Sunday, February 23, 2020

You Must Be Holy, Because I am Holy

Leviticus Chapter 19

The Lord said to Moses,  “Speak to the entire assembly of Israel and say to them: ‘Be holy because I, the Lord your God, am holy.

Honor your mother and father (verse 3)

There is only one God - do not worship idols or other 'gods' (verse 4)

Do not steal

Do not lie

Do not deceive or manipulate each other (verse 11)

Do not cheat anyone (verse 13)

Help the poor and the blind (verse 14)

Believe in justice and be an active participant in righteous ways (verse 15)

Do not gossip (verse 16)

Do not hate anyone in your heart (verse 17)

Do harbor bitterness in your heart  (verse 18)

Obey the word of God  (verse 19)

Do not practice magic or new age provisions - these are against the word and the spirit of God (verse 26)

Do not turn to mediums or spiritists - go to the throne room of Grace and make your petitions to the Lord of Hosts instead (verse 31)

Love your neighbor and yourself (verse 33)

These are some of God's standards for our lives, and there are still true today as they were in the past..The Lord requires that we live our lives in front of Him and in his presence in a matter that is holy.This does not mean that we will be perfect in everything that we do, we still have to deal with our fallen human nature.

We live for Him, and we choose to live by His standards, and then He gives us the power and authority to live for Him. That is the way it has to be as long as we live in this world. Once we have graduated to Heaven, there is no need to be mindful of all these things, because our hearts and minds will be perfect, and we will not be able to do anything considered unholy in God's Sanctuary.

We must remind ourselves to remember what God wants from us in our lives, and seeking His face in prayer and worship is the key. We do not need to be afraid of the consequences of sin if we are willing to confess our weaknesses and shortcomings to Him, and then allow Him to help us in our time of need.

Be patient, and remember whose child you are - you are the child of the living God, and there is nothing that He won't do for you, so come into His presence, with respect and love for Him, and He will answer your prayers!

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