Thursday, February 6, 2025

Prayer of Hope

 Romans 15:13

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Lord God, I pray for the peace of Jerusalem, I pray for hope to spring eternally from the hearts of your people. Your people are the ones who believe in your Son, Jesus Christ. I pray that all that believe in you Jesus receive wisdom to interpret your word in the right way, according to the original meaning that you placed upon them when they were written down by your servants, the prophets.  I pray for deliverance from the evil influence that the devil and his demons have displayed in every area of our culture and our world.

I pray that your people will have a strong desire to read and understand your word, and for them to have a close and personal relationship with your Son, Jesus. This is the only way that they will truly understand His Grace and Mercy over their lives, and to know how much He loves them. 

Lord, I pray that your people rely more and more upon the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  I pray that they will seek His guidance for everyday problems, as well as the big problems, trials and tribulations of everyday life.

My Lord, help them to see the bigger picture,  that what they go through now will bring victory and Glory to your Name. We need to be encouraged by what we gain by being in your kingdom. We need to know that you are always here for us, and that we can give all of our pain, sufferings, fears and anxieties to you, now and forevermore…

Lord, I pray that you will help us settle in our hearts that everything we cannot fix belongs to you.  If we are offended by what others say and do, we will never show those people the love of Christ that exists in our hearts from the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. We must choose not to be offended, and then allow the Holy Spirit to heal our hearts. We must let go of the need for revenge. It is your will that we be humble in your presence,  and to learn how to forgive ourselves and other people.

 These offenders do not know you God, so we must rely on your Grace and Mercy. We are the ones who should act  with kindness and compassion in every circumstance, because we are the only ones who can usher in the presence of God in every situation that You allow in our lives.

Help us Lord to live with your love in our hearts, let your peace reside in every place that we live, work and play.. The joy of the Lord is our strength, so let us be happy and content in your presence. 

Lord, I pray that your people have a strong desire to live for you, to put Your will first in their hearts. I pray for the Fear of God to manifest in all of our lives, so that we may live Holy lives dedicated to You.

 I pray that all believers will have a strong sense of what is right and what is wrong, so that they will have the strength and the authority to bring down strong delusions that try to manifest in our lives and in our communities.

I pray that your people understand that they are citizens of the Kingdom of God, and that our citizenship should be our primary concern - how we live, how we act, how we vote, and how we work should always come from following the One Who Saved Us.  What does the bible say about how we should live our lives? We need to pursue that knowledge and then live it out because of our love for our Lord Jesus Christ.

I pray for those who are suffering in the darkness of oppression and despair that a light be shined into their hearts and that they will come to know the real God that made them and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. I pray for those who live in the darkness and that thrive in the darkness be reconciled to the God that made them. You alone God can accomplish this.

I pay that hope springs into the hearts of every man, woman and child in the whole world, that everyone comes to the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, who was born long ago in a little town called Bethlehem, our God dressed in human flesh, who came to show us what God was like and to save us from all of our sins. I pray that His love would pour generously upon every land, nation and island, and that His love will change all of their hearts forevermore.

Let not one person say that they never knew that there was a God, let every heart be pierced by the love of Jesus Christ. Let every man and woman know what the peace of God is like, so that they may make a decision, to live for God or for themselves. I pray that every person knows what it is like to be in the comforting presence of a loving and caring God.

Let no man be able to say that He never ever experienced a season of love while they lived on the earth. Let it be so,,,, In Jesus Name,  AMEN

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Your Relief Is In Jesus Christ

Job chapter 27 1-5

  Job continued his speech.

This is my promise:   I promise to God, because he lives. He is still my God, although he has not been fair to me. And he is my provider, although he has caused me to suffer.   My promise will last for my whole life. My promise will continue while God allows me to breathe.  I shall always speak the truth. I promise not to lie.


 My friends, I could never agree with your speeches. I must prove that I am innocent. And I will continue until I die.  I have chosen to do the right things. And I will continue to do the right things. For my whole life, my conscience will not upset me.

Have you ever done something so difficult that you were not sure that you would accomplish your goal? How did you feel when you finished it? Were you happy or surprised when you realized that everything was done and that you were able to finish what you started? 

