Saturday, February 29, 2020

Grapes Do Not Come From Bushes with Thorns

Matthew Chapter 7 15-23

‘Be cautious about false *prophets. They dress up like sheep, but inside they are like fierce animals.  You will know these people by the results of their lives. *Grapes do not come from bushes with *thorns. Neither do *figs come from a plant with *thorns.  In the same way, every good tree produces good fruit. But a bad tree produces bad fruit.  A good tree cannot produce bad fruit. And a bad tree cannot produce good fruit. We cut down every tree that does not produce good fruit. And we throw it on the fire.  So, you will know these false *prophets by the results of their lives.

Not everyone who says to me, “*Lord, *Lord” will enter the *kingdom of heaven. Only the people who obey my Father in heaven will enter the *kingdom.  Many people will say to me on that day, “*Lord, *Lord. We *prophesied in your name. We forced out *demons in your name. We even did many deeds of power in your name.” Then I will declare to them, “I never knew you. Go away from me, you who do evil deeds.” 

Being gracious means that you have a heart to give and to be kind to others. Your works show whether you understand and believe the Word of God. People tend to favor those whose say that they have been called by God to do certain things in the world, like pastors, evangelists, prophecy, etc. We have to acknowledge this because we know that God does call people to do His work in the world, but we must be respectfully cautious about anyone who claims to be called by God to do ministry. We must examine the sum total of their lives and have a good knowledge of the Word of God ourselves so that we can be sure that what we see from their lives is the good works(fruit) of the Spirit.

A pretender speaks God's words with authority, will show signs of authority, but in their hearts they do not believe the words that they are saying and will most likely tell people to do things that are against the Word of God. They will also do these things themselves. When trouble or issues come into their lives based upon their 'christian faith', they will lose the faith that they had and will not continue in that faith. Shaky foundations births shaky believers who never really believe in the word that they were taught, and they will not allow those words or the Holy Spirit to change their hearts and minds. 

So when it becomes dangerous or inconvenient to continue to live as a christian, they will surrender to their desires to live for themselves and not for the Lord.  God's word does not reside in their hearts.You will know if their actions line up with the Word of God.

Sunday, February 23, 2020

You Must Be Holy, Because I am Holy

Leviticus Chapter 19

The Lord said to Moses,  “Speak to the entire assembly of Israel and say to them: ‘Be holy because I, the Lord your God, am holy.

Honor your mother and father (verse 3)

There is only one God - do not worship idols or other 'gods' (verse 4)

Do not steal

Do not lie

Do not deceive or manipulate each other (verse 11)

Do not cheat anyone (verse 13)

Help the poor and the blind (verse 14)

Believe in justice and be an active participant in righteous ways (verse 15)

Do not gossip (verse 16)

Do not hate anyone in your heart (verse 17)

Do harbor bitterness in your heart  (verse 18)

Obey the word of God  (verse 19)

Do not practice magic or new age provisions - these are against the word and the spirit of God (verse 26)

Do not turn to mediums or spiritists - go to the throne room of Grace and make your petitions to the Lord of Hosts instead (verse 31)

Love your neighbor and yourself (verse 33)

These are some of God's standards for our lives, and there are still true today as they were in the past..The Lord requires that we live our lives in front of Him and in his presence in a matter that is holy.This does not mean that we will be perfect in everything that we do, we still have to deal with our fallen human nature.

We live for Him, and we choose to live by His standards, and then He gives us the power and authority to live for Him. That is the way it has to be as long as we live in this world. Once we have graduated to Heaven, there is no need to be mindful of all these things, because our hearts and minds will be perfect, and we will not be able to do anything considered unholy in God's Sanctuary.

We must remind ourselves to remember what God wants from us in our lives, and seeking His face in prayer and worship is the key. We do not need to be afraid of the consequences of sin if we are willing to confess our weaknesses and shortcomings to Him, and then allow Him to help us in our time of need.

