Thursday, September 24, 2020

What Jesus Wants From His Very Heart Is For Us To Stand Up For Life Everywhere

Hebrews Chapter 3:13

You must warn each other every day, while it is still 'today' , so that none of you will be deceived by sin and hardened against god.

Philippians Chapter 4:13

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me

What is at the very heart of Christ? 

His capacity to love and to love all of us.

What is the very thing that happens upon planet earth that breaks His heart?

Our capacity to be selfish and that we harden our hearts against the death and destruction that happens in our neighborhoods ever day.

There is a death cult in our world. We take unborn, and sometimes newly born infants, and we allow them to be murdered. We say it is for the mother's sake, for society's sake, for anyone other than the unborn child. We allow them to be taken from the world because it is more convenient to do so. As long as we allow this in our communities, the spirit of death will loom larger and larger in our lives, until there will no consideration at all for any life to exist.

Let me state right now that I understand why some women have abortions; it seems like the only option for them. Women have abortions for many reasons, but the truth is that most of those reasons could be handled if they were taken to Jesus, if they surrendered their lives to Him. Because the Lord hates death, and His heart is wounded by abortion. He is very motivated to help the mother and the child to survive in this world even if the rest of the world is trying very hard to pretend that abortion is the best and only solution available to them.

The Lord is holding back serious judgments in our land and in the world because He is waiting for His people to repent of their sins, their weaknesses, their indifference,  to stand up for God's standards in their communities. We are the only ones that can manifest real changes in the world with our prayers.

We are the ones that He as called for this purpose. The world has changed and will continue to change, and we cannot see it change for the better unless we are willing to surrender to God's will for our lives.

Jesus urges all of us to do our part in the place where He as placed us, to be light in a dark world, and to give our are time, or strength, and our resources to the things that are very close and intimate in the Lord's heart.

Please pray for all the unborn babies in the world, and seek a change of the laws in our land and in the world that has given the spirit of death it's power in the earth.

Thank God For The Prayers of His People, Whose Hearts Are Broken Just Like His Against The Systematic Killing Of His Little Ones, His Children!

Prayer of Repentance:

Dear Jesus,

We ask for your forgiveness for the indifference that we have had in the past for all of the babies that have been murdered in the name of selfishness and convenience. We never spoke out against this cult of death because of our fears and our own weaknesses.

We ask for your delivering power to change our hearts and minds, we ask that you will strengthen our resolve to speak up for you and for your standards of righteous living.

We care about what you care about, and so we pledge to focus our time and efforts to bringing light again to a very dark world, and we ask that you deliver us from the politics and strife of evil men and women who think that they know better than the God in heaven who created them.

Bless those who bless the world with their love, and we will give you all the glory, the honor, and the praise forever and ever

In Jesus Name, 


Monday, September 7, 2020

The Rapture Of The Church - Don't Get Left Behind

Matthew chapter 25:1-13

The Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins

“Then the kingdom of heaven shall be likened to ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Now five of them were wise, and five were foolish. Those who were foolish took their lamps and took no oil with them,  but the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.

But while the bridegroom was delayed, they all slumbered and slept. “And at midnight a cry was heard: ‘Behold, the bridegroom is coming; go out to meet him!’  Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps.  And the foolish said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.’ 

But the wise answered, saying, ‘No, lest there should not be enough for us and you; but go rather to those who sell, and buy for yourselves.’  And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding; and the door was shut.

“Afterward the other virgins came also, saying, ‘Lord, Lord, open to us!’  But he answered and said, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, I do not know you.’

 “Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming.

What many people do not understand about the rapture is that we who are the people of God are not destined to go through the tribulation period. There are some people who are consumed by this issue but do not truly understand the principles of end times prophecy.

The parable that Jesus told highlights the end times and the beginning of His millennial reign upon the earth. Those who believe in Jesus Christ now will experience hardships and trials, but those are just the problems that we are going through living in a fallen world that is now very quickly slipping towards the day of judgment.

We do not know the exact date that the rapture will occur, but the signs of the beginning of the end are everywhere in the world. We can no longer ignore the deterioration of civilization and the destructive effects of the devil and his demons in our environment. He is forcing the issue of love vs hate, and he knows that he has very little time left. He wants to take as many unbelievers with him into hell as possible because He knows that His adversary and my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, is coming back soon to claim this world for His Father God and for His church.

