Monday, September 4, 2023

The Cruelty Of Greed


Hebrews 13:5

Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”

God has heard His people, and justice will be served!!

I just had a dream, where I was a part of some type of movie or tv drama. I was one of the actors, and we were all in a meeting about an  issue that the director wanted to address with all of us. Some of the actors were taking these issues seriously, but others were not taking their roles or their conduct seriously at all.

The subject came up about my performance. Just before this meeting, I had read a passage, my part in the drama. When I read the words, my part in this movie came to life. Everyone who was there to hear me said they were moved by my performance, and this was the reason I was chosen for the part.

The director in charge of the meeting mentioned that many in the room were not paying attention to what they were doing, but he chose to use me as an example of someone who was understanding the role and bringing something special to it. Many in the room agreed, and then the attention was upon me.

Then I spoke and said that while I was saying these words, the words were being brought to life by God. I was telling these people that what they were feeling was the power of the Holy Spirit. 

I wasn't able to go into more detail, but what I said made an impact on the people in the meeting. As soon as I finished speaking, there was a disturbance in the room, because there were creatures that were trying to get into the meeting, and they were not friendly.

People were watching at the doors to make sure that these creatures never made it inside into the meeting.

That is when i woke up and the Lord said this to me in my spirit:

Those people in Maui were done in by cruelty and that Justice from the Lord would be served!

He also said that a new level of my ministry will be activated this year, and that my words will become activated in real life, as I utter them on behalf of the Lord…

When God serves up Justice, let the inhabitants of the world be afraid. Our God is a sweet and loving God. He is gentle and patient with His little ones, the ones that are saved and who live in His Grace because of His Son Jesus Christ and His work upon the cross. He is always ready to accept our repentance in humility in front of His throne, so never be afraid to come into His presence when you need Him for guidance, but the world is about to understand what it means to be in the presence of a righteous God who has to bring real judgment upon the world for the sins and the evil actions of those who will never sing or offer praise in His presence…

God is showing up and showing out, because if He does not, then His workers in the field will not be able to do the work that will be necessary to bring about the end time harvest. He will not allow the evil in this world to stop Him or His Son Jesus - these are the days when people will wake up from their slumber and indifference because they will no longer feel isolated or protected from the evil in this world.

It is true that many people don’t really believe in God or the devil. They see the evil and injustice in the world, but they will not be fully prepared to deal with these issues when they come barrelling into the front door of their lives…

Now is the time when the real test will be given, and many people, including believers in Jesus Christ will not be able to pass it. Many will give into despair, but others will be willing to listen to the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the first time in their lives. What has happened in the past will be nothing compared to what we will begin to see happening in the world right now.

That is why God is calling out the people in His Kingdom who have been paying attention to His word, who have listened to the promptings of the Holy Spirit and have obeyed His path for their lives. These are the people who will accomplish His work in the world today.

Never live your life without understanding the consequences of your actions. Love the Lord with all of your heart. Bring into the storehouse of the Lord your gifts and treasures of love, praise and worship, and begin to bask in the Glory of His Grace and Mercy. The Lord God is a proud father who is watching over His little ones with happiness and joy in His heart…

Believe Upon The Lord Jesus Christ So That You May Be Saved To Endure The Troubled Times Ahead, And Then Be At Peace As Your Father Gives You Rest In HIs Arms And Makes You Whole…

Please Say This Prayer For Hope, Peace and Joy In Your Heart:

Prayer of Salvation

Lord Jesus, I confess my sins and ask for your forgiveness. Please come into my heart as my Lord and Savior. Take complete control of my life and help me to walk in Your footsteps daily by the power of the Holy Spirit. Thank you Lord for saving me and for answering my prayer. AMEN

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