God is never surprised about the outcomes of His work. He always knows ahead of time what the outcome will be, and that is why He is able to succeed in everything that He does, but we cannot see every outcome in every situation. We must have faith that God knows what He is doing  when He asks us to do things that seem impossible or even foolish to us. God has no limitations, so we must never try to set our own limitations upon The Lord Jesus Christ and upon His word.

Job was quite certain that He was innocent of all the charges that his friends were speaking against him, and he had no way of proving his innocence to them. He realised that he had to depend upon the Lord because he knew that God was the only one who knew the truth.

He never gave up on God, because he knew that God would never give up on him. It is so easy to lose your faith when you focus upon the problem and not upon the solution. You may have a serious problem, and everyone around you may give you their view of why you are suffering, but the Lord will never put you in a situation that you cannot handle.

If the Lord allows suffering in your life, that is when you must keep praying  and stand firmly upon  His word. God has provided for all of your needs, but you must be willing to let Him do what you cannot do; His love, grace and mercy will be enough to help you survive…

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Prayer From a Deep Place

Job Chapter 17: 1-2,6-7

My spirit suffers. My life is short. Soon, I must die.  Everybody insults me. And I watch their cruel actions.

 When people curse, they use my name. They spit at me. (That is, they splash me with water from their mouths.)  My eyes are weak because of my tears. My whole body seems as weak as a shadow...

 Going through a time of suffering does not mean that you are being punished because you did something that was bad. God allows suffering into our lives for a reason, and the reasons are usually not the same for everyone and in every situation. Your response to hardship will never be the same as my response to my own issues. You can ask the Lord why these things are happening to you and if there is a purpose for your suffering.

In the scriptures, Job was a good and faithful servant, He loved God and saw God as his friend. God blessed Job so much that He gave Job wealth and a huge family,  but it seems that he was the only one in his family that believed in God with all of his heart.

Job tried to cover his family with prayer and with sacrifices to God  on their behalf to cover their sins. Job’s careful devotion to God and his family made him a target by the devil. Job lost everything in a blink of an eye, and he suffered a lot because satan wanted to destroy him.  The Lord did not allow the devil to take his life,  but why did God allow the devil to do these things to Job?

You are right now asking, why God, why? You lost someone, or perhaps you lost a business. You are ill, and the doctors don’t know if they can save you. Your family abandoned you or you never had anyone truly love you. Are you rich or poor? It doesn’t matter, because pain and suffering comes to everyone’s door; evil never discriminates when it decides to wreak havoc upon the lives of all the people in this world.


Many people live in a state of fear and despair in their hearts, yet they would never let you know what is truly going on in their lives. They pretend to be just fine, but if they were brave enough to confess what they are going through, they would tell you that money and power does nothing to calm the confusion and the anxiety that they live with every single day…

God allowed the devil to do what he did to Job  to demonstrate that Job would never turn away from the Lord. He wanted to show the devil that Job’s devotion to him was not based upon wealth or power. Job was a genuine son of God. When you believe in Jesus Christ, you show the world that you care about what God cares about, and that you are willing to  live your life for Him.

Living for God means that we will also be targeted by the devil and his demons, because of their hatred of the people of God. Really, no one is exempt from being targeted, believers and unbelievers alike. Those who believe only in themselves may not want to believe in God or the devil, but when trouble comes into their lives, they find out very quickly that they must change their worldview, or find a way outside of the grace and the compassion of the Lord to cope with their suffering and anxiety.

Why are you suffering? I don’t know, but I do know that the Lord is waiting for you to come to Him to find a solution to your problems. He wants you to come to Him sincerely, in faith and with no ulterior motives; just surrender your pain, your needs, and your heart to Jesus. If you want to know the Lord Jesus for yourself, this is the first step to victory in your life and reconciliation with the Lord.

Prayer of Salvation or Restoration:

Lord Jesus, I can't go on like this anymore. please help me, I surrender my heart and my life to you. please come into my life and restore my hope, my health, and my faith in you. I repent from my past ways, and give my life to you. Thank you Jesus for restoring my life and healing my soul....AMEN

Friday, December 20, 2024

Why Christmas Means So Much To Me

 Isaiah 7:14

"The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call his name Immanuel". This prophecy was fulfilled when the angel Gabriel visited Mary

It is not about the exact date or time of Jesus’s birth, it is not about the parties and the time off from work. It is not about the money to be spent to celebrate the holiday: it is all about Jesus!

