Thursday, November 16, 2023

Our Lives For Jesus Christ Will Always Be For His Glory

 1 John 4:19

We love because he first loved us…

God does not need us to be perfect or to be great show performers in this life.

There are people who will tell you that everything they do shows that they are righteous because of their good moral lifestyle, but it is faith and surrender to Jesus Christ that pleases God. He considers you righteous if you have a relationship with His Son, Jesus.

God doesn't need great performers in His ministry. There are plenty of false teachers, preachers, and prophets who are great actors; they never heard the call from God to be in the ministry.  They chose to live a lifestyle that gives them pleasure, in a church or a platform with hundreds and thousands of admirers and fans.

God wants us to understand Him and His Word, and then share what we have learned with other people. We are to be ambassadors for the Kingdom of God. We should show that we are happy and content with what God has done in our lives, and that we are people who live peaceful lives filled with joy.

When the time comes, we will stand before the Lord and He will tell us how well we have done in living our lives for Jesus. God is looking for people who believe in Him, and for those who care enough to love His Son, Jesus. He wants our life experience to show our journey from ignorance to understanding, and from living in the dark to learning how to live in the light.


The purpose for our lives is to come to the knowledge of the Glory of Jesus Christ. We must believe that He gave His life to save us from our sins, and then we must be willing to give our lives to Him, so that He can help us to live the lives we were destined to live in Him.

Our lives in Jesus should be filled with love, hope and purpose. We will not show to the world perfect lives, we will show that the perfect place for all of humanity is to love and to live in Jesus Christ.

This is why we are never given all the knowledge the Lord knows about our lives; God is seeking to teach us about Himself and about who we are in Christ. We will find ourselves going through many trials and tribulations, but we will also continue to stand in our faith.

The people around us wonder how we are able to keep on going, but the answer is always in our walk with Jesus Christ. No one else is capable of saving our souls from sin and no one else can give us the strength to survive; that is the providence of our God and our creator who loves us with all of His heart and soul.

Perfect knowledge will not make us into the people that God needs for this life's journey. It is our willingness to go through the process of sanctification that will transform our hearts and minds. God gives us just what we need to live, survive, and thrive, anything more would be counterproductive.

One day we will have access to everything, to the perfect knowledge of the Lord and His creation, but until then, we must be content to keep on working and to keep on learning for our Lord Jesus Christ, our Savior and Redeemer…

Prayer of Salvation:

Dear God,

I come to You in the Name of Jesus. I admit that I am not right with You, and I want to be right with You. I ask You to forgive me of all my sins. The Bible says if I confess with my mouth that “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in my heart that God raised Him from the dead, I will be saved (Rom. 10:9). I believe with my heart and I confess with my mouth that Jesus is the Lord and Savior of my life. Thank You for saving me!
In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen.

Monday, November 6, 2023

There Is Victory In Unity

Philippians Chapter 1:28 - Chapter 2: 2-4

And I hope to know that you are not afraid of your opponents. Your courage will be a sign to them of their destruction. But it will be proof to you of your salvation that comes from God.

So I urge you to make my joy complete. Agree with each other. Have the same love. Be united in spirit and purpose. Do nothing from selfish ambition or from proud desire for personal honour. Be humble. Think more about each other than you do about yourselves. You should think about each other’s benefit and not just about your own.

Unity is a real demonstration of the power of the Lord, but it only comes when the people involved are willing to love each other and cooperate to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. Disunity is a sign of an organization dedicated to darkness and rebellion. It will seem powerful and influential from the outside for a season, but greed, pride, and arrogance will blind it from the consequences of its actions, which eventually brings about a mighty crash of destruction.

We are at our weakest when we fight against each other. We need to care about each other and respect each other's opinions. The real church of Jesus Christ are the ones that show love and concern for each other, those who are willing to show support for each other and to pray for each other. We need unity in the body of Christ.  We become the best ambassadors for the Kingdom of God when we are more concerned about other people’s struggles above our own.

As followers of Christ, we need to focus upon the goodness of Jesus Christ. We know that we cannot survive without His love and His grace in our lives.  The enemy disguises his corruption, but the results of his efforts are seen for anyone willing to see the world for what it truly is - a place full of darkness, confusion and fear.  Peace can only be found in the arms of Jesus Christ…

Friday, November 3, 2023

Great Sufferings Brings Great Transformations

 Phiippians chapter 4:13

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

The greatest compliment that someone could ever give you is that they knew you for a long time, and in all of that time, they always noticed that you were a kind and honest person. Too many people are focused upon becoming rich and powerful. Being rich and powerful in this world never lasts forever. It is your love for Jesus Christ and your faithfulness that impresses God.

When we suffer, Jesus suffers along with us, because He lives in our hearts. He guides our actions through the power of the Holy Spirit. We are free to live for Jesus, or to live for ourselves, but no one is free from the influence of the devil and his demons unless they are a believer in Jesus Christ.

God allows great sufferings in our lives so that it may produce great transformations. We are transformed when we allow the Holy Spirit to calm our fears and bring peace into what seems to be a hopeless situation. When we surrender our lives to Jesus Christ, He brings victory out of all of our messes.

When we come to Him first with all of our problems, He will guide us to the right solution. He will stay with us in the storm and will protect us until the storm is no more. We may cry or suffer for our righteous acts. Someone may try to hurt us or destroy our reputations. The illness may seem to get worse before it gets better, but the Prince of Peace will be there to give us joy and a measure of faith so that we will never give up.

The victory is certain when Jesus is involved in the solution. We will shout and praise His name when we receive what was promised to us in His word. No one will be able to take away what He has freely given, we just need to trust the process and allow Him to work it all out for our good and for His Glory - His love never ends...