Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Why Does It Always Have To Happen? The Lord Knows Why


I just woke up from a dream regarding the United States having another 9/11-like event. I don’t remember much about the dream except I remember seeing pieces of paper falling from the sky, just like what happened on the first 9/11 event. 

I remember it well, because I live just north of New York City. I was looking for a job, and I was going to a job placement agency when the first plane struck..I was on a commuter train at the time. There was something strange about the atmosphere on the train that day, and I wondered if the train conductors knew what was going on, because what happened would impact that train service as well, because those trains traveled all the way into midtown Manhattan and stopped at Grand Central Station.

When I got off the train on my way to the agency, I could just feel that something was wrong. I saw a person on the street in a daze and in shock, and He told me what was happening. I believe that he knew someone who worked at the trade center, and I tried to console him as best as I could, but I kept walking to the job placement agency because they were expecting me.

It was crazy; there I was at their office, filling out an application and doing my best to act normal just as everyone else was doing, but on their tv screens on the wall, we could see what was happening. I think I saw the first trade tower or the second tower go down, but I can't remember if I saw them both go down.

In one sense, we were operating on automatic, almost like zombies. No one in the office decided to close down, so I just did what I was supposed to do.. I had my interview, watched the world go upside down on the big tv screens, and then I left and went home. Later, I watched with everyone else in the country and in the world, as all of the buildings came down, and I saw how many brave firefighters lost their lives and how they saved many lives that day. God was watching that day sadly, as he allowed this country to witness a real tragedy in a place where we felt very safe and secure…

After that happened, people were very skittish and afraid. I remember the church was packed on the following Sunday, as people wanted to know what was going to happen next. We really thought that maybe this was the end. It seemed like finally, the world would turn back to God, but that is not what happened..

That was the beginning of the rise of the evil ones in our country and in the world. Most people did not repent of their sins and as there were no more serious threats to the country after this, many people went back to their humdrum lives and decided to live for themselves again.

This time it will be different…

I do not know what type of event it will be. I am not sure that we will be the only ones affected this time. The forces of evil have been working overtime in their cauldrons, spreading evil all around the world. The Lord of Hosts has allowed this whole scenario to come to pass because of our hard hearts and our desires to look within ourselves for a greater power.  If humanity had the ability to save itself, it would have happened long before any of us were ever born.

This is the Lord’s final wakeup call - the devil and his demons are furious because they know that their time of dominion on the earth is almost over. They know that the Prince of Peace, the Lion of the tribe of Judah is coming back to save His people and to deliver His judgment against the evil ones trying to destroy us all; He is my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

The world is living under the oppression of an evil presence that is trying to convert everyone to a philosophy of living their lives for themselves, as they see fit. This agenda is being shoved down our throats, and finally, people are pushing back against the darkness. We have to be willing to see the light of the revelation of Jesus Christ in order for real change to occur in our land and in the world.

The first 9/11 event was a wakeup call. I remember the terrorist actions before 9/11. I was actually working at a building that stood just north of the trade center when they tried to bomb the trade center in the basement. That was a weird day as well, and I was not there when that happened.  I had to take care of my husband on that day, and I remember that the day had felt strange as well. God is always working in our lives even when we do not realize what is going on in our environments.

I felt something in those years before that 9/11 event in my spirit. I felt the slow increase of an evil agenda in the atmosphere, but I did not tell anyone about those feelings. I would not have been able to express what I felt, because I really didn't know what it all meant. There were so many strange things happening at the time, I just knew that the evil pressure being put upon the world was increasing, and then it exploded in the aftermath of 9/11.

Now, the Lord is going to fight for us and show the world that there really is a God in the heavens. The non-believers will try to promote crazy explanations for what is about to happen. Even today, you see all the media and the critics giving lame excuses for everything that is not going their way. God has always been in control, and now the world is going to see it for real and no one will be able to deny it…

I have been watching lately many ministers who have a prophetic ministry, and they are predicting that some major events are going to happen by the end of this year, and a few that said another 9/11-like event is coming. The Lord confirmed it to me this morning, and while I am not happy about a second  9/11-like event occurring in our land, I am not surprised by it. 

We have allowed the people in power to do things in our country that would never have been allowed even 10 years ago. We are trapped in a trap that we allowed to happen because this country has lost its way. God is saying that it is time that we wake up from our fever dream and that we need to allow Him to heal our souls from the inside out. We are on the brink of a revival that will last for years to come and will shock the whole world in its strength, power and ferocity.

God is not joking with us or with His enemies when it comes to protecting His word and His people. He will not allow Himself to be mocked anymore. We will not be able to ignore the sign of the times, and there is no protocol on any government or global business agenda that will work to silence the Lord’s visible entrance onto the world stage, and everyone will be affected by these events. It will be their reaction to God’s cause that will show where people’s hearts reside.

You will no longer be able to say you did not know that there was a God in heaven. He will touch the hearts of billions of souls and I believe billions of souls will respond. It will be a great time for the people of God because we will have the privilege of watching Him work in great and mysterious ways. This will be so much better than any made-up fictional worlds and stories that Hollywood could ever conceive, and they and the rest of the world will be amazed at the work, the power, and the authority of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus’s story is the greatest story ever told, and it is a real story that is felt in your spirit and your heart. Don’t be fooled by what the media is saying about our world, don’t ignore the presence of the Holy Spirit when He comes gently tapping at the door of your heart. Jesus loves you and He cares about you. He wants to save you from the darkness in the world, just take a chance and allow the Holy Spirit to deliver you gently into the Kingdom of God and to His Son, Jesus Christ:

Prayer of Salvation:

Lord God, I am sorry that I never chose to live for you before this time. I repent of my sins, and I ask that  the Lord Jesus  come into my heart, to heal me and to make me brand new. Yes, now I know that I am clean, on the inside and on the outside, and I will praise your holy name forever and ever, in Jesus Name,  AMEN