Isaiah 7:14
It is not about the exact date or time of Jesus’s birth, it is not about the parties and the time off from work. It is not about the money to be spent to celebrate the holiday: it is all about Jesus!
Jesus is the reason for the season. As a child, I loved Christmas and new years celebrations because I had time off from school, I would get presents, and I would visit with relatives that I would not see on the regular during the year. What I loved most was to see the laughter and the joy of the holidays, but ultimately these things are not why Christmas means so much to me.
I believe in the baby in the manger. I believe in His parents' joy for the birth of their child, who was born in the most humble of circumstances. I believe in the shepherd's joy as they beheld the baby Jesus, that they were amazed by the grace and mercy of God, who allowed them to see their messiah and redeemer. They knew that God was not a respecter of persons because He allowed them to see the baby Jesus first, before those who had more power and higher status in their society.
I believe in the dream, the dream that God dreamed for His people, the savior that was promised throughout the scriptures, the one who would come to save all mankind, born to save all of us from our sins.
Salvation was the purpose for the birth of Jesus Christ, Love was the motivation for this blessed manifestation. Jesus is the only hope that we can hold onto, the only solution that makes sense in this dark and fearful world. No one will ever love you as much as the Lord Jesus, for He was willing to be born into the world, to be seen as a human, and to become the redeemer of all mankind.
That is Why Christmas will always be my favorite holiday, because it celebrates the love of God and the passion of His son, Jesus Christ. This is why we give gifts to each other, because Father God gave us the greatest gift of all time, His Son Jesus upon the cross.
Take the time to give something to someone or give some of your time and resources this holiday season, because you know that Jesus Christ will never leave you nor forsake you, and His love will always set you free…