Monday, November 6, 2023

There Is Victory In Unity

Philippians Chapter 1:28 - Chapter 2: 2-4

And I hope to know that you are not afraid of your opponents. Your courage will be a sign to them of their destruction. But it will be proof to you of your salvation that comes from God.

So I urge you to make my joy complete. Agree with each other. Have the same love. Be united in spirit and purpose. Do nothing from selfish ambition or from proud desire for personal honour. Be humble. Think more about each other than you do about yourselves. You should think about each other’s benefit and not just about your own.

Unity is a real demonstration of the power of the Lord, but it only comes when the people involved are willing to love each other and cooperate to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. Disunity is a sign of an organization dedicated to darkness and rebellion. It will seem powerful and influential from the outside for a season, but greed, pride, and arrogance will blind it from the consequences of its actions, which eventually brings about a mighty crash of destruction.

We are at our weakest when we fight against each other. We need to care about each other and respect each other's opinions. The real church of Jesus Christ are the ones that show love and concern for each other, those who are willing to show support for each other and to pray for each other. We need unity in the body of Christ.  We become the best ambassadors for the Kingdom of God when we are more concerned about other people’s struggles above our own.

As followers of Christ, we need to focus upon the goodness of Jesus Christ. We know that we cannot survive without His love and His grace in our lives.  The enemy disguises his corruption, but the results of his efforts are seen for anyone willing to see the world for what it truly is - a place full of darkness, confusion and fear.  Peace can only be found in the arms of Jesus Christ…

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