Thursday, May 28, 2020

Who are the Real People of God?

1 Corinthians 6:9-11 

 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men, nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.  And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

It is often very difficult to know for sure who are the believers in Christ and who are not. It can be very confusing because of christian doctrines and beliefs. There are many who work and live within church congregations who have never surrendered their hearts to Jesus Christ, and they know how to play the game of 'church' very well.

They know the scriptures, they remember the pastor's sermons, they serve on the board of trustees, they are deacons and deaconesses, they are volunteers at many of the churches events and functions, they go to bible study and worship in the sanctuary every Sunday,  but they have never loved and carried the Lord Jesus in their hearts.

How do we know the real Christians from the fake Christians? The real answer is that we will not know for sure if everyone in our lives believes the word of God, because we cannot see into their hearts; we are not God. 

The Lord knows that we do not have the capacity to live perfect lives, but He does expect us to live through His Son, Jesus Christ, and with the Holy Spirit in our hearts, we should be able to live according to God's standards. We may not be able to say for certain who is and who is not a citizen of the Kingdom of God, but there are signs that should let us know that someone is on the path to righteousness.

How people live their lives is an indicator of what they believe. God's word is the standard for living righteously, but if a believer of Jesus Christ neglects to read the word, or to obey the promptings of the Holy Spirit, then their lives will not be any different from unbelievers. These are the characteristics that best support the claims of any person who professes to believer in Jesus Christ:

Joy-Happiness or Contentment-Love-Peace-Patience-Kindness-Goodness-Faith-Gentleness-Self Control-Obedience-Spiritual Maturity-Humility-Peacemakers & Encouragers-Giving & Caring-Purity-Lovers of God

Once you see qualities of these in yourself and in others that are around you, you can be certain that these people are on the right path and are living through the power and authority of Jesus Christ.

However, if you see other qualities in yourself or in the people around you, you may be surrounded by believers with arrested spiritual development or they may be fake Christians:

Prideful-Hateful-Full of Anger & Argumentative-Unchecked Jealousy-Self Righteous-Lustful & Greedy-Selfish-Full of Strife & Willfully Causing Divisions Within the Church-Highly Religious & Critical of Others-Worshiping Religion and not God or His Son, Jesus Christ-No Purity in Thoughts & Actions-No Spiritual Growth & Ignorance of God's Standards for Every Day Living

You generally will not see the fakers acting this way on Sunday in the church service, but you could find them doing many different things outside the church when they believe no one else can see them. They do not realize that everything that they do is recorded in Heaven, and that  the Lord has His eyes on everyone.

What the church needs to do today is to focus on what  the Lord wants us to do not just in the public or in the church, but also what He expects us to do at home, with our family and friends, and when no one else can see what we are doing. The true state of a person's hearts begins when they realize that God is interested in everything that we do, and that we are willing to do the right thing regardless of the circumstances that we find ourselves in.

We can't say for certain who is a believer because we cannot see into the private lives of other people. We don't know what is in their hearts, but if we see behavior that is not consistent with the fruit of the Spirit, we need to pray for that person and show kindness and consideration to them. If they are willing to open up to us, we can offer to help them in any way that we can, and to show them the way to salvation and restoration. We are not here to judge other people's problems, we are here to show them how we have overcome and what the Lord will be able to do for them once they are willing to allow the Holy Spirit to change their hearts.

The next series of posts I will be doing will address the characteristics of believers in God and unbelievers, so that it will become more apparent to everyone who is living in the light of God, and who is masking themselves with righteousness but is really living in the dark.

Monday, May 25, 2020

The Promises of Abraham

Genesis 22:17

indeed I will greatly bless you, and I will greatly multiply your seed as the stars of the heavens and as the sand which is on the seashore; and your seed shall possess the gate of their enemies.

Romans 4:13

For the promise to Abraham or to his descendants that he would be heir of the world was not through the Law, but through the righteousness of faith.

Relying upon the law deadens spiritual growth - we cannot see Jesus if our focus is on the rules and regulations of religion - we have Jesus not through the law but through our faith and God's gracious gift of salvation.

Traditional religious practices cannot cleanse the heart from guilt, lustful desires, or sinful tendencies - only the Blood of Jesus washes away that sinful state of mind and awakens the spirit of man. His Spirit joins with our spirit and that is what makes us whole. His love brings peace, joy, understanding of who God is, spiritual growth and real change into our lives.

Relying on religious practices and traditions guarantees spiritual blindness and stagnation. People who make their religion their god do religious tasks that help to justify their feelings of righteousness, because they believe their own efforts qualifies them as a good person, and that being a good person will assure them a place in heaven.

Until you can see yourself as God sees you, unless you can see the  hopeless sinful condition of your heart, you will never see a need for a savior and you will never accept God's gift of salvation through the healing and saving power of the Blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ.

Religious practices blocks people from having a relationship with God. People who are religious in their belief actually lack the faith to see the revelation knowledge of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Religious traditions puts the focus on religious works and very little if any focus upon the Lord. These works pleases the person doing the works, but it will never please God.

Unless there is a true relationship between you and the Lord, it is not possible for you to repent and to accept Jesus into your heart. Relationship begins when we are humble, when we recognize who God is, that He has a right to expect a relationship with us, and when we are willing to open our hearts to Him.

