Genesis 11:1-9
Now the whole world had one language and a common speech. As people moved eastward, they found a plain in Shinar and settled there. They said to each other, “Come, let’s make bricks and bake them thoroughly.” They used brick instead of stone, and tar for mortar. Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves; otherwise we will be scattered over the face of the whole earth.”
But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower the people were building. The Lord said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.” So the Lord scattered them from there over all the earth, and they stopped building the city. That is why it was called Babel, because there the Lord confused the language of the whole world. From there the Lord scattered them over the face of the whole earth.
Do you know why the earth works better when people learn how to cooperate? Sharing the burden of life gives people relief, peace and hope in a fallen world where individuals routinely lose hope every single day. When you are willing to work with the people in your life, there is a sense of encouragement and accomplishment when the task gets done quickly and efficiently, and then you know for sure that the task could not have been done without the help of your friends.
In the scriiptures, God looked upon the tower of babel with displeasure. He sees all the humans of the earth in one heart and one goal to build a tower all the way up to heaven. The people of the time didnt know that it was not a wise thing to build a tower high into the atmosphere, and they may have ignored the truth about God because they wanted to make a name for themselves in the universe. They wanted to worship themselves or anything else but the creator who made them.
God's solution was to confuse them by making them speak different languages so that they could not understand each other, and so that they would spread out and fill the earth as God had intended them to do. He put this barrier into their everyday lives so that they would have to work harder to communicate and cooperate. He knew that they had to stop focusing upon themselves and begin to focus on the true meaning of life, which can only be found in the love and presence of a righteous God.
Why is cooperation the best solution for mankind's problems? When we choose to live together in peace and harmony, we can develop solutions that will help the world. People on one side of the world are better off because of the works and efforts of other people on the other side of the world. We can share ideas and resources, we can be kind and considerate to each other, and we can believe in each others' dreams.
But what happens to people when we fail to cooperate? Well, it seems that most people do want to cooperature and share with each other, but there are always some that want everything for themselves. They want to dominate and control everyone else because they believe their way is better and they will do anything to get their way, even if it means destroying everyone or anyone that gets in their way...
Global trade and cooperation is a great concept, but it will only work when the people involved agree to do the right things in every circumstance. When you have greedy and evil people as political leaders, their agenda will always be about what they want for themselves and how much they can take from everyone else. It will never be about what is best for the people that they have sworn to govern and protect, and that is why the world is what it is today. We are at the mercy of these dictators; they have almost complete control of our lives, and the quality of life has gone down significandictattly.
This is why the Lord scattered our ancestors to the four corners of this world. You cannot have a few people ruling over everyone else because of the corruption and sinful nature of human beings. Until Jesus Christ comes back to rule the world righteously on behalf of our Father God, we cannot and should not trust in a one world government; that type of governing body will always vote to preserve itself at the expense of everyone else. There is no wisdom in a ruler who does not have the Holy Spirit in their hearts.
We all have an issue with sin; the human race does not belong in heaven in our fallen human state and that is why God had to put an end to the tower of babel. Can you imagine spreading the lies, and the hate, and the sinful behavior throughout the universe? We can't even come together on this world to support each other - and that is why we need a savior who can atone for our sins, and He came in the form of God's son, Jesus Christ. We cannot excuse our own behavior to ourselves without leaning into a great deception, which flows from the pit of hell where satan and his demons plot to destoy humankind everyday.
This deception has brought us to the end of our civilization: communism is destroying the hearts and minds of millions, dictators bullying everyone else in the world with their weapons and overbearing sense of superiority. We are on the brink of starvation because one ruler decides to take over a neighboring nation. Disease is rampant everywhere because of our own selfish actions - there is a judgment that naturally or supernaturally comes into our lives where sin is allowed to flow freely in our hearts.
We cannot escape our fate because we have been given the awesome responsibility to choose love or hate, life or death. Many people believe the purpose of their lives is to be a success by any means necessary. Love is patient, kind, considerate and compassionate, it flows from a consideration of other people's needs. Love's sole goal is to express itself in what can be done for others and not for itself.
God is love, and that is why God wants us to be just like him. Our only solution is to decide to live for the one who died for us, Jesus Christ. Once we start living for Him and once we believe in living by God's standards, the rest of life is so much easier. We don't mind giving our hearts and mind to Him. We enjoy helping others, and we can cooperate with each other because we will see each other as God sees us, as valuable and precious human beings to be loved.
Sharing becomes a priority and not an obligation that must be fulfilled because a contract that was signed or an agreement was made. If you live long enough on planet earth, you will begin to realize that every human contract can be broken and that people can decide to change any agreement to benefit themselves against the needs of other people. When Jesus Christ lives in your heart, you can be sure that He will never leave you or forsake you and His love for you will never change. Once you feel that kind of love in your heart, you will learn how to be flexible and cooperation will be your first nature...
If you want to live for something greater than youself, if you want to know what true love is, please repeat this prayer of salvation: