Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Loving God is the Beginning of Wisdom

 Proverbs chapter 2:9:13-15

God’s wisdom will teach you what is right. You will understand how to make good decisions...

 Evil men leave the right road. They walk down dark paths. They love to do wrong things.

They are glad to do evil things. They choose the wrong path. Their way is wrong...

The difference between weaknesses and true evil:

We are not perfect and we have weaknesses. This does not mean we will be evil people, it only gives us the ability to become evil people. 

True evil and evil people are those who rebel against God's standards, who enjoy doing evil things. They are glad when they see violence and anarchy in their environment, and they worship evil in their hearts.

Evil tempts like a wayward woman who seeks intimacy with a man who is not her husband. It is enticing. It promises many things, yet does not reveal its true nature until it is too late and you have broken your covenant with God

It is very difficult to leave that life of sin unless God's Word penetrates the core of your heart and then you respond to it. 

That is why God's Word is essential for Christian living, because His word protects us from the evil thoughts and the evil actions of others. And, it helps us to keep our focus on the Lord and His will for our lives.....

God's wisdom begins when we choose to live for Jesus Christ!

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