sorrows to the Lord. Confess to Him your intention to forgive everyone who has ever offended you, and then the Holy Spirit receives what you have said and begins to heal your heart. It may not seem like anything is happening at first, because it all depends on how strong your desire is to be free from your suffering, but it will work because Jesus is the only way that Father God has provided for our salvation and for our sins.

Jesus sacrificed Himself upon the cross because He loves you, He loves everyone with a passion that goes beyond our human understanding. He suffered for every sickness, every hurt and every injustice we experience in this life, and that is why we need to surrender our pains and offenses to Jesus.  His Blood covers everything that you will ever feel, see or experience; let go of that thing that is haunting your heart and give it all to Him!

What happens if you never let go of your bitterness and hate of the one(s) who have offended you? It is a sin that keeps you from the Kingdom of God. Sin is not allowed in heaven, and bitterness and unforgiveness keeps you from believing in the one who came to save you from all of your troubles. Jesus will never inhabit a heart filled with the poison of hate and unforgiveness. 

Just imagine how you would feel if you constantly lived in the presence of someone who was always angry, bitter and vengeful to everyone around them, even to the ones who showed them love and compassion. Would you want to live with someone like that forever and ever?  God does not tolerate these toxic emotions and feelings in His presence. A person with an empty heart will always be empty unless they change their mind and ask for forgiveness…

Sadly, there are people who are suffering in that kind of environment, and the only way to be free of that kind of environment is to leave it or the angry, bitter person must leave because that person cannot change themselves and they cannot be healed of that destructive condition if they are not willing to surrender their lives to Jesus Christ.

A person who lives with unforgiveness in their hearts every day must always contend with fear, confusion and denial. They will always be afraid of everything and everyone because they will be constantly protecting themselves from more hurt and pain. They will never allow anyone to get too close to them emotionally, because emotions for them will always be an enemy. 

Confusion will always be present in their thinking because they will never accept the truth of God but will always prefer a way of thinking that will justify their bitterness and this will increase their pain and suffering. They will always be in denial because they will be unable to accept the truth about the state of their heart and mind.  Some people may try to help them understand why they do what they do, but they will not be interested in changing their behavior, even if it means that they could live a better life.

What if you decide that you want freedom from your pain by accepting Jesus Christ into your heart? Confession of your sins to a higher power is the best way to free yourself from the burdens of a broken heart.  You must have a revelation of the power and the glory of the Lord that only comes when you ask Jesus to come into your heart and to heal you from all of your pains and sufferings. Jesus lives inside our hearts because that is the place He has always prepared for Himself. The world tries to fill that space with money, hate and selfish distractions, but all of these things will never be able to fill the spot in your heart reserved only for Him.

Live for Jesus, submit your heart to Him right now, show the world what it has been missing all along, and your joy, peace and happiness will amaze the people in your life, and give hope to the desperate ones searching for the real answer to all of their troubles…

Salvation Prayer

Lord Jesus, please forgive me for all of my sins,  I am sorry for all of my past deeds, I give you all of my pain and suffering and I forgive everyone who has ever offended me or caused me any injury to my body, heart and mind. Please Jesus, come live inside of me so that I can live for you forever and ever,  AMEN