Friday, May 28, 2021

Do Not Worry About the Future But Trust In God

 1 Peter chapter 5:7

 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

Worry is a broken relationship with trust and faith.

Worry only cares about itself. It does not ponder the results that it gives in our lives. It selfishly dominates in our hearts and minds, and doesn't consider our wellbeing at all. It is not to be trusted. It is like an abusive boyfriend or an enemy that comes in the middle of the night to destroy you.  It is best to terminate your relationship with it and seek peace in the word of God...

When you worry, you break your relationship with the peace of God. You must seek that peace in His word and in His presence. Learn to worship and pray when anxiety overtakes your heart.

When you worry, you only think of fearful things, most of which never manifests in your life. Worry is a liar and a thief, and we should never put our faith and trust into it; live for the Lord instead.

So, how can you repair your relationship to trust and faith?

All relationships are the same, whether they are relationships with concepts, relationships with people or family, or your relationship to God. You establish a relationship with someone, and it is a good one. You enjoy your time with them, and you care about them.

But overtime, problems may arise. You may develop issues with that person, or they may have issues with your behavior as well. The issues begin to add up and the relationship is in jeopardy. how do you repair it?

1) Admit that there is a problem 

 The first step is to recognize that you have a problem. When we worry, we tend to focus on the object or subject of that worry, and we lose focus on everything else. Admitting that the worry exists and that it is hampering your ability to see the problem in a positive light is crucial for spiritual development.

We cannot see all of our weaknesses, and that is why it is important to listen to someone that you trust or the other person in the relationship. They can see your blind spots if they know you well. When God is showing you your blind spots, you must acknowledge that He is right. He knows everything that there is to know, and He knows you better than you know yourself.

2)Apologize for your part in the issue 

The second step is to correct your worldview by surrendering your fears, worries, and anxieties to God. You are in a relationship with Him, and you lost your focus upon Him. You dwelled upon what could have happen and not on what He could do on your behalf.  He has been waiting all this time for you to come to Him so that He could fix the wound in your heart. 

Repent from that negative thinking and start praising His name, worship in His presence and start thanking Him for the victory that is about to take place in your life. Stop blaming yourself or other people for your problems. Leave the accusations for those people who do not know God. They will always complain about their life until they breathe their last breath. You are not an unbeliever, you are a child of God and you deserve a better life than one lived with bitterness, suffering, and pain. 

Resolve your issue with the other person by being willing to apologize for your part in the problem and let go of your rights as the abuser or the one being abused. Do you want your relationship to work? Stop the shouting and the blaming and be willing to surrender your heart and mind to each other so that you can really love each other again. Forgive each other and let the Holy Spirit heal your hearts.

3) Find the solution that will resolve the issue 

 Terminate your relationship with worry. It is unproductive and destructive. Lean into God's word and heal your heart with God's love. This is a conscious decision, and it takes time for the relationship to be truly over. You may have fearful thoughts again, but that does not mean you are in a relationship with fear. You know that you are in a relationship with fear when you are always thinking fearfully. Get rid of worry and fear, and renew your relationship with trust and faith in Jesus Christ.

If you have a toxic relationship with someone and they are not willing to work to find a solution that will repair your relationship, do not stay in a relationship that no longer works for you. It will destroy who you are and your whole life.  Trust the Lord and be led by the Holy Spirit in this situation, as He will guide you to the right decision for your life.

Now that you have forgiven yourself and the person in your relationship, it is time to rebuild your relationship with them. You can do this by asking the Lord to help you with learning how to love each other unconditionally, just as Jesus Christ loves us unconditionally. Sacrificial love is the key. Once you are able to love on that level, you will have a better and stronger relationship that shows the world the love of Jesus Christ. There is nothing that you will not be able to do once your hearts are set in the love of God.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Loving God is the Beginning of Wisdom

 Proverbs chapter 2:9:13-15

God’s wisdom will teach you what is right. You will understand how to make good decisions...

 Evil men leave the right road. They walk down dark paths. They love to do wrong things.

They are glad to do evil things. They choose the wrong path. Their way is wrong...

The difference between weaknesses and true evil:

We are not perfect and we have weaknesses. This does not mean we will be evil people, it only gives us the ability to become evil people. 

True evil and evil people are those who rebel against God's standards, who enjoy doing evil things. They are glad when they see violence and anarchy in their environment, and they worship evil in their hearts.