Be patient, and remember whose child you are - you are the child of the living God, and there is nothing that He won't do for you, so come into His presence, with respect and love for Him, and He will answer your prayers!

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

God reality - God initiative - God Provisions

Hebrews Chapter 7 1-3

This Melchizedek was king of Salem and priest of God Most High. He met Abraham returning from the defeat of the kings and blessed him,  and Abraham gave him a tenth of everything. First, the name Melchizedek means “king of righteousness”; then also, “king of Salem” means “king of peace.”  Without father or mother, without genealogy, without beginning of days or end of life, resembling the Son of God, he remains a priest forever.

2 Timothy 3:16

All scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness...

2 Corinthians 9:8

And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.

God is able to do what you never thought you could possibly do in your life. Keep Him first in your life and you will see the results of His kindness, His provision, and His love....

First, you must believe that He exists, for you cannot receive the benefits of the Lord if you do not believe that He lives. In Jesus we know that we have a father in heaven who loves us and wants to take care of us and to live in His presence forever. He sent His only Son into the earth to bring peace and joy into our hearts and to provide the solution to our sin problem. Jesus Christ the perfect Son of God who never sinned and who was willing to die for all of us so that we may be free of sins' influence in our lives and live righteously in the presence of a perfect and righteous God.

Jesus was, is, will always be King of Kings and Lord of Lords. His sacrifice means that there will always be an effective solution for our sin problems if we just believe and personally accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, our High Priest and our deliverer. 

Secondly, you must understand that the Lord always knew that we would need a savior to save us from our sins. He knew even before the foundation of the world was laid, before life existed upon the earth. He gave His Son the power to make the world, and to die on behalf of the sons and daughters of that creation. Nothing that has happened or will happen was not known to Him. So His initiative was to give the word of God to His people, to show the world who He was and why the world exists, and what He would do for those who choose to believe in Him.  

He chose to create us, and He chose to deliver us from evil by allowing His Son to die on a wooden cross to atone for our sins. Everything that we will do in our lives is known to God, and He always has the right solution for all of our needs.

Thirdly, since God knew what we would need to live our lives in Him. He has provided everything that we need to succeed:  His Word, His Spirit, His Love, His Power and Authority, His Providence. Nothing that you will see in your lives will compare to the power and potency of His strength and His love for you. Obedience is the key and these words should give you courage, peace and joy in your heart. Just give all your problems and issues to Him and He will transform your heart and mind and give you to ability to overcome whatever trials and sufferings that you are going through right now and forever......

Give Him Praise, People of God, because no one will love you, take care of you, and provide for you like my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

Friday, February 7, 2020

How To Keep The Word Of God In Your heart

Psalm 119:11 

I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.

Keep God's word in your heart and you will be able to stand against the people who hate you and who spitefully use you, and those who plot wicked things against you.  You will have peace and joy in your heart. God is able to save you!

When you are contemplating everything that has happened in your life and you wonder if there is a solution to your problems, your first priority should be to bring your problems and issues to the Lord. Open the word of God, and ask the Lord to guide you to the place where your answer and your comfort lies. 

Prayer is essential, and you must also remember to tell Him how much you love Him, and how much you appreciate everything that He has done for you. Speak the word out loud and confess the word over your problem. It is so much easier to believe and trust in God's providence in  your life if you have studied His word and can confess that word when trouble comes suddenly into your life.

If you continue to read the word and to confess it with your mouth, it becomes real to you. This is an ongoing process. You cannot confess the word one day, and then don't continue to study the word for months on end. The word will never stay in your heart if you do not reinforce it. It needs your daily attention. Think of it as a necessary, but fulfilling activity
that you choose to do on a daily basis.

Once you begin your study and take time out to be with the Lord in prayer and supplication, you will begin to see the effects of the word on your life. Don't forget to praise Him, even while you are going through so that the Holy Spirit can strengthen you in the days and the months ahead. Be encouraged, child of God, for He hears you and will save you from all of your troubles...