Beware of people who are highly religious. They will say many things that sound right, but the proof of their faith  comes when you can see through their actions that they really have a  relationship with Jesus Christ. Their concept of God comes from what they expect from Him. It is their concept of God that they worship. When the true word of God is spoken to them, they will accept that word on the surface of their character, but the truth is that they do not really desire a relationship with the Lord.

God made a promise a long time ago to Abraham that His descendant would bring untold blessings and healing to the children of God through the death and resurrection power of Jesus Christ. We are the children of God - whoever accepts Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior has been accepted into the family of God.

His promise to Abraham was long before the law was given to Moses, and we know that the promise has been fulfilled. We are saved because of our belief in Jesus Christ. We know that He is the only way to salvation and to a real relationship with God. We could not do enough to save ourselves, and Jesus' sacrifice on the cross has paid our sin debt in full.

The promises of God can never be rescinded. If you are looking for a real relationship with God, just accept His Son, Jesus Christ, as your personal Lord and Savior - you will never regret it.


Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Is There Anything That Lasts Forever?

1 Corinthians chapter 13:13

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

A woman and her family decided to adopt a young child from Africa. The little girl had serious medical problems, but she was a happy and sweet little child, and the woman loved her. The Lord led her and her husband to adopt the girl, and she became apart of their family.

It was hard work to take care of this child, but they were filled with joy watching her grow up, learn English, and go to school. She was treated just like all the other children in this family. She was home.

Then one night, the little girl died in her sleep. There was no warning. She had had a slight fever a few days before, but it had gone away. No one was more surprised by her death than her adopted parents. They were sure that the Lord had wanted them to adopt this child and to accept her into their family.

They had dreams of raising her and they believed she would live a long and productive life, but sadly these dreams would never become a reality. At first, the mother who adopted the girl could not understand why the Lord had taken her from her adoptive family. It was hard in the beginning for the mother to trust the Lord. But in time, with prayer and meditation on the word of God, she was able to heal from her heartache.

She knew that the Lord had told her to adopt the little girl, and He had asked that family to love that little angel. Sometimes the Lord gives us an assignment, and we have our own interpretation of what the Lord wants us to do, but He has a greater plan. We cannot see what the future holds, but we must always trust in His providence for our lives. That family adopted a little girl from Uganda. They loved her and cherished her. But they could not keep her for long. She left this world knowing that she was loved and valued, and then she met the one who had created her, and she went on to a greater existence and a greater love.

With that story in mind, can anyone living in this world right now say that anything that we have, anything that we achieve, or anything that we desire lasts forever?  We are mortals, and it is our lot to be born, to live a certain amount of time, and then to die. Any illusions that we might have about our existence and our achievements ends the moment that we take our last breath.

So, is there anything about this life that lasts forever?  I would like to make the case for faith, hope, and love. These things can last as long as you have them in your heart and beyond.


Once you believe in something or someone, you can believe in them forever. No one can take that away from you. It is your choice if you stop believing. The fault does not lie in anyone else if you stop believing, it is yours!


Once you start hoping for something or hoping on behalf of someone, you can hold onto that hope until that hope has been fulfilled. It is up to you to keep that hope alive, so don't ever give up your hopes. Hopes inspire us to do the impossible!


Once you decide to Love, Love will keep you from straying from the truth, and it will keep you from ignoring the focus of your Love. You have the capacity to Love, and it is your desire to Love that fuels passionate Love. Love is stronger than any force in the universe. It was Love that put our Lord Jesus Christ on the cross to deliver us from our sins.

Greater Love cannot be found except from a God who would allow His Son to die for us so that He could save His little ones, His children. We must accept His gift of Love; there is no better or greater solution to cover our sins than the Blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ, who was slain for our redemption before the foundation of this world.

Jesus Loves you; He is calling for you. You are very valuable and precious to Him. He has shown the depth and breadth of His Love for you. No one will ever Love you more than He does. Please accept this precious gift of Love, Hope, and everlasting Life:

Prayer of Salvation

 Jesus, I receive You as my personal Lord, King and Commander. I invite You into my life as the Lord and Ruler of my life. I no longer choose to be in charge of my life. I give it to You. I invite You, Jesus, to have first place in my heart and my life. I ask for Your cleansing blood that was shed on the cross to come now and wash down over all my sins. Come make me clean. Restore me to a right relationship as a child of my heavenly Father.Thank You, Lord, for Your cleansing blood! I stand clean and white in Your presence. I put on Your robe of righteousness which You are handing to me. Thank You, Lord.


Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The Key To Strong Faith

Philippians Chapter 4 12-13

 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.

We are waiting on the Lord, for He is the one who gives us the strength to live, to survive, and to thrive......

Our trials remind us how little control that we actually have over our lives in this world. Our faith is strengthened  when we go through trials because our problems make us focus upon the God who made us, who promises to be with us to comfort us, and to hold us in His embrace of love and grace.

We can then surrender our wills into His will for our lives; we can patiently wait for Him to move on our behalf. He gives us the victory in our circumstances. We learn that through Him, we can endure just about anything that comes our way, because He is always there with us to help us succeed. 

The Key to Strong Faith Is An Intimate Relationship With God!