Isaiah Chapter 6:1
In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord, high and exalted, seated on a throne; and the train of his robe filled the temple.
Desire Is The Key!
Why is this verse so important regarding what is happening in our times today? A king of long ago had died, and the prophet Isaiah was given a vision of the Lord Almighty in His celestial temple. What an awe inspiring sight that must have been, and Isaiah felt his inadequacy in the presence of a Holy and Magnificent God, the God of His heart…
The time had come to give Isaiah his new task, to speak to the land of Israel on behalf of His God, but the Lord waited until King Uzziah died before giving Isaiah this vision and these new words of prophecy...Why?
We must always be aware of the times that we live in. Today is not as bad as what will come in the future, but we have to be aware that God is watching over us and that He needs our attention. If you become too distracted, you could miss the calling of God in your life.
A queen has lost her battle with life, and a new king will arise to take her place. This new ruler has the potential to bring peace in the world. This new ruler also has the potential to bring about death and destruction in the world because of the desires within his heart…
It was said in the media that a rainbow appeared over Buckingham Palace after the queen died. This is not a coincidence, It is definitely a message from God, but not the one that many will hope that it means.
Just recently I heard from other ministries that the sign of the rainbow in the sky does not actually mean a positive thing, it is actually connected to judgement. God put a bow in the sky after the flood to give a testimony about His commitment to mankind and to give them a remembrance of the previous judgment, the flood that destroyed everything living on the face of the earth except those he rescued and protected in Noah;s ark.
He will never destroy the earth again with a flood, but the scriptures show that in the end times the earth will be destroyed by cataclysmic events, heat and fire. What is about to come on planet earth is worse than even the ancient people of the flood experienced.
God gives His children more than enough time to repent from their sins. In their individual lives, He tries to show them the error of their ways, but many people are not really interested in changing their ways. The desires of their hearts are revealed by their actions. Your desires affect every part of your life. Everyone knows when they have made a mistake. Some will admit the problem and try to change their ways, while others are too busy enjoying what they are doing to think about the consequences of their actions.
Sin is always our enemy, and when you sleep with the enemy, you will rise with the judgement against you….
The queen reigned for 70 years, and while there were serious problems in every part of the world, her influence was felt worldwide. This was a time when people actually respected morals and competent leaders. What is coming now will be a test of the desires of people’s hearts.
What do people want now? Do they want to follow judeo/christian values, or will they decide to live for the pleasures that life has to offer?
What people desire in their hearts is what makes them who they are. I often wondered why the gay/bisexual/transgender community adopted the rainbow as a symbol of their cause, and now I realize that they really did not understand the meaning of the rainbow in the sky. It is a symbol of judgments, current and upcoming.
By adopting this symbol, they are unwittingly broadcasting to the world that a judgment is coming regarding their desire to live their lives contrary to the word of God.
My God is a gentleman, and He will not force anyone to live for Him, He wants a relationship with every human being, and He is willing to capture their hearts at any age, even until their last breath and last moment of existence,, but He will not tolerate sin in His presence. Only by a true desire to live for God can we be considered one of His own.
Your desire to live your life as you see fit may seem right to you, but really down deep in your heart, you may be feeling fear, anxiety, and confusion because a part of you is always aware that there is something more to life, and that something is missing within you. You have a place in your heart that is an empty place where God should be.
Judgment starts at the head of the line and continues on down to the last person. We must seek God wherever we can find Him. We must put Him first in our lives. Our desires can deceive us into believing that we are living for God. A church lifestyle can deceive us into believing that our desire for God is sincere. We can go to church, give an hour or so of our time every Sunday, and still be as far from God as any unbeliever.
When we play at church, the whole world knows the truth. They see you on a Sunday praising God, and then they see on a Thursday, acting up, and doing the same things that everyone else is doing. They may never call you out on your hypocrisy, but your actions may make them believe that Christianity is just another game that some people play to make themselves seem righteous…
Are you righteous? Do you know why you are righteous? It is not because of your works, it is what the Lord Jesus did on the cross to save you from your sins. When Father God sees us, He sees The Blood of His Son Jesus that has been applied to our lives and to our hearts. Jesus is the only One that is Righteous, and we have benefited from His work as the Son of God, and as the perfect sacrifice for everyone’s sin in the whole world. Now it is our task to tell the world about His sweet love for us and His determination to save as many lives as He can as the world quickly slides deeper into sin and into the depths of hell….