Jesus is the reason for the season. As a child, I loved Christmas and new years celebrations because  I had time off from school, I would get presents, and I would visit with relatives that I would not see on the regular during the year. What I loved most was to see the laughter and the joy of the holidays, but ultimately these things are not why Christmas means so much to me.

I believe in the baby in the manger. I believe in His parents' joy for the birth of their child, who was born in the most humble of circumstances. I believe in the shepherd's joy as they beheld the baby Jesus, that they were amazed by the grace and mercy of God, who allowed them  to see their messiah and redeemer. They knew that God was not a respecter of persons because He allowed them to see the baby Jesus first, before those who had more power and higher status in their society.

I believe in the dream, the dream that God dreamed for His people, the savior that was promised throughout the scriptures, the one who would come to save all mankind, born to save all of us from our sins.

Salvation was the purpose for the birth of Jesus Christ, Love was the motivation for this blessed manifestation. Jesus is the only hope that we can hold onto, the only solution that makes sense in this dark and fearful world. No one will ever love you as much as the Lord Jesus, for He was willing to be born into the world, to be seen as a human, and to become the redeemer of all mankind.

That is Why Christmas will always be my favorite holiday, because it celebrates the love of God and the passion of His son, Jesus Christ. This is why we give gifts to each other, because Father God gave us the greatest gift of all time, His Son Jesus upon the cross.

Take the time to give something to someone or give some of your time and resources this holiday season, because you know that Jesus Christ  will never leave you nor forsake you, and His love will always set you free…

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

The Great Distractions

 Peter 5:8

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour

Be sober, which means to be alert to the devil's temptations and distractions. We have all been subjected to the vanity of power, wealth and greed. Everyone who is honest with themselves will admit that they have desired something that was not good for them to have. The real winners in life are those who choose to live for God rather than for themselves.

They are great distractions in the world, and I have come to understand just how powerful those distractions can be in my own life. Every addiction, every strong desire, every tempting smile from a handsome man or pretty woman could distract even the best of us to entertain what it would be like to pursue these things, completely outside the Providence and Grace of Jesus Christ.

What is the solution for distractions that would derail us from fulfilling our God given destinies? The love and grace of Jesus Christ. He is the only one who can help us with our weaknesses. He is the only one who understands fully what it's like to be tempted and tortured by trials and tribulations and yet still succeed wonderfully, defeating the darkness, the devil and his demons once and for all, because of His love and passion for you and me.

What is it like to believe that you have everything that you ever wanted and needed and yet still lose it all because of a deep and terrible destiny?  This is the judgment of every unbeliever who will never accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Every soul that comes into the world has the choice to live for God or for their own desires,  to receive the gift of everlasting life, peace, joy and love, or to die away from the presence of God into the darkness, existing in fear, suffering, and self hatred forever and ever…

What are the great distractions in this world? Anything or anyone that would prevent you from accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savoir over your life. You know what it is that is keeping you from believing the truth. Those desires are stirring within you right now as you read these words. Has your life really been as fulfilling and as perfect as you have claimed it to be? 

Take time to listen to the word of God and then decide if Jesus’s peace, love and grace for you is worthy of your attention and praise. Does Jesus love you? What can you do to return that love and grace that He has for you?  The only thing that you can do is accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Personal Savior right now:

Prayer of salvation:

Dear Lord Jesus, I need you, please come into my heart right now. I am sorry for all of my sins, I give you my life and all of my hopes and dreams. I am willing to live for you. Thank you Lord Jesus, I believe that I am saved… HALLELUJAH!     AMEN

Saturday, November 16, 2024

The Pharisee And The Tax-collector

 Luke chapter 18:11-14

 The Pharisee stood by himself when he prayed. He said, “I thank you, God, because I am not like other people. I am not greedy or unjust. I do not have sex with other men’s wives. I thank you that I am not like that tax-collector over there.

“ I go without food twice a week. I give you one tenth of all my income”.

  But the tax-collector stood at a distance. He dared not even look up to heaven. But he hit his chest and said, “God, pity me! I am so bad!”

