Sunday, September 22, 2024

Ruth the Story of Love

 Ruth Chapter 1: 3-5,11,14-15,16-18

 Now Elimelek, Naomi’s husband, died, and she was left with her two sons.  They married Moabite women, one named Orpah and the other Ruth. After they had lived there about ten years,  both Mahlon and Kilion also died, and Naomi was left without her two sons and her husband.

.. But Naomi said, “Return home, my daughters. Why would you come with me? Am I going to have any more sons, who could become your husbands?

 At this they wept aloud again. Then Orpah kissed her mother-in-law goodbye, but Ruth clung to her

“Look,” said Naomi, “your sister-in-law is going back to her people and her gods. Go back with her.”

 But Ruth replied, “Don’t urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God.  Where you die I will die, and there I will be buried. May the Lord deal with me, be it ever so severely, if even death separates you and me.”  When Naomi realized that Ruth was determined to go with her, she stopped urging her.

The love of Ruth is explained by the scriptures that quote her words shown above - real love is kind, compassionate, and giving. It speaks to the thoughts people have about others and the environment in which they live. If someone is willing to give you unconditional love, then they are showing you the love that Jesus Christ has sown into their hearts.

Ruth’s sacrificial love is demonstrated by her loyalty to her mother in law Naomi and her faith in the God of Israel. She was willing to live with Naomi and to worship the true God of heaven. She was determined to give all that she had to help Naomi to survive and to be made whole.

What must that mother in law have been like to her daughter in law that Ruth was willing to stay by her side for the rest of their lives? Ruth must have seen a demonstration of unconditional love to understand what love truly is! Too many people have been living with what the world can give, because they do not know anything else that could be any better than what they already have. 

It was Ruth’s love for her mother in law and the life that Naomi represented that opened Ruth's heart to the possibility of living her life for the God of Israel. She grew up in an entirely different land and culture, yet she chose to reject those customs and religious practices to worship Naomi’s God. When you demonstrate God’s love to someone who has no knowledge of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, you are showing that person what it is like to be a citizen of the Kingdom of God.

We are not all called to be evangelists, pastors or teachers, but if you are a follower of Jesus Christ, you are called to be ambassadors for the Kingdom of God. We live for the Lord, and so we should show His love through our actions. People will want to know more about Jesus because of the kindness, peace and joy that emanates from our hearts.

The Lord knows where you are in your life walk, and He adjusts His measures to introduce you to Him and His love for you. No one can take away His love for you, it extends even beyond this life and this world. You must  be willing to take a chance upon His love and His word to bring you new life, to receive the gift of salvation through our Lord, Jesus Christ.

If you are looking for peace and joy in your life, please prayer this Prayer of salvation:

Lord God,  I want to know what true love is, I want to live for you. I give you myself, my life, all of my talents and resources, Lord I just want to be with you. I repent of all of my sins, and I believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross so that I may receive the gift of salvation through Him. Jesus, please come into my heart right now, I believe that I am saved! AMEN

Hallelujah! You are saved! Welcome, new citizen of the Kingdom of God…

Monday, September 9, 2024

It Is Better To Speak With A Person Then To Speak At A Person

Luke chapter 12:32-34

Do not be afraid, my little group of sheep. Your Father wants to give you the kingdom.

Sell all your possessions and give to the poor. Have purses that never wear out. Save your riches in heaven. They will never disappear, because no thief can get near them. No insect can destroy them.

For your love will always be in the place where your wealth is.

Have you ever felt that people are talking to you, yet they are not talking with you? Did you feel like they accepted your words, but that they failed to understand the meaning behind your words? What would happen if you tried to live according to God's words, and yet you went through your whole life not really understanding the meaning behind His word? The result will always be confusion.

Some people have a legalistic viewpoint of the bible. People who live by the law shall surely die by that same law. Some people will never believe that anyone can qualify to be a part of the Kingdom of God unless they are 'good' people. Can you see the trap that is being laid at their door? They believe that good works are on the same level with the mercy and the grace of God.