Evil tempts like a wayward woman who seeks intimacy with a man who is not her husband. It is enticing. It promises many things, yet does not reveal its true nature until it is too late and you have broken your covenant with God

It is very difficult to leave that life of sin unless God's Word penetrates the core of your heart and then you respond to it. 

That is why God's Word is essential for Christian living, because His word protects us from the evil thoughts and the evil actions of others. And, it helps us to keep our focus on the Lord and His will for our lives.....

God's wisdom begins when we choose to live for Jesus Christ!

Monday, May 24, 2021

Love Me And I Will Do All The Rest


John 3:16

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life

God's love is eternal. It cannot be broken or destroyed, and that is why the devil is so afraid when God's people finally realize just how much He loves them in their hearts. When you realize that He loves you beyond comprehension, than you forget to worry about what the world thinks of you.

You believe that you are valuable in His eyes, and His love heals your broken heart...

Why is it so hard to let God handle everything for you? Because you may not believe that you deserve His help or His love. You must learn to forgive yourself and the people in your life that cannot see you for who you truly are.

It is hard to forgive yourself because:

A)You feel guilty about your past and the sinful things you did when you did not know the Lord

B)You are disappointed in your past actions because you were not able to live up to the standards you made for yourself or that someone else tried to impose upon you

C)You may be living right now in the consequences of your past actions and so they are a constant reminder or your past weaknesses

But rejoice in the Lord Jesus because:

A) He has cleansed your from all unrighteousness - the blood of Jesus Christ has washed away all our sins. He has forgiven you for your past sins, the sins you may have done today and may do tomorrow. You are completely covered. Guilt is for those you are not forgiven in God's eyes, the unbelievers of the world. Trust in the power of the blood of the Lamb.

B) You are not perfect. Your spirit has been regenerated and given eternal life by the power of the Holy Spirit, but your human nature is still in its fallen state, so you have to cut yourself some slack. Love the person that God made you to be and learn to live your life through Him, and forget the idea of trying to be perfect by the world's standards.

C) Some things cannot be avoided. You many have made some foolish mistakes, but rejoice because now you understand what you did was wrong so that you will never make that mistake again. You have grown spiritually from these things, and that makes you a even more valuable citizen of the Kingdom of God.

God can only use those who have experience in the world and who knows what it is like to be tempted by wrong desires only to abandon them and then to live for His Glory. He needs you to be strong in Him and deal with the issues of your life so that you can be a blessing to someone else. He will get you through this and you will accomplish everything that He has set in motion in your life. You are not the only one - we all suffer from our mistakes, but that is what makes us wise and real people. 

HIs love will never leave your nor forsake you....

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Its Gonna Be Alright!

 1 Peter 3:9

I do not repay evil for evil. I do not retaliate with insults when people insult me. Instead, I pay them back with a blessing. That is what God has called me to do, and He will bless me for it.

You remember - that moment when your heart sink, when you didn't fit in with everyone else, when you were disappointed by someone's actions against you, when you felt that no one understood what you were going through. That was the moment that you always remember because of the pain in your heart. Did you know that God was there with you all along, helping you to survive the pain and the hurt so that you could come to this time and place and declare your love for Him?

I had a dream this morning that brought up some old trauma from the past. I can say that now because I realize what that moment did inside of me. I was angry and full of pain. I felt rejected and disrespected by someone who was supposed to love me no matter what.  And that memory and the trauma stayed with me all of my life.


God sometimes reminds us of what has happened in the past so that we can give that pain and trauma to Him. He wants to heal our hurts and purify our hearts. Painful and hurtful moments in life tend to shape our mind and our character in negative ways. Fear and anger set into our hearts. Loneliness and rejection are not far behind. We need to see ourselves as Jesus Christ sees us. He sees us as valuable and precious. He loves us with all of His heart, mind, and soul. No one can take us from His hands. We are secure in His love.

But we must understand who we are in Christ Jesus. Until we understand how He loves us, and how He sees us in His heart, we will always feel impure or guilty. The guilt is not necessary when the Lord has already cleansed us of all unrighteousness and sin. He has made atonement for all our mistakes in the past, the ones we will make today, and the ones we will do in the future. All we have to do is acknowledge what we have done and forgive ourselves, and then we take the matter to Jesus so that he can whisper into our hearts. "It is finished. I have already cleansed you of this sin. You are free to live without this burden forever and ever and live in me....."

What a happy and joyous moment when we realize that we are free from our burden of sin to live peacefully and happily in the Lord Jesus Christ!