1 Peter chapter 5:7
Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
Worry is a broken relationship with trust and faith.
Worry only cares about itself. It does not ponder the results that it gives in our lives. It selfishly dominates in our hearts and minds, and doesn't consider our wellbeing at all. It is not to be trusted. It is like an abusive boyfriend or an enemy that comes in the middle of the night to destroy you. It is best to terminate your relationship with it and seek peace in the word of God...
When you worry, you break your relationship with the peace of God. You must seek that peace in His word and in His presence. Learn to worship and pray when anxiety overtakes your heart.
When you worry, you only think of fearful things, most of which never manifests in your life. Worry is a liar and a thief, and we should never put our faith and trust into it; live for the Lord instead.
So, how can you repair your relationship to trust and faith?
All relationships are the same, whether they are relationships with concepts, relationships with people or family, or your relationship to God. You establish a relationship with someone, and it is a good one. You enjoy your time with them, and you care about them.
But overtime, problems may arise. You may develop issues with that person, or they may have issues with your behavior as well. The issues begin to add up and the relationship is in jeopardy. how do you repair it?
1) Admit that there is a problem
The first step is to recognize that you have a problem. When we worry, we tend to focus on the object or subject of that worry, and we lose focus on everything else. Admitting that the worry exists and that it is hampering your ability to see the problem in a positive light is crucial for spiritual development.
We cannot see all of our weaknesses, and that is why it is important to listen to someone that you trust or the other person in the relationship. They can see your blind spots if they know you well. When God is showing you your blind spots, you must acknowledge that He is right. He knows everything that there is to know, and He knows you better than you know yourself.
2)Apologize for your part in the issue
The second step is to correct your worldview by surrendering your fears, worries, and anxieties to God. You are in a relationship with Him, and you lost your focus upon Him. You dwelled upon what could have happen and not on what He could do on your behalf. He has been waiting all this time for you to come to Him so that He could fix the wound in your heart.
Repent from that negative thinking and start praising His name, worship in His presence and start thanking Him for the victory that is about to take place in your life. Stop blaming yourself or other people for your problems. Leave the accusations for those people who do not know God. They will always complain about their life until they breathe their last breath. You are not an unbeliever, you are a child of God and you deserve a better life than one lived with bitterness, suffering, and pain.
Resolve your issue with the other person by being willing to apologize for your part in the problem and let go of your rights as the abuser or the one being abused. Do you want your relationship to work? Stop the shouting and the blaming and be willing to surrender your heart and mind to each other so that you can really love each other again. Forgive each other and let the Holy Spirit heal your hearts.
3) Find the solution that will resolve the issue
Terminate your relationship with worry. It is unproductive and destructive. Lean into God's word and heal your heart with God's love. This is a conscious decision, and it takes time for the relationship to be truly over. You may have fearful thoughts again, but that does not mean you are in a relationship with fear. You know that you are in a relationship with fear when you are always thinking fearfully. Get rid of worry and fear, and renew your relationship with trust and faith in Jesus Christ.
If you have a toxic relationship with someone and they are not willing to work to find a solution that will repair your relationship, do not stay in a relationship that no longer works for you. It will destroy who you are and your whole life. Trust the Lord and be led by the Holy Spirit in this situation, as He will guide you to the right decision for your life.
Now that you have forgiven yourself and the person in your relationship, it is time to rebuild your relationship with them. You can do this by asking the Lord to help you with learning how to love each other unconditionally, just as Jesus Christ loves us unconditionally. Sacrificial love is the key. Once you are able to love on that level, you will have a better and stronger relationship that shows the world the love of Jesus Christ. There is nothing that you will not be able to do once your hearts are set in the love of God.