Newsflash! No one is good in all the earth, not the youngest of us or the oldest of us. The youngest don't know enough about themselves and the world to know the difference between right and wrong, and the oldest, if they are wise, will never declare themselves 'perfect' or 'good' because they can remember every single mistake that they made in their lifetimes. We can never be good enough to qualify for greatness or holiness in the eyes of God.

So, what can we do to become citizens of the Kingdom of God? First, we must come to terms with our human weaknesses and failures and ask the Lord to forgive us so that we might accept His gracious gift of salvation through His Son, Jesus Christ. Then, we must repent and ask the Lord Jesus to come into our hearts, so that His Love and His Spirit will become a part of our lives. We will be transformed into the image of God's Dear Son, Jesus.

The unbeliever speaks to God or about God as if He is a strange or interesting concept. You can talk about a person and yet never really know that person at all. This is why gossip and negative talk about other people is not tolerated by God. God wants us to speak positively about ourselves and other people. If we cannot say something positive about someone, we should pray for them, but we have no right to judge them.

The Lord doesn't need more chaos and strife in the world, He needs people who are willing to speak words of love and encouragement into the atmosphere. Love is far better than money, power and influence. Love can transform lives and it can save this generation.

If you want to have a real relationship with someone, you must take to the time to speak with them. You must be willing to open your hearts to them and to express kindness and compassion to them. This is the type of relationship that the God of this universe wants with you. He has everything that He could ever want or desire except a close relationship with the ones who do not know Him.

Once you become a citizen of the Kingdom of God, you will always have Jesus in your heart, and you are never alone. You can speak to God in your heart and your mind, and He will speak back to you. God never speaks at you, He wants to speak with you. When you accept His Son Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you have been welcomed into the family of God, and you become His son or daughter, and His friend. What a Glorious existence to be in the presence of the Lord Jesus forever and ever!

Ultimately, our goal should be to show the love of Jesus to everyone else in the world. Many are seeking the purpose and the reason for their existence, and when you show them the love of Christ Jesus from your heart, they will begin to understand the truth about their own existence, for only the Holy Spirit knocking upon the door of their hearts can help them to see what they have been missing for all of their lives.

If you would like to Speak with the God of this universe and have a relationship with Him, repeat this Prayer of Salvation:

Lord Jesus, come into my heart right now. I am so sorry for all of my sins and I ask for your forgiveness. Please, give me a new heart and a new mind that thirsts and hungers to live for you and not just for myself. Jesus, I make you my Lord and Savior, and now I believe that I am saved, forevermore. AMEN

Monday, August 12, 2024

What Does God Say About The White House?

 2 Peter chapter 1:21

 For prophecy never had its origin in the human will, but prophets, though human, spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.

God is taking out the people in the White House right now, and He is putting Trump into the Presidential office.

This is what I heard a few days ago when I was having a dream, and then I woke up in the morning. The Lord speaks to my spirit sometimes in that waking hour, when you come out of a dream, and you are slowly waking up.

This word is not a prophecy to the Lord Jesus Christ, to Him this is a fact, something that has already happened in the timeline. We must be obedient to His word and do His will for our lives.

Prayer is needed at this time regarding this issue - pray to the Lord to give you wisdom and understanding about the state of our country before you vote. God wants us to work with Him in these last days. He does not need a rebellion in His own camp while He is fighting the devil and his camp in our world.

Ask the Lord to show you what He wants you to do. Do not make this decision based upon your own needs and opinions - if we cannot live our lives for God, then no one else will do so!

Our destiny is to be partners with The Lord Jesus Christ and the Godhead. They have already determined what our place will be in the Kingdom of God, and we need to live for them and to serve them. If we are unwilling to follow in the steps of Jesus Christ, then we are of no value to His work in the world.

Do you trust the Lord Jesus? Do you believe that He has the right to bring down people and earthly kingdoms, and then restore His dominion into this world? He has used all sorts of people to bring about His will on the Earth in the past.

