Experience is the greatest teacher. we live in a world where everything is fast and digital. People are convinced that they know why we exist, what is the meaning of life, and where humanity will go from here. But this is all informational knowledge. These are things that we were taught when we were children.
Humanity has great aspirations, but we are not truly prepared to complete them. When the Lord created the earth, humans, and all the living things that exist here, He had a plan. He knew what He wanted for this world, and He knew that He would accomplish His goals. Yes, He knew that there was a risk creating mankind, but the rewards to Him were worth the risk.
He placed adam and eve in the garden of eden, and He blessed them, loved them, and nourished them. He held nothing back from them, He was completely open with them and had a relationship with them. You see, He was their father, and they were His children, and He loved His children. There was only one thing that He told them they must not do, and that was to eat the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. He knew that they were not prepared to deal with that type of knowledge without His help. He knew that would destroy them. They say knowledge is power, but some knowledge leads to a destructive dead end.
His children rebelled and listened to the dark silky voice of the devil through the serpent. He was disappointed, but He was not surprised. He knew before the foundation of the earth that this would occur. He laid the foundation of their hearts from His own heart, and He gave them the blessings of life and free will, to choose as they wished, to live for Him or to live for themselves, and they failed the test.
You see, adam and eve had informational knowledge of the concept of good and evil, but they did not really understand what evil was. All the time they spent in the garden was beautiful and perfect. They had a great relationship with God, with all the animals and plants. They had a great relationship with each other. Everything was given to them by God and every need was met. They didn't have to labor in the hot sun for food or water. All they knew was paradise. It never really occurred to them that it would all go away in the blink of an eye.....
Once you know a thing, it is very difficult to forget a thing. The first time someone breaks your heart. The first time you are hurt and humiliated. The first time you feel worthless or unloved. The first time you attempt to do something and you fail. These events get stamped marked into the recesses of your mind, and you feel the results of them in your heart. God never meant for humans to suffer so much or to lose their place in the heavenly realm when adam and eve fell, but He would not stop it from happening because He knew, that he had made a powerful being that could shape the environment of His world to the point of destruction, and the only way to redeem what He had created was to take the burden of sin from off their backs.
Love so profound that it is difficult, if not impossible, to believe.
My savior, Jesus Christ, came to earth to set the captives free.
He died on the cross for you and me.
He settled a long time ago to place His blood on The Lord's altar
to atone for our sins. What a great, mighty,
and magnificent person He is, my Jesus.
....Thank you so much
sweet Jesus....
Everything that we go through in life, love, pain, heartbreaks, growing, dying, hurting, giving, caring and sharing; every tear that we shed, every laugh that we share, every hurtful barb or injustice, it is all being used to create a human being that knows what life is truly all about, and so that we understand why we need a savior in our life, the only begotten Son of God, Jesus Christ.
We have the informational knowledge, but informational knowledge is useless without experiential knowledge. We can remember long days in school as a child being taught different things that made no sense at the time and we did not appreciate its significance until we grew up and needed that knowledge to get a job, to correctly interact with others, and to live our lives. My brothers and sisters, God wants us to live full lives in His kingdom forevermore, but He knows that we need informational and experiential knowledge to enjoy everything that He has waiting for us...
Have you prayed to God about a certain issue and didn't receive an answer right away? How does God answer prayers? There are only three answers to our prayers - yes, no, or not yet. We can receive the answer instantly, or the answer comes slowly through time, or we are made aware that we cannot have what we asked for. It does not matter what we ask for (money, a job, healing, a breakthrough....) His answer will always be yes, no, or not yet. If we are filled with His Holy Spirit, we will know what the answer is, and we should be prepared to accept His will in that situation because His will is perfect and it will be the best for us and our circumstances.
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