Friday, March 12, 2021

Jesus Poem

 John Chapter 14:6 abbr

 ... “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."


Jesus Poem


 He loves you he knows you
He knows what you are going through
He knew that Adam and Eve would not pass the test
they may have been unfaithful to Him but He never gave up on them
His loyalty His faithfulness is from the beginning and to the end, but there is no end....

He loves you
He wants you
He sacrificed Himself on the cross to redeem you
He allowed the brokenness of the world because He wanted all of His children
He knows who are His;
Yes, the children of the fallen world is His inheritance

His inheritance cannot be taken away or stolen
He wants you to believe in Him
so that you will live in His presence forever.

Don't deny that you need the Lord
He knows exactly what you are going through
nothing that has happened is a surprise to Him
but He needs you to listen and to open your heart
dare to dream again
and give your heart to Him.

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