He has used thieves, fishermen, shepherds, loners and the lowly in spirit, women and children, liars and cheaters, wild men who had never before believed in His name, lowly servants and kings on mighty thrones - no one is exempt from the Lord’s Wisdom, Grace, and Mercy.

He cares for His people, and that is why He will use any person or any situation to bring about His will for this nation and the world. We are the ones who need to believe in Jesus's sovereign will for our lives, and also take care of and support everyone who needs our help in Jesus Christ.

He knows what is best for the church of God, and for the rest of the world…

Monday, July 29, 2024

Living By Bread Alone

Matthew chapter 4:4

 “‘…I shall not LIVE by bread alone, but by EVERY WORD that proceeds out of the mouth of God..."

I used to wonder why Jesus gave this answer to the devil, but I am glad to say that I now understand the meaning of these words - live by your own means apart from God and you will find yourself snared by your own pride and weaknesses.

What we can do will never compare to God's grace and mercy. We want to be the hero in our fairy tale, we want to believe that we can do it all by ourselves, but most fairy tales show the hero receiving help from above to vanquish the evil villain.

We can make bread, we can buy the ingredients from the grocery store, we can mix those ingredients,  put it in a baking pan and bake it in the oven. But, what if the bread in the pan does not come out the way that we expected? Can we unmix the bread and start all over again? The Lord says, live by my word, allow me to guide you from the depths of your heart, and you will live a successful life…

You may hear that if you don't have everything that your heart desires, you will never be happy, but God is telling you right now, if you do not have Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you actually do not have anything at all!

Money can be spent and it will never return to you, gold, diamonds and fancy cars can be stolen.  Love is the only thing that will never betray you, I mean the love that exists between Jesus Christ and His people in the Body of  Christ. He loves us so much that He died on a cross, a humiliating brutal death reserved only for the criminals of that time; those who died on a cross were thought as cursed, forever separated from the presence of God.

He took our sins upon Himself, because we could not save ourselves. Once you understand why He did what He did, you will realize that you need His help and His love to survive, that is true for every man, woman and child upon the face of the world - accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, for He is your only hope.

Prayer of Salvation:

Lord Jesus, come into my heart right now - I know that I cannot live this life anymore without you. I repent of my sins, please forgive me for denying your love for me and I accept you now as my Lord and Savior...AMEN

Saturday, July 13, 2024

What Do The So-Called Righteous Believe?

 Matthew chapter 19:16-22

Just then a man came up to Jesus and asked, “Teacher, what good thing must I do to get eternal life?”

“Why do you ask me about what is good?” Jesus replied. “There is only One who is good. If you want to enter life, keep the commandments.”

“Which ones?” he inquired.

Jesus replied, “‘You shall not murder, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal, you shall not give false testimony,  honor your father and mother,’[c] and ‘love your neighbor as yourself.’[d]

 “All these I have kept,” the young man said. “What do I still lack?”

 Jesus answered, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” When the young man heard this, he went away sad, because he had great wealth...

What do the so-called righteous believe?

A pretender talks about what he has done to be good, and a believer talks about what Jesus has done to set him free…

The so-called righteous believe that they can be saved because they are ‘good’. They believe that the key to entering heaven’s gates is that they live a ‘good’ life. What does God see when he looks at these people? He sees their deaths and their destruction.

Why doesn't God see anything good in self righteous people? He sees their fallen human nature, He sees their pride in living a ‘good’ life, how they love to soak up the compliments of the people around them, who see them as righteous, but if those same people could see their hearts, they would fall back away from them in horror.

Everyday, 'good' people lie, cheat, steal, commit adultery, become addicted to pornography, do drugs, and engage in criminal activity; they live their lives just like everybody else. They believe that their good deeds for the church will save them from the pit of hell, but what they don't realize is that they have already been assigned to the pit of hell because they will not allow Jesus to come into their lives and cleanse their hearts…

You know these people - they are conservative politicians, tv evangelists, well known pastors of huge churches, the elders in your church, ‘Mr Goodman’, the one in your church that everyone looks up to. These people live in your neighborhoods, they are involved in various community outreaches and programs. They will tell you that they tithe and give huge donations to christian charities.

