Thursday, January 21, 2021

Don't Worry, Be Patient

 Proverbs Chapter 3 5-6

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

It is hard sometimes not to worry; we need a little reassurance from the Lord when things seem bleak. The toughest times are the right times to exercise your faith, your conviction about the one who loves you and who saved you, Jesus Christ.

The Lord gave this message to me after I thought about everything that has happened in the last 10 days. He told me in my heart, "Don't worry, be patient". It is hard not to get a little anxious what with all that has happened in the past year. Much of what happened I would never have thought could ever happen in America. I was not prepared for the blatant takeover of all of our lives by God's enemy, the devil.

We know that truth and justice will reign because God will not exist anywhere where there is no truth or justice.

These are the times when we must pray and meditate on God's word. We need to be serious about our profession of faith. We can feel fear and anxiety sometimes, and anyone who says they have never been afraid sometime in their life is lying to everyone else and also possibly to themselves. It is what we do with our fears and doubts that make the difference.

If we give in to despair, the devil wins and we cannot be effective tools in the hand of God, but if we decide that we will believe in Jesus Christ and in His word, and give all of our fears and doubts to Him, He will heal our hearts and restore our souls with peace, joy, and love.

God says to His children, "Don't worry, be patient", because He is at work in this land and in the world to restore our hopes, to bring victory to His people, and to delivery justice by His hand so that the world will finally have indisputable truth that there is a GOD in HEAVEN and that HE reigns with absolute authority.

Whatever HE allows is for our own good, and whatever HE CONQUERS will NEVER stand up TO FIGHT AGAIN!

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