Hebrews Chapter 3:13
You must warn each other every day, while it is still 'today' , so that none of you will be deceived by sin and hardened against god.
Philippians Chapter 4:13
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me
What is at the very heart of Christ?
His capacity to love and to love all of us.
What is the very thing that happens upon planet earth that breaks His heart?
Our capacity to be selfish and that we harden our hearts against the death and destruction that happens in our neighborhoods ever day.
There is a death cult in our world. We take unborn, and sometimes newly born infants, and we allow them to be murdered. We say it is for the mother's sake, for society's sake, for anyone other than the unborn child. We allow them to be taken from the world because it is more convenient to do so. As long as we allow this in our communities, the spirit of death will loom larger and larger in our lives, until there will no consideration at all for any life to exist.
Let me state right now that I understand why some women have abortions; it seems like the only option for them. Women have abortions for many reasons, but the truth is that most of those reasons could be handled if they were taken to Jesus, if they surrendered their lives to Him. Because the Lord hates death, and His heart is wounded by abortion. He is very motivated to help the mother and the child to survive in this world even if the rest of the world is trying very hard to pretend that abortion is the best and only solution available to them.
The Lord is holding back serious judgments in our land and in the world because He is waiting for His people to repent of their sins, their weaknesses, their indifference, to stand up for God's standards in their communities. We are the only ones that can manifest real changes in the world with our prayers.
We are the ones that He as called for this purpose. The world has changed and will continue to change, and we cannot see it change for the better unless we are willing to surrender to God's will for our lives.
Jesus urges all of us to do our part in the place where He as placed us, to be light in a dark world, and to give our are time, or strength, and our resources to the things that are very close and intimate in the Lord's heart.
Please pray for all the unborn babies in the world, and seek a change of the laws in our land and in the world that has given the spirit of death it's power in the earth.
Thank God For The Prayers of His People, Whose Hearts Are Broken Just Like His Against The Systematic Killing Of His Little Ones, His Children!
Prayer of Repentance:
Dear Jesus,
We ask for your forgiveness for the indifference that we have had in the past for all of the babies that have been murdered in the name of selfishness and convenience. We never spoke out against this cult of death because of our fears and our own weaknesses.
We ask for your delivering power to change our hearts and minds, we ask that you will strengthen our resolve to speak up for you and for your standards of righteous living.
We care about what you care about, and so we pledge to focus our time and efforts to bringing light again to a very dark world, and we ask that you deliver us from the politics and strife of evil men and women who think that they know better than the God in heaven who created them.
Bless those who bless the world with their love, and we will give you all the glory, the honor, and the praise forever and ever
In Jesus Name,