Many people go to them for help or for advice - they are believed to be very spiritual, yet the Lord knows the real status of their hearts. They are filled with religious rules and traditions, but there is no room in their hearts for the one who created them…

They believe in Jesus Christ intellectually, but they do not believe it in their hearts. They became members of a church or joined some religious foundation without professing Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

What is worse are the people who have professed Jesus Christ publicly, yet the words that they professed have never really touched their hearts. That is why the Word of God states that we must observe a person’s character and actions to see if they truly believe what they profess.

You cannot truly understand completely what is in my heart, and I cannot fully understand what is in yours. Only Jesus truly knows who His children are, and there are some truly excellent pretenders in the christian world today. We have no right to judge a person’s final destination. Today they could be walking down the path to the pit of hell, and tomorrow you could find them in the church, confessing their sins and asking Jesus Christ to come into their hearts. We must be patient and allow the Lord to do the work that is needed to touch everyone’s lives and then to give His love that goes straight into their hearts.

This is one way that you can tell if someone is a pretender or a believer - ask them about their lives in Jesus Christ. The pretenders will give great speeches about how good Jesus Christ is, and they will tell you how good they have been. They will boast about their good deeds or their wealth, but they will never say anything about how Jesus Christ has changed their hearts or their minds.

A true believer will never talk about money or good deeds, they will tell you a simple story about what Jesus Christ means to them. They will speak from the abundance of their hearts, they will tell you love stories about Jesus, because they are in love with Jesus Christ. They know that Jesus loves them with all of His heart. They may not have a lot of money, in fact they could be poor, but they will be filled with satisfaction and joy, because they know that the God of heaven knows them. When you are loved by the God of heaven, you will never feel insecure or inferior compared to what other people may have or what they do.

The key is love - does the person love Jesus or is their focus upon what Jesus can do for them? That is the world’s focus, and so many people in the world are destroyed and sent to the pit of hell because they believed all of the devil’s lies; their focus was always upon getting money, power and influence. Those things never satisfy for long, and you cannot bring anything that you achieve in this life into the next one except for the love of Jesus Christ that resides in your heart.

What must you do to be truly saved?

Accept the Lord Jesus Christ into your heart right now, confess your sins and repent of your past ways, and ask Him to forgive you. He will enter your heart and change your whole life. What is more important, money or love? Your answer to that question will determine your eternal fate, so please consider your answer thoroughly before you give it…

Prayer of Salvation

Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner, and I ask for Your forgiveness. I believe You died for my sins and rose from the dead. I turn from my sins and invite You to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and Savior. In Your Jesus Name I Pray, Amen.

Friday, July 5, 2024

Our Gift From God

 “For I will pour water on him who is thirsty, and floods on the dry ground…”

— Isaiah 44:3 (TSB)

God responds to your needs and to your faith. Only those who are looking for God will find Him. Most people are seeking fame and wealth; the words of God sound good to them, but they are not interested in being transformed by them. If you are hungry for love, peace, and righteousness, then you are on the right path towards salvation.

If you are dry in your soul, you are probably sad, distressed, and disappointed in what life has to offer, but if you seek the Lord Jesus with all of your heart and desire to become a citizen of the Kingdom of God, you will find what you have been looking for. You will find peace, joy, and contentment in His presence. God will never turn away the poor, the broken hearted, or those who are looking for Him.

The proud people are not looking for God, they believe that their money and possessions are all that they need, but seriously, the elites of the world are the poorest people in the world. They have nothing of true value, they cannot bring their money or their possessions into heaven. The Egyptian royalty of the past tried to bring everything that they had into the afterlife, and what became of most of their possessions? Thieves stole them and most likely lived the ‘good’ life with the vast resources of these ancient kings.