 Jesus said, ‘I tell you this. God forgave the *tax-collector when he went home. But God did not forgive the Pharisee. If anyone thinks that he is important, God will make him humble. God will forgive anyone who is humble’.

Are you the Pharisee or the tax collector? Are you sure that you are Holy because of what you do for God, or do you know that you are Holy only because of the love, grace and mercy of Jesus Christ?

Who is righteous in God’s eyes? He knows who are HIs, but if you look at some people and judge them based upon what you believe is Holy behavior, you need to stop thinking this way and ask the Lord for His wisdom and His advice on how you should see the people in this world. 

How will you know that you are looking at people from God’s perspective? First, make sure that you have a relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ. He is the only one who can save you and transform your heart and mind so that you can see everything clearly with the help of the Holy Spirit who comes to live within you. You must accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior..

Secondly, you must read the word of God. The bible should become your favorite book to read, and you should meditate on its truth and wisdom every day. This is an important task that God expects all believers to do frequently. You will never be able to function well as a follower of Jesus Christ if you refuse to read the bible or ignore its importance in your life. 

The word of God only becomes real to you when it becomes a living testament to the power of God in your life.

Thirdly, spend time in the presence of God, with singing, prayer and meditation. Worship in His presence, give the Lord time to show Himself to you. Your private time with the Lord will reinforce your love and devotion to Him.  When you show up for The Lord, He will show up for you. He will listen to your prayers, He will give you peace and joy. There is healing, love and happiness in the presence of the Lord.

It’s all about having a  relationship - that is what Jesus wants from us. It is wonderful when you live by God’s standards, it is great when you do good things in His Name. It is good when you show compassion and kindness to other people. These are all signs of a surrendered heart to the Lord, but the most important thing that you will learn to do in this life is to love Jesus Christ with all of your heart, your mind, and your soul. It is the most precious and rewarding relationship you will ever have…

Quick Prayer

“Lord, I want to know you better, help me with my unbelief, show yourself to me, I feel so alone and weary, Jesus please come into my heart right now, and set me free…AMEN

Sunday, November 3, 2024

Rooftop Confessions

 Luke chapter 12: 1-7

 Thousands of people had gathered. There were so many people, that they were walking on each other’s feet. Jesus spoke to his *disciples first. ‘Be careful, avoid the *yeast of the *Pharisees.  God will lift the cover from everything that people want to hide. He will display every secret. Therefore, whatever you have said in the dark, people will hear in the light. Whatever you have whispered in a private room, people will shout from the roofs of houses’.

‘I tell you this, my friends. Do not be afraid of those who kill the body. After that, they cannot do any more.  I will show you whom to fear. Fear God. He has the power to kill people and to throw them into hell. Believe me, he is the one whom you should fear! People sell five sparrows (little birds) for two pennies. But God cares for every one of the sparrows.  God even counts the hairs on your head. So, do not be afraid. You are more valuable to God than many sparrows’.

Everyday I hear something new about a spiritual leader who has gone astray. They are accused of various crimes and sinful behaviors. Everything that has been said in a secret room is now being shouted upon the rooftops of the media and the internet. Why are so many people being exposed in 2024?

Judgment will come to all the people of the world, but the Lord makes sure to clean house in His own Kingdom first. We are the ones who have been entrusted with His salvation campaign. We have the words of life flowing from our hearts. If we cannot keep our integrity in dark times, then no one else will be able to find the truth that will set them free!

We cannot pull back or ignore the truth about ourselves and our society any longer  - the Lord Jesus is on the move. He protects us from the devil and his demons everyday, but He cannot save us from our fears, our sins or selfish desires unless we surrender them at His feet.

We need to keep our hearts and minds upon the truths that exist in Jesus Christ. He will fight our battles, and we must do our part as well, by living a righteous life in a world full of conflict and hate. It is not easy, but it is fulfilling. Let the God of the final harvest live freely within your heart. Let Him heal you of all your sicknesses,  let Him carry your burdens, let Him transform your heart and mind. Give all of your fears, sexual sins, addictions, pains and sufferings to Him. He is the only one who can help you right now. He is the One who will always love you, even when you do not love yourself - never ever doubt His love for you, because His love will never fail you…

Quick Prayer:

“God, I can’t do this anymore - I can’t stop doing these things that are ruining my life - Please Help Me!”