Matthew Chapter 7 15-23
‘Be cautious about false *prophets. They dress up like sheep, but inside they are like fierce animals. You will know these people by the results of their lives. *Grapes do not come from bushes with *thorns. Neither do *figs come from a plant with *thorns. In the same way, every good tree produces good fruit. But a bad tree produces bad fruit. A good tree cannot produce bad fruit. And a bad tree cannot produce good fruit. We cut down every tree that does not produce good fruit. And we throw it on the fire. So, you will know these false *prophets by the results of their lives.
Not everyone who says to me, “*Lord, *Lord” will enter the *kingdom of heaven. Only the people who obey my Father in heaven will enter the *kingdom. Many people will say to me on that day, “*Lord, *Lord. We *prophesied in your name. We forced out *demons in your name. We even did many deeds of power in your name.” Then I will declare to them, “I never knew you. Go away from me, you who do evil deeds.”
Being gracious means that you have a heart to give and to be kind to others. Your works show whether you understand and believe the Word of God. People tend to favor those whose say that they have been called by God to do certain things in the world, like pastors, evangelists, prophecy, etc. We have to acknowledge this because we know that God does call people to do His work in the world, but we must be respectfully cautious about anyone who claims to be called by God to do ministry. We must examine the sum total of their lives and have a good knowledge of the Word of God ourselves so that we can be sure that what we see from their lives is the good works(fruit) of the Spirit.
A pretender speaks God's words with authority, will show signs of authority, but in their hearts they do not believe the words that they are saying and will most likely tell people to do things that are against the Word of God. They will also do these things themselves. When trouble or issues come into their lives based upon their 'christian faith', they will lose the faith that they had and will not continue in that faith. Shaky foundations births shaky believers who never really believe in the word that they were taught, and they will not allow those words or the Holy Spirit to change their hearts and minds.
So when it becomes dangerous or inconvenient to continue to live as a christian, they will surrender to their desires to live for themselves and not for the Lord. God's word does not reside in their hearts.You will know if their actions line up with the Word of God.