No  one has anything that they can give to God to use as payment for their salvation except for their belief in God’s son, Jesus Christ. If you are not willing to believe in God’s love for you or in His gift of salvation through Jesus Christ, then you are truly the poorest person in the world. How can you refuse to receive this free gift that comes directly from the heart of God?

You believe that you can live without God in your life. You have no use for the creator that made you, and yet even though you have everything that you could possibly want or need in this life, you are still not satisfied with what you have, you are constantly looking to get more. It is no wonder that you are not sure why you do the things that you do, because the path you walk on is filled with fear, grief, and confusion.

Maybe it is time to consider God’s gift of love to all of mankind. You have tried everything else, what do you have to lose? Ask God to forgive you for what you have done, and then accept Jesus Christ into your heart…

“Lord Jesus, I am so sorry for all of my sins. Please forgive me and come into my heart right now…”

Monday, May 27, 2024

No More Pretenders


Jeremiah 14:1

 Then the LORD said to me, “The prophets are prophesying lies in my name. I have not sent them or appointed them or spoken to them. They are prophesying to you false visions, divinations, idolatries and the delusions of their own minds.

In the garden of eden, there was peace, everywhere in the world the balance was kept by God and It was good, and the Lord said that it was good. After the fall of Adam and Eve, the balance was lost. There was no peace for the people who wanted to rule the world and the universe, there was only peace for the ones who continued to follow God in their hearts.

After the flood, there was still much turmoil, and only one group of people in the whole world declared themselves to be the people of God. Everyone around them tried to destroy them, but as long as they believed in the Lord of Hosts, they survived and the people who tried to destroy them were instead destroyed; the memory of them became so dim that many of the lost peoples were never remembered again.

Only the Israelites followed the Word of God,  but that was not enough in God’s eyes. He had enough love for everyone, but in order to restore the balance in the world and in the universe, He would have to make the greatest gesture of love and sacrifice that the world has ever known. He would have to allow His Son Jesus to redeem all of us with His own blood. He would die a brutal death on a cross, but His sacrifice would cleanse the sins from every heart and change the minds of everyone who called upon His Name. It would give them peace again, a peace that no man could ever have without asking the Lord Jesus to come into their hearts.

And now, it is time for the Lord Jesus to appear again, to redeem what is rightfully His. The world that He created with the words of His mouth, and His people that He created from the dust of the earth. He will show His defeat of satan and his demons, and He will renew and replenish the earth. He will prepare a place where His people will live and reign forevermore - it is time to restore the balance in the world with the love, power and glory that flows from the heart of Jesus Christ.

The devil knows that his time is short, and this is why the world is full of pretenders. There have always been pretenders in the world from the very beginning, and the Lord allowed them to exist with his people, side by side, until the time of judgment that is set for the ones who refuse to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. 

The pretenders are no longer satisfied to work underground or in the shadows. Many of them are not  aware of who their master really is, they only know that they do not want to be ruled by God’s words in their lives.

Some go to church every Sunday looking clean and pristine in their Sunday clothes, yet you would not believe that they are followers of Jesus Christ from monday to saturday. They have effectively blocked the power of God in their lives and in the lives of those who follow them blindly.

God seeks the people who are willing to stand on His word and to live His will for their lives and leave the consequences of their actions to the Lord. The Lord will protect and provide for the ones who love His Son Jesus, and who are willing to live their testimonies in plain sight of the world.

God is speaking out to the people who can hear His voice, “No More Pretenders, Give your life to Jesus Christ and live righteous lives for His sake. Do not be afraid of the pretenders, for they will see swift judgment come against them as they try to seize the power of my throne.”

The Lord is waiting for you. The pretenders will fall, and judgment will come after for those who believe in nothing but themselves. We are His children, He is seeking you for His kingdom - you will never be disappointed if you do - pray for guidance and for your heart to repent, give your heart to the Lord Jesus right now…

Prayer of salvation

Dear Lord Jesus, I come to you humbly, knowing that my sins are destroying my life and my testimony. Please forgive me and come into my heart right now....AMEN