The parable shows the bridegroom(Jesus) has tarried. The bridesmaids wait for His arrival. Five of the bridesmaids have oil (holy spirit) enough to light their lamps. The other five have no extra oil, so when the bridegroom comes, only the five that have enough oil for their lamps are allowed into the wedding feast. The five maids without the oil are told to go into the marketplace to purchase oil for themselves. 

They go to do so and when they come back to the wedding feast, they find out that they cannot enter because it is too late. That is what many who will be unprepared in the future will face on the day that Jesus comes to collect His bride (the church).

Now, you notice that the unwise bridesmaids were able to find oil somewhere in the middle of the night, yet when they came back to the wedding feast they were not able to enter because the feast had already begun. We all are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb and His bride, buy many will not heed the call to salvation.

Before the Rapture - Now is the time

Jesus Christ is calling out to everyone in this world to repent. His Holy Spirit is going everywhere knocking upon the hearts of men and women with the goal to enter into any heart who will receive the word of God and who will accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. He will not rest until every last child of God is found and brought home into the Kingdom of God.

This is the time of preparation, where we as believers fill our lamps(body) with oil(Holy Spirit) so that we may be counted as citizens in the kingdom of God and be proven on the day of His coming that we are ready to go back with Jesus to participate in the wedding feast of the Lamb and His Bride. When we accepted Jesus Christ into our hearts, we accepted the gift of salvation and the invitation to the wedding feast. By divine law, we have accepted a covenant between Jesus and ourselves, and we are already considered by Him to be His Bride and His beloved. The only thing left in our agenda is to remain loyal and faithful to our   husband(Jesus) and to persevere in the world, showing the love of Christ to others and to give our testimony so that unbelievers may come to know Jesus as well.

People hear the word, accept the word, believe in Jesus Christ, become His disciples and then prepare themselves to live according to God's standards with the help of the Holy Spirit in their hearts, so that they may grow spiritually. They make themselves ready for His second coming.

After the rapture - A time of judgment and the beginning of the end of fallen man's reign upon the earth

This is the time of tribulation for those who are left behind upon the earth: there will be the unbelievers, rebellious and unrepentant against God and His standards of living righteously in His presence . There will be the pretenders, the ones who went to church every Sunday and who believed in religious practices but who never truly believed in Jesus Christ in their hearts, and then there will be those who cannot be converted into the kingdom of God until the deep dark deceptions of life on planet earth are ripped from their eyes, and then they will begin to call on Jesus' name.

Death, dismay, and destruction awaits those who are left behind in this world. The devil and his demons take over the world for a short time and rule it with an iron fist. He crushes anyone who dares to believe in Jesus Christ. War and chaos will result. Disease will take away most of the people who are left. The remainder will live under the dictatorship of the antichrist. But there is some hope for those who find Him even in the worst of circumstances.

In the parable the unwise bridesmaids go out into the marketplace and find oil, and then go back to the wedding feast only to find out that they have missed their chance to be included. They have the oil, but it does not matter because they refused to prepare themselves for the day of the bridegrooms arrival into the feast.

Many will search for the truth, but will be unable to find it. They will believe the antichrist's deception and will take the mark of the beast upon their bodies. This will doom them to everlasting darkness forever. But, there will be some who will reject the authority of the antichrist and who will refuse to take the mark of the beast. Life for them will be terrible and completely unbearable if not for the assistance of the Holy Spirit in their hearts. Many of them will be martyred and many will die from the toxic environment in which they will have to live in, but if they remain faithful in their belief in Jesus Christ, their souls will be spared everlasting torment and judgment in hell.

The times that we live in are perilous and stressful if we continue to focus upon what the devil is doing to those who do not believe in Jesus Christ. Our focus must be upon the word of God and in Jesus Christ. We must strive to believe in Him and to be faithful to the word of God in our hearts. If we don't continue to pray and read the bible and to worship in His presence, then we may find ourselves left behind with few resources except the little word that we allowed to inhabit our hearts.

Don't live your live unprepared. Get into the word, and then get into His presence. You can worship God anywhere. The Church of God is everywhere and the people of God show their love for Him in tiny rooms, along the riverbank, or in big church buildings. We are His children and He will listen to us wherever we are!

This is the time of preparation; heed the promptings of the Holy Spirit and get yourself prepared for His coming, because He will come when we least expect Him to come, and we mush be ready for the wedding feast...