Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
Love and Hate, forever opposites of each other, forever warring against each other in the struggle for dominance in this world. We choose to be hateful or loving, and our choices in life make it harder or easier to be hateful or loving. What does God say about love? He is Love, and there is no greater force in the universe.
Why does hate seem to be a more powerful force in the world? Because a choice was made a long time ago that changed the course of history in this world. Adam and eve chose to believe in themselves and not in God. They believed the lies that were whispered into their ears by our enemy, the devil, and that is when hate and discord became woven into the very fabric of their souls and their lives. This legacy of wrong choices has been repeated in every generation until today. We cannot forget what was done in the past because our own weak human nature compels us to do things that go against the Will and the Word of the Lord.
But God loved us so much that He provided a solution to our sin problem in the form of His Son, Jesus. He was willing to die a shameful death on a cross to redeem us from the destructive force of hate and sin. We can come to Him and ask for forgiveness and He will give us the free gift of salvation. Now, as children of God, sin no longer has a destructive hold on us if we allow the Holy Spirit to live in our hearts and to transform our hearts and minds.
Right now it might seem that hate has a stronger influence in the world, but that is because the world doesn't know how much God loves them, and they don't realize that Jesus' gift of love and salvation is the cure for the problems of the world. The Lord has a plan to show the world just who He is and the power and authority of His Son, Jesus Christ.
So, if you are a believer, what should be your outlook on love and hate? Why are they opposites and how can you tell when a person is full of hate or full of love? You need to know the attributes of both conditions:
Opposite of Loving Acts & Feelings:
Proud Boasts
Jealous Feelings
Self Serving & Selfish Desires
Negative Speech & Actions
Consistent Anger
Overly Critical
Acts of Revenge
Not Willing To Trust Others
Hopelessness & Despair
Deceptive Actions & Lying
Enjoyment of Evil Acts & Encouraging Others To Do The Same
Not Willing to Sacrifice or Commit to Others
Drawing Attention to One's Deeds & Accomplishments To Receive Their Approval and Praise
A Spirit of Rejection
Being Dominated by Fear and Weaknesses
Hateful Thoughts & Gestures
A Spirit of Evil
Unfaithful & Unbelief in God
Hate will be a temporary state in this world and it is destructive
Now, let us see what loving gestures produce in the heart and in the world:
Opposite of Hateful Acts & Feelings:
Loving Others
Having Patience with Others
Being Considerate of Others Needs
Thoughtful & Caring
Giving & Sharing
Encouraging Others
A Spirit of Acceptance
Positive Speech & Thoughts
Cooperative in Action & Speech
Joyful With a Sense of Happiness
A Spirit of Love
A Spirit of Repentance
Courageous and Strong in the Lord
Thinking Before Acting
Drawing Attention to Other People's Deeds & Accomplishments
Enjoys Doing Good & Avoids Doing Evil Acts
Truth in Speech & Actions
Willing to Commit to Others and to The Will of God
Sacrificial Actions of Love
Faith & Belief in God
Love is never temporary, it is eternal and will one day rule absolutely on our world by the will, power and authority of its master, Jesus Christ
We all must learn how live our lives in opposition of hate. We won't always win that war in our hearts, because we are not perfect, but with the help of the Lord and His word, with the promptings of the Holy Spirit in our hearts, we can accomplish more that we ever hoped for, and we will definitely see less of the effects of hate in our world if we continue to live for Jesus Christ and never give up the struggle to show the world what real love is..........
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